The Alchemists

Parents' Blessings

Parents' Blessings

0"Alright... Then, do you already have a plan as to when and where the wedding will be held?" Caspar asked attentively. "Here or in Medici Castle?"     

"Preferably in Medici Castle, as we plan to stay there after the wedding," Nicolae answered. "You don't mind, do you?"     

Caspar shook his head. "It's okay. But since I'm still the head of the clan, you still have to invite everyone and the party has to be festive. Later, I'll make the list so that no one else is left out like that time."     

Caspar remembered how at the last party they held, Lauriel had completely forgotten to invite Portia and Ned, his late girlfriend's cousins. If Nicolae got married and they weren't invited once again, he could imagine how furious they would be towards Lauriel.     

"Okay, Uncle. Thank you." Nicolae turned to Aleksis as if asking for her approval. After seeing the girl nod, Nicolae explained the details of their plan. "We want to get married in the fall, the day after Aleksis' birthday."     

Nicolae had always wanted a wedding in the fall because the blue Medici Castle looked captivating when the leaves turned orange, yellow and red, giving a contrasting look around the castle. The weather was neither too hot nor too cold, perfect for a lively garden party.     

"Oh... That sounds good." Caspar nodded. "Congratulations. I'm delighted to have heard this news."     

Caspar considered the moment of Aleksis and Nicolae's wedding as a good opportunity to finally introduce his daughter to the public. He realized that he had been hiding Aleksis for too long, for the sake of his daughter's safety. But now, there was Nicolae, who would accompany and protect Aleksis, so Caspar didn't need to worry anymore.     

It would also be a good time to introduce Nicolae as a candidate for the new clan leader. Lately, Caspar had begun to feel anxious. He had heard a lot about the actions of Elios Linden, who was getting increasingly famous and influential.     

Caspar realized that now, it wasn't just the purists who were showing support for Ned and Portia's adopted son. Some members of the Alchemist clan who were liberal had begun to consider the ideology brought by Elios Linden, that, for the benefit of the earth, it was time for the Alchemists to show themselves as immortals who had ruled the earth for hundreds of years.     

The Alchemists clan members who hadn't been so lucky in life began to feel tempted by the possibility of obtaining a higher status than ordinary people and control of the earth as part of Elios Linden's leadership that he began campaigning.     

In Eli's ideals, he would become the sole ruler of the earth, overseeing the governments of countries that became under his control through the automation technology system that they used from the Rhionen-Meier Industries.     

Alchemists throughout the world would be an extension of their hands to regulate people to live according to the rules which were applied in Alchemist societies.     

At first glance, all of these looked ideal. Humans would no longer be able to do anything that would damage nature. They might not even get married and have children as long as they hadn't gone through various tests and examinations to ensure that their marriage wouldn't end in divorce and no child will be born unplanned by their parents.     

Basically, if Eli succeeded in realizing his ideals to control humanity, all the habits and cultures of the perfect Alchemist society would be enforced into human society.     

Unfortunately, ordinary people and Alchemists were very different, so the ideal structure and rules of the Alchemist society will be difficult to be imposed upon humans. And Caspar was aware that if there were classes and castes in society, where ordinary people would become second-class citizens and the alchemists became first-class citizens, there would be chaos and slavery.     

Imagining it really made Caspar shudder. He really hoped that Nicolae would be able to replace him and prevent Elios Linden from gaining absolute power as the head of the Alchemist clan. If that were to happen... the world will have a terrible dictator, he thought.     

Alright... This wedding will become a very decisive moment. We have to make preparations with the best we have.     


After obtaining the blessings of Aleksis' parents, Nicolae and Aleksis came to Lauriel, who was at his animal conservation in Kenya. The man looked immensely moved when he heard the good news. He didn't even hide the tears that slowly dripped from his pair of blue-green eyes as he hugged Aleksis and lifted her up into the air.     

"My daughter... My beloved child... I'm so happy to hear that!" Lauriel whispered incessantly. "I'm glad you found your happiness..."     

Nicolae realized that his biological father loved his future wife more than him, his own son, because Lauriel had helped raise Aleksis as a baby, and even witnessed her birth.     

He only smiled at the sight of his father's emotional burst. He knew that Aleksis' happiness was very important to Lauriel, and if Nic were to hurt Aleksis, Lauriel wouldn't hesitate to kill him with his own hands.     

Right after lowering Aleksis to the ground, Lauriel approached Nicolae and tapped his shoulder, "You take good care of Aleksis. Don't let me hear you make her cry, not even once."     

"Ahahaha… Who's the biological child and who's the child-in-law here?" Nicolae jokingly questioned. "Take it easy, Father... I will protect Aleksis with my life. I won't let a single drop of her tears fall."     

"Good." Lauriel smiled with satisfaction.     

"Oh by the way... don't forget to invite Ned and Portia to your wedding party. Father completely forgot to invite them back then. You must also meet your mother's family. Portia is Luna's cousin," Lauriel said before he entered the kitchen. A moment later, he came out with a bottle of the best champagne and three glasses. "Let's toast to this happy day."     

The three of them cheered happily and sat on the veranda watching the sunset while talking about the wedding that would be held a month later. The efficient Kara helped arrange everything, so the bride and groom could sit quietly and just focus on the invitation.     

"We plan to have a wedding on Sunday, October 3rd, the day after Aleksis' birthday," Nicolae said, explaining their plans. "So on Saturday, we can have a family gathering first. I think it'd be a good time to introduce ourselves to all the relatives."     

"Good idea," Lauriel answered. He kept smiling all night long. Lauriel, who was usually quiet and cold, looked to be in great joy this time. He kept hugging Aleksis, who was sitting next to him, and ruffled her hair like when she was little. "Gosh... Aleksis is all grown up now, and will even be a bride soon."     

Aleksis was eminently touched to see the enthusiasm of her godfather. She just realized how important it was for Lauriel to attend and bless their wedding. She felt guilty because ten years ago, she had gotten married to Alaric in secret, which later resulted in tragedies that hurt the hearts of so many people.     

She felt a little more relieved that her marriage to Nicolae was approved by both of their families and proceeded as it should. Now that she had children of her own, Aleksis felt that Alaric would be hurt and sad if any of his children married secretly and didn't involve him in their lives.     

Really, back then, Aleksis had been too young and selfish, only thinking about herself.     

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