The Alchemists

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

0October 1, 2049     


Whenever Alaric really missed Aleksis, he would enter the Holodeck to reminiscent his time with the girl. Sometimes, he would play Go Game with Aleksis and repeatedly defeated her.     

Another time, he made a fish tartare that looked pathetic, and the girl would mock his homemade food. Alaric wasn't talented in cooking. Sometimes, he would work on his bonsai plants while Aleksis sat sweetly watching him.     

He had always loved sitting and reading a book on the marble stairs behind his house while Aleksis sat on his lap and Little Prince Siegfried slept lazily beside him. At other times, they would sail and look at the night sky together.     

He didn't want to use the fantasy features in Holodeck because he didn't want to be trapped like the many others who used Holodeck to escape from reality. Like celebrity fans who fantasize about dating their idols, addicted to relationships that weren't real.     

No. Alaric wasn't that weak. He only used Holodeck to refresh his memories of the moments of being together with the only girl he ever loved. He often deplored the fact that they were only together for such a short time, causing him to have little time to create more memories with Aleksis.     

Ever since he heard about his brother's wedding, he had increasingly been thinking about Aleksis. He imagined that soon his brother would marry the girl he loved, and they'd have children and build a family.     

That would never happen to Alaric. The girl he loved was gone, and he knew in his whole life, he would never fall in love again.     

If his brother was similar to him, maybe his brother really loved the woman he was going to marry, and his life revolved around her.     

"Aleksis... If only you knew how much I miss you..." He whispered in a voice of despair after turning off the holodeck that night. He realized he had repeated all his memories with Aleksis hundreds of times. Sometimes, he could even feel himself going crazy.     

What good was all his power and wealth for - without the only person he loved? Alaric thought at the time.     

Like lightning, suddenly, a realization dawned upon him after he turned off the Holodeck.     

He was only living for his ideals until now, taking revenge on the people who killed his mother.     

And now, his ambition was almost achieved.     

Then what?     

After dominating the world, what else would he pursue in this life?     

Why can't he move on and forget about Aleksis? Why can't he look for other goals to achieve?     

Why was his whole life filled with hatred?     

He sat pondering while enjoying a glass of wine in his study, trying to think of what he would do in this life once he ruled the world.     

There was none.     

After everything landed in his hands, the world would become boring and he would eventually become lonely, as people at the top always were.     

Maybe, after changing the world and making sure that humans would live better and would no longer endanger their fellow humans and nature, he would be able to resign completely to death.     

"Master, you've been sadder lately." The highly efficient Luna calculated the frequency of her master using Holodeck, noting that Alaric was increasingly having trouble sleeping, and for the past two weeks had spent a lot of time alone in his study enjoying more wine than usual.     

"You're right." Alaric nodded. He sighed and played an ancient song that he discovered accidentally a few days ago. "Listen to this."     

Immediately, a ballad song playing from a band that originated in the 1980s was heard. The song titled "Tomorrow" from Europe was very simple, but it was filled with sadness.     

Will you be there beside me     

If the world falls apart     

And will all of our moments     

Remain in your heart     

Will you be there to guide me     

All the way through, I wonder will you     

Walk by my side, and follow my dreams     

And bear with my pride, as strong as it seems     

Will you be there tomorrow     

Will you be there beside me     

As time goes on by     

And be there to hold me     

Whenever I cry     

Will you be there to guide me     

All the way through, I wonder will you     

Walk by my side, and follow my dreams...     

"You're a very lonely person," Luna commented after the song was finished. Her tone was flat because she was programmed to have zero emotions, unlike Aleksis, who was programmed to be expressive.     

Alaric just smiled faintly at such blunt and unsympathetic sentences from his digital assistant. He then turned off Luna and turned on Aleksis.     

"Aleksis, do you think I've become sadder recently?" he asked his more humane assistant.     

"That's right. Since two weeks ago, you were having a harder time sleeping, you drank more, and used Holodeck more often..." Unlike Luna, Aleksis's tone was sympathetic. "Seeing you like this makes me worry."     

"Why are you worried?" Alaric asked, trying to shake off the bitter thought that in his life, surrounded by such extraordinary power and wealth, there was only a computer beside him that understood him and worried about him.     

"Because you're a very lonely person..." Aleksis whispered in a choked voice, "Even though you have a family."     

Alaric was stunned by Aleksis's words.     

He didn't feel like he had a family.     

Ahh… Maybe what his assistant meant was his father and brother.     

But they didn't know that he existed…     

Or maybe they didn't want him…     

"Are you not eager to see your father at all? To resolve the problems between you two? If I recall correctly, you tried to look for him several times but were unsuccessful. Why not meet him when the opportunity arises? You know he'll be at Medici Castle tomorrow for the birthday party - and the day after tomorrow for the wedding."     

Aleksis continued to speak as usual without interruption, incessantly convincing Alaric to come to the family event.     

"Aleksis, can't you be quiet?"     

"Sorry, Sir."     

Alaric finished his wine and sighed. For once, he finally admitted that Aleksis was right. He really needed to face his father and hold him responsible for all the suffering he had experienced.     


October 2, 2049     


Aleksis woke up because of the savory aroma of food. When she opened her eyes, she saw three faces staring at her from above with three pairs of beautiful sparkling blue eyes.     

"Happy birthday!" All three exclaimed in a choir-like unison.     

"Hey... You guys wake up so early," Aleksis blinked, trying to adjust her eyes to the morning light coming from behind the big window curtain in her room.     

When she saw the tray in Nicolae's hand containing breakfast, the bouquet of flowers in Altair's hand, and a large teddy bear in Vega's arms, Aleksis suddenly got up and sat on her bed. She was extremely touched because Nicolae and her two children deliberately made her birthday so special.     

"Happy birthday, to our Sleeping Beauty," Nicolae put the tray of food on her bed and kissed her. "The kids and I woke up very early to prepare everything."     

"Thank you..." Aleksis whispered. She received the flowers from Altair and kissed her son's cheeks. Then, Vega's jumped to her bed and put the teddy bear beside Aleksis. "Aahhh... My child, the bear is almost taller than you are..."     

Aleksis ruffled Vega's hair and kissed the top of her head. She felt very touched because she was surrounded by her beloved family.     

"Come on, you'll need a lot of energy, because today, we have a lot of guests," Nicolae whispered as he sat beside her. "Or would you like me to feed you?"     

"Hush... I'm still healthy," Aleksis grumbled. She hurriedly ate her food. "Mmmm... so delicious!"     

The three of them chatted while accompanying Aleksis as she ate in her bed and discussed today's important events. They were about to meet her extended family and make preparations for the wedding party the next day.     

"After we get married, will you move to my room or will I be the one to move here?" Nicolae suddenly asked, "We forgot to talk about it."     

Aleksis looked around and shrugged. "I can move to your room. This is just a guest room, after all. There's no need to bother you to move here."     

"Ah, I'm glad to hear that." Nicolae gave a big smile and nodded. "Later, you can design it however you want."     

Aleksis nodded and continued to enjoy her meal.     

Gosh… There's only one day left. Today is her birthday. Tomorrow, she'll be marrying Nicolae. Four years had passed, just like that.     

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