The Alchemists

Alaric and The Boy Who Sees Sounds

Alaric and The Boy Who Sees Sounds

0Alaric decided in the last moment to head to Grosetto a day early. He didn't have the chance to tell Portia and Ned about his plans. He didn't even know whether he would actually meet his father when he arrived at Medici Castle.     

Lauriel didn't know how Alaric looked like, so there was no way he would be able to recognize him if Alaric didn't deliberately introduce himself. He could still come as Elios Linden or anyone else he wanted, as the people in Grosseto didn't know him.     

He arrived in Grosseto when it was still noon, while the family event was going to start in the late afternoon. He had come too early.     

Was he too excited to come here that he arrived so quickly?     

Alaric shook his head. It was true. All his life, he had never known his parents, and now, for the very first time, he was going to meet his father.     

He couldn't find any words to describe what he was feeling, nor did he know what he was supposed to say to his father when that time came, the time when he would meet face to face with his father and ask everything he had always wanted to ask.     

The car stopped at the foot of the valley. He got off to admire the panorama. This place was immensely awe-inspiring, especially when it was autumn, like how it was at the moment. He wanted to have a stroll and admire his surroundings before going to the castle area. He wanted to know what kind of environment his father's family was living in.     

Hundreds of years ago, his mother must have come here often with his father when they were still together. The present panorama and the panorama at that time must've only changed a little, he thought. The valley down there, its trees, and the small forest, it must've looked similar to what Luna and Lauriel saw when they were young.     

This should have been his home.     

Alaric slowly walked along the path. The feelings rumbling in his head were difficult to describe with words. This was the castle owned by his father's family, and for some reason, knowing that made him feel sad.     

He didn't need this castle, nor any of the Medici Family's wealth. He himself was already one of the richest and most powerful men in the world.     

He knew that there were things that couldn't be bought with money, including family and love, and he didn't have both. Sometimes, this fact made him feel like he was the poorest person in the world.     

The only thing he had was his ambition and his dream to rule the world under his feet.     


Instantly, he was woken up from his reverie when he heard a joyful scream from his left.     

Among the orange trees along the forest's end, he saw a little girl having a lot of fun chasing butterflies. Her platinum hair went down to her shoulders. She was probably around nine or ten years old. She had a very casual appearance; she wore a pink short-sleeved shirt with white short pants and white shoes.     

Actually, her appearance was quite strange, considering how cold the temperature already was that autumn, but it seemed that the child wasn't bothered at all even though her clothes were more appropriate to be worn in summer.     

Alaric quietly watched the little girl play with the butterflies that were flying among the orange trees. It turned out that she was just chasing them so they would fly - she didn't really want to catch the butterflies. Alaric was momentarily fascinated. The whole sight in front of him looked like a beautiful painting.     

He was curious as to who this child was, roaming so far to the end of the forest. It seemed impossible that she came from the surrounding villages because from what he had seen, the security around the castle was very tight.     

Was this the child of one of the families who arrived early for the party? Then why wasn't she wearing a party get up?     

Could this be the host's relative? Hmm... This is the most reasonable explanation, he thought.     

Who are you related to, Little girl? The groom... or the bride?     

He was so mesmerized by the child that he didn't move a single muscle for ten entire minutes. He had never seen an Alchemist child before. This child looked like Tinkerbell, the little fairy, he thought. So beautiful and agile, jumping there and here.     

When the little girl noticed that someone was watching her, she stopped chasing the butterflies and curiously gazed at Alaric.     

"Hello," she said in a very friendly voice. Alaric was momentarily surprised to hear the little girl's voice. Indeed, her voice was still high-pitched like a child's voice... but when Alaric listened carefully...     

The child walked toward Alaric and narrowed his eyes before enthusiastically asking, "Do you also like butterflies???"     

This was not a girl. This child was a boy!     

For a moment, Alaric felt deceived by the boy's appearance; he was wearing a pink T-shirt and white shorts, after all. Moreover, his beautiful hair grew all the way down to his shoulders, making him appear like a girl in a glance. Alaric didn't expect that this child was actually a boy.     

After he spoke, Alaric noticed that his attitude was actually very relaxed and light, just like a boy, and not at all feminine and gentle like girls in general. He only looked like a little girl, but his attitude was of a little boy.     

Uhm... Except when he was busy chasing after the butterflies earlier.     

Subconsciously, a smile etched on Alaric's face. He nodded, "Yes... The butterflies are very beautiful. I enjoy watching you chase after them."     

The boy's blue eyes went round when he heard Alaric's voice. He gave the signal for the man to speak again, "Can you repeat your words earlier?"     

Alaric was confused by this unusual request. Did this child have hearing problems? However, he couldn't resist his angelic and sweet plea and finally repeated his sentence.     

"Yes... The butterflies are very beautiful. I enjoy watching you chase after them."     

"WOWWW!!!" The boy immediately jumped happily. He immediately pulled Alaric's hand and took him to the orange trees, where dozens of butterflies were flying. "Try talking again... Just say whatever. You may even say the alphabet, A to Z. Whatever it is, as long as you talk..."     

Alaric frowned in surprise. Out of curiosity, he finally obeyed the strange request of the child and recited the alphabet repeatedly.     

He only hoped that none of his men would catch him obeying the silly request of this child. He then repeated the alphabet several times until the child was satisfied.     

Every time Alaric spoke, the strange child would look very amazed. He would spread his arms back and forth, and circle with joy. He looked very happy.     

"WOW... Lavenders everywhere!! It's like summer!! Butterflies and lavenders!! So beautiful!" he cried repeatedly.     

After repeating the alphabet three times, Alaric finally couldn't contain his curiosity anymore. He then stopped talking.     

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