The Alchemists

The Impressive Elios Linden

The Impressive Elios Linden

0When she finally realized Terry didn't care about her at all and had disappeared into the ballroom, Kit's face became very red. She was both embarrassed and infuriated. Only a few days ago, she was humiliated by Nicolae at the airport, and now, Terry pretended not to know her!     

They must have done it on purpose! she thought with hatred.     

There was no way that two people could completely forget a girl as beautiful as her, Kit inwardly said to herself. She was overestimating herself.     

Her hands clenched into fists as she turned to head towards the ballroom, only to find the other girls throwing gazes of ridicule at her when they saw her failure in approaching Terry.     

"You guys better watch out. Don't think that I'll accept the humiliations," she muttered angrily, "I will make you pay."     

The best musical performances and the best organic food that deserved to be served at the kings' table were the two special highlights at this year's Ritz Gala. Millian Landon, the chief organizer, seemed busy greeting one guest after another. She was the heir to the third generation of the Landon Family, who became affluent through the entertainment business in Hollywood.     

With joy, she immediately approached Terry when she saw the young man coming into the ballroom.     

"Good evening, Mr. Chan. As always, you arrived early. I'm happy to see the success of the preparations and I'm sure everyone will have fun tonight," she exclaimed happily as she signaled the waiter to come and bring refreshments for Terry and his two younger brothers. "Nice to meet you both, Mr. Schneider."     

London and Rune nodded. Terry chatted a bit with Millian before she finally excused herself to greet the other important people. As a part of the event organizers, Terry got a special seat separated from other guests, giving him more privacy.     

It was there that he brought London and Rune so that the two could connect with Aldebar and broadcast the event situation to him via Virconnect. Terry also wanted to invite Nicolae into his space on Virconnect so that the young man could see how exciting the event was.     

"Hey, I don't think the party will be starting anytime soon," Nicolae grumbled when he finally connected to Terry via Virconnect. "I'm already very sleepy. Do you know what time it is?"     

"I know, you're being fussy," Terry grumbled back. "Do you know how many tens of millions of people wish they were here to meet all these important people?"     

Nicolae just rolled his eyes at Terry's words.     

"Let's go around and greet the others," Terry invited, giving a signal for Nicolae to follow him.     

London and Rune stayed at the special table with Aldebar because their job that night was to observe the event and make an assessment on Virconnect's success and find out what its weaknesses were.     

Actually, for the past ten years, Aldebar had been working on a project similar to this Virconnect technology. But before he could test it, Splitz had already launched this product.     

Aldebar's curiosity was instantly piqued. He wanted to see the real ability of Virconnect in big events with his own two eyes. That was why he specifically sent his two nephews to observe, and if possible, later look for an opportunity to meet Pavel Adler face-to-face, the CEO of Splitz, or even Elios Linden, leader of Rhionen-Meier Industries, of which Splitz was a subsidiary.     

"What do you think?" Terry asked enthusiastically as he and Nicolae had been walking around. As they walked, they occasionally greeted the people Terry knew. Countless numbers of girls from the upper class tried to approach Terry to talk with him, but Terry just smiled and avoided them politely.     

"The event was very lively," Nicolae said. "So when will the award be announced? I'm already sleepy."     

"Geez. You can sleep all year long, but the Ritz Gala is only held once a year." Terry just shook his head in despair at how difficult it was for him to impress Nicolae.     

He was determined to bring Nicolae to the lobby so the man could see how countless journalists were trying to get his news. With long strides, he signaled Nicolae to follow him out.     

"Hey, watch out!" Nicolae hurriedly warned when Terry was about to crash into someone as he eagerly stepped outwards while turning his head to Nicolae.     

Terry, who was shocked, stopped suddenly and he almost fell out of balance. However, the person in front of him was faster, already avoiding Terry to prevent their bodies from making contact.     

"Ugh... Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," Terry apologized with a smile and extended his hand forward.     

He knew he was too excited and forgot to act elegant and indifferent as usual. This was also due to Nicolae's presence beside him. Terry couldn't pretend to act elegantly when he was with Nicolae, unlike when he was with other people.     

The man whom he almost hit just stood still in his place and watched Terry. He didn't return Terry's handshake and neither did he smile. Terry became stunned. He had met so many people from the upper classes, but he had never met this person before. He didn't even know who he was.     

Who on earth was this person?     

For several seconds, the two looked at each other and didn't move. Nicolae, who was behind Terry, also noticed and secretly admitted that the man's appearance impressed him.     

He was a tall man with a sturdy body and elegant looks. He had ethereally attractive purplish platinum hair. When Nicolae looked closely, he noticed that the man had a pair of purple eyes. All that, coupled with his handsome expressionless face and apparent commanding presence made people unable to let their gazes off of him.     

