The Alchemists

Terry and Nic (1)

Terry and Nic (1)

0Since Aleksis returned home almost 6 years ago, she had spent most of her time at the Schneider family castle in Germany. Caspar was still taking care of his business and shared his time between Berlin and New York.     

Finally, for the past 3 years, he was able to relax as Terry was finally able to help him at the company. After graduating from college and working alongside Caspar in the Schneider Group, Terry slowly positioned himself in the company.     

He quickly became the right hand of his stepfather and he was in charge of the regional headquarters in New York. At the age of 29, he became one of the most famous eligible bachelors in New York and many celebrities and rich family daughters wanted to be his girlfriend.     

Added with the fact that Terry was also the son of the famous movie star Jean Pierre Wang who died in a skiing accident a few years ago (that was how Jean fake his death), he became even more adored and was considered an icon among New York's upper classes.     

His busy life meant that Terry did not have time to date but he still took the time to visit his family every few months and travel once a year.     

He was his father's best man when he married Marion. He was also there to calm his panicked father when experiencing the birth of his first child with Marion.     

"Aren't you too old for ... you know ... panic attacks?" Terry teased his father at that time. Jean only glared at Terry's lack of sympathy for panicking when he saw Marion screaming in pain in the delivery room.     

The doctors and nurses who heard their conversation frowned in puzzlement. They could not understand why the two young men, who seemed to be the same age, behaved like father and son.     

Terry and Jean covered their faces with their scarves and glasses so that people would not recognize them, but people could guess that they were still young and so everyone in the hospital assumed they were friends or siblings.     

"Don't call me father in public," Jean hissed when he noticed the strange glances thrown by the people around them. Terry just laughed lightly.     

He was very happy to see his father happy. After decades of searching for love, Jean finally gave his heart to Marion, an amazing Alchemist who filled his days with happiness and joy. She was even able to help him overcome his trauma of marriage and his reluctance to have children. Now Jean was living happily with his wife and their naughty little monkey.     

Upon seeing the happiness of his father and Marion, and how adorable their daughter was, Terry sometimes became a little jealous. He quietly asked himself whether he too would be able to love a woman like his father loved Marion ... or his mother loved Caspar, or even like his sister Aleksis loved Alaric, though her love had ended in tragedy.     

There were so many beautiful girls around him all the time ready to throw themselves to him, but he was afraid to try or play around, given what had happened with Rosemary. He had set his heart, that he would only engage in a serious relationship when he found a girl who could captivate him.     

Until now, there was not a single girl who interested him.     

The invitation to Nicolae's birthday party was sent to his office six months ago. When he saw the simple yet elegant invitation, Terry realized that he had not spent time with his extended family for a long time. Certainly, it would be a great opportunity to meet everyone, he thought.     

He hurriedly sent an email to Nicolae asking him for his whereabouts.     

[I'm in Japan. I've been here for three months. Why?] Nicolae replied. [When will you go on another vacation? Come to Japan, come … come!]     

[Do you know that your father is throwing a party to celebrate your 100th birthday?] Terry asked.     


Terry could only massage his forehead. Apparently Nicolae was not aware that his father missed him so much that he shamelessly held a birthday party for Nic and invited everyone close to him to attend the party.     

[Oh, apparently you didn't know.]     

Terry knew that the invitations to Alchemists events were usually sent out way in advance to ensure that the people could set aside the time to come. In the past, invitation was distributed several years before the event, but in the more modern times, six months was usually considered adequate.     

However, Terry didn't expect that Lauriel didn't tell his own son, the star of the party, that he was arranging a party for him.     

[Where is the party going to be held?] Finally, Nicolae gave up. He could not bear not to come to a party that was held for him.     

[At the Medici family castle, on your birthday.]     

[August 1?]     

[Yes. I plan to take a vacation at the end of July. I can go around with you first, then we can come together to your party. What do you think?]     

Terry always took time off work once a year for a vacation, and for the past four years, he had always made time to visit Nicolae wherever the young man was. Last year Nicolae was in Chile, and this year he was apparently in Japan.     

[Alright, if you come, I'll come too. I don't like going to parties if there isn't anyone I know.] complained Nicolae. [At the end of July I plan to venture to Mongolia. Do you want to come along?]     

[What's in Mongolia?]     

[You have internet, find out for yourself what's in Mongolia, you lazy brat!]     

After digging for the details of the party, Nicolae found out that this was the first time his father held such a big party. He knew that Lauriel intended to announce Nicolae as his son, heir to the Medici family.     

There would definitely be a lot of people he didn't know. He would feel less awkward if he came with his best friend, Terry.     

As Nicolae had expected, his father told him about the party only a week before the event so that Nicolae could not refuse on the grounds: 'everyone has made an RSVP to come, so wouldn't it be nice if the birthday boy could be here ...?'.     

[Alright Dad, I'll come.] Nicolae typed a reply to Lauriel as he tidied up his bag.     

Terry was waiting for him in the car. They were on vacation in Mongolia and were currently on a road trip through the Gobi desert. In just two days, they had learned to learn to call eagles from the natives. Like true adventurers, they stayed in tents typical of the nomadic Mongolian family.     

After completing their adventure in Mongolia, they planned to fly to Italy to attend Nicolae's party together.     

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