The Alchemists

You Are My Only Friend

You Are My Only Friend

0Jean was speechless as he was very surprised to hear Marion's confession. He felt very sorry for Lauriel and Aleksis ...     

Because of Marion, Lauriel would never know that he had a second child, and Aleksis would never see her husband anymore after she woke up from her coma.     

However, seeing Marion so devastated and destroyed, Jean was unable to reprimand the girl. He understood that the mistakes that had happened could not be corrected, and Marion did what she considered the best decision at the time.     

"You must tell Lauriel about all these, Marion ..." Jean said quietly, "If you had a child, don't you want to know what happened to your child?"     

"It will not bring Alaric's life back, Jean ... I do not want Lauriel to feel pain worse than what he had already experienced. You do not know how Lauriel was before Princess Luna died ... Lauriel used to be a very pleasant person," Marion cried painfully, "His personality turned dark and he hated people after he found that Luna had died ... He hated himself and he didn't want to live anymore. Imagine how devastated he would be if he found out that he had killed his own child ..."     

Jean shook his head. He, himself, had a son, who, although not born as his biological child, he was very fond of. He could not imagine what he would feel like if he were in Lauriel's position. He might also consider taking Death.     

Jean could only sigh deeply.     

Marion tried to look strong and wiped her tears. "I understand if you hate me now. I know what I did was wrong, but if time had turned back and I have to go through the same incident, I would still do what I did to protect Lauriel. The child is dead, I don't want to see Lauriel die too."     

The girl then stood up and walked with very sad steps back to her room.     

"When I wake up tomorrow, I don't want to see you here anymore," Marion said without turning her head.     

Jean could only look down while sadness overflowing his chest.     


Aleksis did not answer Nicolae's question. Her mind was floating somewhere in the clouds. When the young man gently touched her shoulder, Aleksis turned her head.     

"Hmmm?" she asked indifferently.     

Nicolae smiled sweetly as usual when he saw Aleksis' flat expression, "Use an extra blanket, will you? The weather is very cold today."     

Aleksis had opened the window in her room to watch the snowfall and somehow she did not feel the chilling cold, but Nicolae saw her body shiver and offered an extra blanket. Aleksis neither agreed nor refused. She just did not care.     

Since Aleksis did not refuse his offer, Nicolae spread another blanket over Aleksis' protruding tummy. He then sat next to the girl and poured a cup of tea for them.     

Having spent two months together, he had come to know what the girl's favorite tea was and how often she wanted it. Since the incident, Aleksis did not want to meet a single member of her family. She blamed them for the death of Alaric Rhionen, the man she loved.     

Aleksis begged Nicolae to take her to a place far away, which could not be tracked by her father and Lauriel. She believed in Nicolae because she knew of his reputation as a Wolf who was good in hiding and covering his tracks.     

Besides, since Nicolae was not involved with the mission to kill Alaric as he was too focused on caring for Aleksis, the girl considered him the only person she could trust, and Nicolae was happy to do anything for Aleksis.     

He took Aleksis to his home in Bucharest and gave her time to calm down without the interruption of her godfather and parents. He believed that Aleksis would eventually go home and forgive her parents once she made peace with herself.     

But after two months, Aleksis still did not want to talk to them, and her family was still not aware of her pregnancy with Alaric's children.     

Out of respect for Aleksis, Nicolae said nothing to her family. He allowed Aleksis to decide for herself what she wanted for her and her children. As a good friend, he tried to help as much as possible when she needed him. At the moment what Aleksis needed were shelter and protection, so those were what he provided.     

"Thank you," Aleksis said suddenly, without turning her head from the window. She was too ashamed to say thanks with lengthy words to Nicolae who allowed her to bother him for the past two months, but she also didn't want to seem ungrateful by not expressing her gratitude.     

Nicolae nodded, "I'm glad you asked for my help. It means that you trust me."     

Aleksis opened her mouth to say something but then changed her mind. She poured some tea into her cup and sipped it slowly. Nicolae who wanted to know what was on her mind lightly touched her hand.     

"Did you want to say something? Why stop?"     

Aleksis shook his head. "It's nothing important."     

"Why it isn't important? I want to know what is on your mind. Your thoughts are important to me ..."     

Aleksis turned and looked at Nicolae, "I have no friends ... All my life I only had Terry and my younger siblings, but since I am too upset to go home right now, I can only stay with you … You are my only friend."     

"Oh ..." Nicolae smiled at that. He then nodded. "I'm glad to be your friend."     

"I know you like me ... and I think I used your feelings to help myself ... I'm sorry," Aleksis said quietly.     

She knew from the start how much Nicolae liked her, however, she only regarded the man as a friend, especially since she was told that Nicolae was Lauriel's son. Now, Aleksis felt guilty because she used Nicolae's feelings to help herself ...     

However, Nicolae did not feel used at all. He only laughed at Aleksis' confession.     

"You can make use of me at any time, for anything. I don't mind," he answered lightly. "I'm glad you let me help you. Whatever you decide, I will support you."     

Aleksis felt very moved, and subconsciously a drop of tear rolled down from each of her eyes. Nicolae swiftly wiped the girl's tears with his fingers and patted her shoulder gently.     

"Don't be sad all the time. Don't you feel bad for your children? How would they feel if they knew that their mother was so sad? What can I do to make you smile? Do you want me to mimic Donald Duck's voice again?" Nicolae asked with a light laugh.     

For the first time today, Aleksis smiled and shook her head.     

"No. I just want to listen to music and look at the falling snow." She took a deep breath of the fresh air. "You may accompany me here."     

"Hm .. okay. I will work while accompanying you." Nicolae took out his tablet and began working next to Aleksis who watched the snowfall while pondering and thinking about Alaric.     

Both of them did not say anything more.     

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