The Alchemists

Have Fun, Uncle Nic and Mom!

Have Fun, Uncle Nic and Mom!

0Aleksis saw Nicolae looking a bit pensive as they sat in the terrace cafe enjoying tiramisu. And so, she could not help but ask.     

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Aleksis' voice made Nicolae return to reality.     

As usual, the handsome man smiled warmly, "I was wondering when will be the best time for me to ask you out on a date."     

Altair and Vega raised their heads waiting for Nicolae to continue his words. They also wanted to know.     

"Oh ..." Aleksis looked down. She shouldn't have asked, she thought. Now the situation had become awkward because they talked about something like this in front of the children.     

Nicolae did not continue as Aleksis also did not press him further. He understood that the girl was feeling awkward in front of her kids.     

"Uhmm ... it's late, let's go home. Remember yesterday, I promised to teach both of you how to make pizza," he remarked later after finishing his tiramisu.     

They returned to the castle. Afterward, Nicolae took Aleksis' children to the kitchen to demonstrate to them how to make pizza. Altair and Vega were very happy because this would be a new experience for them.     

Aleksis was also delighted to see her children learn new things. It was a good thing that they were really enjoying their time at Medici Castle. That night they had a pizza dinner made by Nicolae and the twins.     

"Wow ... I didn't know you could make pizza, and it tastes really good," exclaimed Aleksis. "I didn't know you could cook."     

Nicolae shrugged, "I've been living alone for decades. Of course, I've got to be able to take care of myself."     

"Wow ... there are many people who have lived tens or even hundreds of years without being able to cook," she added. "At first I thought that all men are good at cooking, like my father. You know, we have been spoiled by the dishes he made. But then I realized, my father is a special case. Apparently, most men can't cook."     

Aleksis glanced at Lauriel who had just coughed. Ugh ... This godfather of hers was part of the male population who couldn't cook. Give him a knife, and he would be able to fight an army, but definitely not to cook.     

"Aha ... I'm happy because I remind you of Uncle Caspar. I really admire him," Nicolae said happily. "We are both doctors, and we also like cooking."     

Aleksis confirmed in her heart that even though Nicolae had a very similar face to Lauriel, his personality and habits were nothing like his father. He was a very warm person and his attitude to people was always sweet, the opposite of Lauriel who was cold and indifferent.     

Nicolae really reminded her of her father, Caspar Schneider. Her father was a very cordial and loving person. He never hesitated to express his love for his wife. Anyone within a ten-mile radius would see how much he loved Finland.     

Maybe this was the reason why Aleksis would try to give Nicolae a chance. People said a woman tends to fall in love with a man like her father. At least, if the father was the best one she knew. The longer she spent time with Nicolae, the more she felt like she was seeing her father in the young man.     

Come to think of it, Alaric actually had a personality and habits similar to Lauriel, Aleksis thought again. Even their style in clothing was similar. Then it dawned on her,  maybe that's also why she fell in love with Alaric in the beginning.     

Alaric reminded her of her godfather, Lauriel, who taught her many things since she was a child and one of the people she admired so much.     

Aleksis involuntarily sighed. She did not understand why she always thought of Alaric, no matter the circumstances or time of the day.     

Just now, she was admiring Nicolae's cooking, but somehow she ended up thinking about Alaric again ...     

I don't know how long I will be like this.     

"Mom, tomorrow let's have a picnic at the Butterfly Hill. Please?" All of a sudden, Altair requested. "Uncle Nic can make more pizza and we will pick berries. The view there is very beautiful."     

"Eh ... really?" Aleksis slightly widened her eyes. She thought for a moment and then nodded. "Alright, let's have a picnic tomorrow."     

She then continued eating while trying to erase Alaric's face in her mind.     


The next day when the sun had just begun to rise, Nicolae was already on a horse in front of the castle, waiting for Aleksis and her children to go out for a picnic. He brought a basket of food and drinks with him.     

He heard from Altair and Vega that they really liked horseback riding, so he deliberately planned to go to the picnic venue on a horse. There were even two servants bringing out two ponies for the kids.     

At exactly 10 am, Aleksis and her two children came out, as promised. But oddly, there was a frown on their faces.     

"Sorry, the picnic has to be canceled," Aleksis said, regret showing in her face. "Altair complained of headaches, and Vega has a stomachache..."     

"I'm going to rest and get medicine from Grandpa Rory. Mummy and Uncle Nic should just go with the picnic ..." Altair said quickly. "If you don't go, the food will be wasted... Uncle Nic has prepared a lot of nice food for the picnic."     

"I just want to sleep. Mum, you and Uncle Nic must go on a picnic to Butterfly Hill on our behalf. You should take lots of pictures later..." Vega followed up.     

"But ...I want to be here, to take care of both of you."  Aleksis felt distressed.     

"No, Mum ... Please! Don't you feel sorry for Uncle Nic who has prepared everything for this short getaway? Don't be heartless..." Altair cleverly guilt-tripped his mother with his words.     

Ugh ... this kid is very good at manipulating people, thought Aleksis. Altair reminded her of herself when she was still a kid. She always had schemes up her sleeves.     

"Yes, alright ... I will go on a picnic on your behalf," Aleksis finally relented. She turned to Nicolae and said, "Sorry, only I can come, the children are sick."     

"It's okay," Nicolae nodded, hiding the happiness in his expression. He realized the children were deliberately helping him out so he could be alone with Aleksis. Ah, you smart kids. I'll give you lots of gifts later, he thought.     

"Have fun, Uncle Nic and Mom," Altair and Vega waved their hands eagerly as Aleksis walked toward Nicolae.     

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