The Alchemists

Bad Impression

Bad Impression

0"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," Caspar said his sentence slowly and firmly, so Alaric clearly noticed it. "That is what Baron Acton said. And what he said is thoroughly accurate. Power tends to damage people, and absolute power will corrupt people absolutely until there is no hope anymore. Although you are a good person, absolute power will damage you to the core. I really hope you don't take that road."     

"You can't stop me," Alaric answered with a shrug. "I have everything to realize my goals."     

Yes, of course, Alaric felt that he didn't need Caspar's support. He had begun to take over the media, technology, and even the automation systems in everyday life, which would soon be implemented en masse. He would be able to use all that to control humans.     

"Uhm... What you want to do outside our people is your business, but as long as I am the leader of the clan, I will not let you bring the Alchemists to rule other humans." Caspar put down his cup and looked at Alaric with a disappointed look.     

He had hoped to resign from the position of the clan leader if Alaric would be the candidate to replace him, as supported by all the big families. But after seeing Alaric's arrogant attitude, he felt it was too dangerous to give the young man extra power with Caspar stepping down as the clan leader.     

This can't be allowed, he thought. He must be able to persuade Nicolae to come forward in his place.     

"I understand," Alaric said expressionlessly. "I still respect you as the clan leader and will not argue. But in ten years, when the support of all the members of the clan has turned to me, you will not be able to do anything."     

Finland saw the tension between the two men and hurriedly lifted the plate of cookies in front of Caspar and Alaric, "Eh... Please taste the cookies. This is a special creation from the best chef in Scotland."     

Alaric nodded towards Finland and then stood up. "Thank you for your kindness, Mrs. Schneider. I must go."     

Without another word, he then went out.     

"Ugh... How arrogant! I didn't expect Lauriel's nephew to be that arrogant." Caspar grumbled.     


Alaric met Rune at the exit. The young man had just arrived with London after exploring the area around their hotel with two bodyguards who looked their age.     

"Hey... Eli, right? Are you leaving already? That's quick," asked Rune in surprise. It was only 4:40 PM. According to him, their conversations shouldn't have been finished so he would be able to meet Elios Linden after his father had talked with him. Rune didn't expect Alaric to come out so fast.     

"Hello, Rune. How are you?" Alaric smiled at the young man.     

He noticed London, who stood beside Rune, and realized that London was very much like his father. And yet, Rune didn't resemble anyone, not his father nor his mother. Maybe that's what made Rune so fun, he thought.     

"I'm fine. We just went around and bought souvenirs and explored this area." Rune turned to his brother, "I met Eli yesterday and talked about many things."     

"Hi, my name is London." London raises his hat, greeted Alaric. "I'm Rune's older brother."     

"Hello, London, nice to meet you." Alaric nodded towards London. "I have to go. Goodbye."     

The car arrived and Alaric rushed in, leaving the two young men looking at him in surprise.     

Alaric closed his eyes throughout the journey as he recalled the conversation with Caspar that didn't end well. Caspar Schneider had mentioned that Lauriel was devastated by Luna's death and had gone into self-exile for decades.     

If their conversation hadn't ended badly, he wanted to ask Caspar to tell him where he could find Lauriel. Maybe he would even tell him his true identity. He wanted to meet Lauriel at least once to find out whether his father really suffered when his mother died.     

But it's too late now. He couldn't go back there to ask for that information. He and Caspar were both too stubborn and wouldn't budge. Their views were too different.     

Alaric didn't understand why Caspar was so soft. As the clan leader, he had so much power to determine which direction was to be taken by the clan.     

Why did he only continue to enjoy life in the shadows, having to hide away and take on a new identity every few decades? Why bother keeping their people hidden as if the Alchemists were criminals?     

Humans were the villains on this earth. Those who destroy nature because of their greed. Now, one-third of the earth had become an empty land that couldn't be saved.     

The amazon forests which used to be the lungs of the world, there was only about ten percent left. And small islands that used to be in the hundreds of thousands, were now only in the tens of thousands. All because of human greed.     

The Alchemists were partly responsible for the evil deeds of humans because so far, they hadn't taken active action to stop them.     

But that will change soon, Alaric thought.     

"The names of the two kids are familiar," Alaric murmured. "Do you know where I've heard those names, Aleksis?"     

"They are certainly familiar. Last week, they came to the Ritz Gala and were introduced as the heirs to the Schneider family," Aleksis' voice could b heard from his watch.     

"Hmm... That must be it." Alaric nodded. "Call Luna and ask her to find Lauriel Medici's whereabouts. I want information on where he can be found."     

"Yes, Sir."     

Fourteen years ago, when Aleksis was twelve and was rescued by Alaric in Singapore, the girl had mentioned the names of her two younger brothers, but Alaric didn't remember them.     

Fourteen years was a very long time, and after waking up from a coma for almost six years, he still hadn't fully recovered. Needless to say, he needed time to restore all his memories of the entire century.     

So when Aleksis said he must've heard the two names from Ritz Gala, Alaric didn't think too much about it.     

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