Alaric realized that the man in front of him was Terrence Chan, Aleksis' older brother who six years ago trapped him by pretending to pass on information that Aleksis was still alive and lost her memory, when in fact Aleksis who was in Singapore at that time was the fake one.     

Hmm... The Schneider family rewarded you by making you the caretaker of their business until their children become adults, Alaric thought, trying to contain the fury in his chest.     

His gaze then moved to the area behind Terry and found the figure of Nicolae whom he remembered as one of Aleksis' close friends on campus who had disappeared after Aleksis died.     

For a moment, the two's eyes met.     




From the Author:     

Hello, Dear Lovely Readers! The story is getting intense, I know. We will soon enter the parts I am most passionate about in Volume 2. Let me give you a sneak peek on what we have in store.     

If you want to read advance chapters, feel free to buy the privilege. I intentionally make them very cheap... but you just cannot use fast passes to open the chapters. To work with this issue, I give discounts for the chapters - except for the first tier which is only 10 coins for 2 advanced chapters. For the other tiers though, I give 25% to 99% discount to open the chapters. If you purchase the highest tier, it means you can read up to 50 advance chapters and pay only 1 coin per chapter.     

The privilege is provided to satisfy your curiosity if you are dying to know what will happen next and you have some coins to spare... hahaha. This will also allow me to make little money to sustain the production since the editors and I spend around 1-2 hours per chapter and editors need to be paid for their hard work.     

English is only my second language and I don't think it's good enough to write a novel, so rather than having my readers twitch their brows endlessly in annoyance because of my lousy grammar, I chose to hire editors. I personally don't make money at all. I get... personal satisfaction that the chapters get to you and they make you feel feelings. That's the ultimate goal and not something that I can put monetary value in.     

I personally have long let go of my dream to make income from this novel since the views it gets are so little and not many people read this novel (I don't know what's wrong with maybe the synopsis or the cover or the title? Maybe if I changed the title to "My Lover is an Immortal CEO" or "The Immortal CEO's Feisty Wife" it will get more attention? lol.. Just kidding.)     

I know not everyone can afford to purchase Privilege, (hey, we all have different priorities in life!) so don't feel bad if you just read the chapters at a regular pace. I will make sure to keep publishing 2 chapters per day. I hope my editors can always find time amidst their busy schedules to help me. Crossing fingers!     

My prediction is that Volume 2 (Aleksis and Prince Siegfried) will end in Chapter 580 where we will close the story about Aleksis, Alaric, and Nicolae; and after that, we will continue to Volume 3 with "Proposal 101". The third volume is very light-hearted, funny, and heartwarming. I am sure you will enjoy it in contrast to the intense Volume 2.     

So, here is what we have in the next 50 chapters. :     

0508 Terry & Nicolae Meet Alaric     

0509 I Will Match The Donation     

0510 He is an Odd One     

0511 The World's Most Eligible Bachelor     

0512 If Only Aleksis Came     

0513 New Year's Eve Party     

0514 The Heir to Linden Family     

0515 He Always Felt Alone     

0516 Rune & Alaric     

0517 The Tea Invitation     

0518 Bad Impression     

0519 The Lonely Man     


0521 I'm A Doctor. My Handwriting is Notoriously Ugly!     

0522 Parents' Blessings     

0523 In The Conservation     

0524 Philia - Eros - Agape     

0525 Letting Go Of The Past     

0526 Personal Invitation for the Wangs     

0527 The Unwanted Guest     

0528 The Wedding Invitation     

0529 Happy Birthday!     

0530 Alaric and The Boy Who Sees Sounds     

0531 Alaric and Altair     

0532 Alaric Was So Confused     

0533 I'm Sorry     

0534 Who Are YOU?     

0535 I Will Never Let You Go     

0536 Is He... Alaric?     

0537 Alaric and Lauriel     

0538 The Moment Of Truth     

0539 Bitterness Filled His Chest     

0540 Bad Premonition     

0541 All Was Lauriel's Fault     

0542 Father And Sons     

0543 The Sad Truth     

0544 True Love Means Letting Go     

0545 Alaric's Wrath     

0546 Growing Old With You     

0547 Luna's White Ring     

0548 You're The Only Woman I Love     

0549 What Should We Do?     

0550 He Was Finally Home (R-18)     

0551 We Are Late. So Late! (R-18)     

0552 The Puzzled Guests     

0553 The Mysterious Bride And Groom     

0554 I'll Kill You Myself     

0555 Here Comes The Bride     

0556 I do     

0556 The Match Made In Heaven     

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.