The Alchemists



0In her heart, Kit cheered for herself. She would be a friend of this young man, she would accompany him no matter what happened, and make him feel that Kit was the only person who understood him. Kit could be so patient...     

"I'm sorry too..." She was so excited that Kit's hand unconsciously touched Alaric's hand to show sympathy. However, for some reason, this time, Alaric didn't pull his hand away. He almost didn't feel Kit's skin touching his because surprisingly, that girl's skin was even softer than silk.     

When the two of them regained their senses, Kit hurriedly pulled her hand away, "Ah... Sorry... I'm sorry. I just remembered you don't like being touched."     

Alaric didn't answer. He didn't know whether it was because Kit's skin was so delicate that he didn't feel bothered, or it was because his body's condition had recently begun to improve and was now able to receive touch.     

Alaric finally nodded slightly and excused himself, "I have a lot of work, I hope you don't mind if I don't take you back to the dining room."     

Kit Blue could only look at Alaric's back, who left her to go to the West Wing of the palace. Even so, Kit was elated. She thought they were starting to get closer as he seemed to be willing to open up to her. He didn't even avoid her when she touched him.     

Ah... Alright. You want to play hard to get... I don't mind, Kit thought.     

Although she was very young, Kit had an intelligent brain. Thus, she knew that in order to get something valuable, one had to be willing to pay the price. Undoubtedly, the greater the value, the greater the price would be.     

And she was ready to do anything to get Alaric. She wasn't in a hurry. The target was to win the man's trust and be the only woman who could touch him.     

And when the time came, Kit would become his wife, affirming support for Alaric to become the clan leader. And together, they would rule the world.     

All these thoughts made her chest expand because of happiness. Kit returned to the dining room with a radiant face.     




That afternoon, Medici Castle looked festive by the laughter of two small children running around in the vast castle yard. Aleksis was sitting in a chair while reading and occasionally watching her two children.     

Really, time flew by so fast. It felt as though it was only yesterday that she gave birth to them, but now her two children were already over nine years old.     

Until now, the two's appearances were still exactly the same. Even though they weren't born as identical twins, Altair was still often regarded as a girl when they travel to the city.     

In a few years' time, that will definitely change, thought Aleksis happily. Altair's body will definitely grow taller and bigger than his sister so that they will eventually be easily distinguished, and he didn't need to be constantly upset because he was often mistaken for a girl.     

Aleksis was looking forward to seeing an adult Altair. Her son must be very similar to Alaric. Aleksis will indirectly be able to see the face of her husband that she had been missing for the past ten years.     

Ah... Ten years passed like a dream. After such a long time, the wound in Aleksis's heart was finally healed, and she began to return to her old self: a cheerful, carefree, and adventurous Aleksis. Before, she often blamed herself for not being able to do much, since she was fighting depression after her husband's untimely passing while taking care of her babies.     

Over the past four years, she had spent a lot of time with Nicolae and her children. The young man was always able to find an excuse to take her and the children adventuring. Aleksis believed, without Nicolae by her side, she would have sunk deeper in her sadness and depression.     

They had traveled around together to many beautiful places. They went to the Gobi Desert, crossed Thailand to Europe by train, adventured in the interior of the Amazon, saw an aurora for the third time, and went on various other exciting trips.     

Altair and Vega became very exposed to the outside world which was full of miracles and challenges. Without Nicolae, Aleksis knew she wouldn't be able to bring her children to enjoy the beauty of nature and learn from the outside world alone, as she had with Uncle Rory.     

That was why Aleksis felt so grateful. She and her two children could do whatever they want, and Nicolae always took care of them. And now, since they often spend so much time together, the four had become almost inseparable.     

"Hey... What are you daydreaming about?" Nicolae, who appeared from inside the castle all of a sudden, curiously asked. He brought a stack of beautiful cards and put them on the table in front of Aleksis. He then kissed her cheek.     

The girl closed her eyes when Nicolae's lips touched her cheek and smiled sweetly, "I'm watching the children. They're so big now."     

"You're right... Gosh... When I first met them four years ago, they didn't even reach my knees," Nicolae reminisced.     

"Ah... You're exaggerating. They were taller than your knees," Aleksis laughed heartily, "But they're even taller now. What are these cards anyway?"     

Nicolae took a deep breath before finally pulling out a pen and a paper with a very long list.     

"Here's the guest list..." Nicolae explained. He then continued in a casual tone. "Yes, I know it's a lot. This is your fault because your father is the clan leader. We must invite every member of the clan from all over the world."     

Aleksis hit Nicolae's shoulder and laughed. "We can elope if you don't want a party."     

Nicolae was about to say something, but his voice didn't come out. He immediately recalled that Aleksis and Alaric had married secretly and caused many problems for Aleksis' family and the two of them.     

He didn't want to make Aleksis experience the same thing, getting married without the approval of her parents. Although he didn't really like a big wedding, Nicolae agreed with Caspar that this time, Aleksis' wedding had to be massive and festive.     

Aleksis also suddenly remembered the same thing, and she became silent. Still fresh in her mind, those impulsive moments when she asked Alaric to marry her at Sky Bar. That same night, they got married in a 24-hour chapel in Sentosa.     

At that time, she didn't think she would only be a wife for less than a month. And now, it's been almost ten years that she lived alone after Alaric died.     

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