The Alchemists

Alaric vs Lauriel Battle of Wits

Alaric vs Lauriel Battle of Wits

0Everyone counted every minute that passed in tension. Alaric arranged the movements of some of his personal bodyguards and his four foster children so that they would immediately be divided into two designated locations.     

He realized that his enemy would definitely focus on guarding the hospital more than the other location, so he had to outwit them by making them think otherwise. There was no other way.     

Lauriel who was standing by the hospital window, staring out into the sky was immediately stunned when his cellphone suddenly buzzed.     

Max was calling him. Hmm, already? ... It's only been 20 minutes, isn't it?     

"What's the matter?" he quickly asked.     

"Uhm ... they are already here. They arrived sooner than expected." Max answered in a doubtful tone. "Alaric Rhionen came complete with his entourage."     

"What?? At the Mandalay Building ?!" Lauriel could not believe his own ears.     

Wasn't that man supposed to be more worried about Aleksis' safety? Why didn't he go straight to the hospital?     


He hurriedly called Petra who was on his way to the hospital from the airport. "You go to the Mandalay Building right this instance. Our target is there!!!"     

Lauriel then hurriedly ran outside and ordered Terry to drive to the same place. Endo was still to guard Marion in the hospital together with several bodyguards. They only had to watch over all the entrances for suspicious people on the ground floor and on the floor where 'Aleksis' was being treated.     

The rooftop of the building was closed so that the helipad could not be used if ever Rhionen Assassins would want to land there by helicopter. Lauriel was confident that the hospital would not be breached from above.     

Because Terry was speeding with his car, he and Lauriel arrived at the Mandalay Building in just 4 minutes. The young man was told to wait in the car because Lauriel did not want the Rhionen Assassins to recognize him.     

With long strides, Lauriel walked toward the place of agreement, immediately entering the flower shop opposite the Mandalay Building. There, Neo, Max and their men were waiting. Petra and Peach who had just arrived were also present. Both of them briefly greeted Lauriel and then shifted their attention back to the screen in front of them.     

In front of the Mandalay Building was a relaxed 'Alaric' standing by Takeshi's side. The men was accompanied by Kai and his 20 bodyguards. They all had crossed their arms accross their chests as if waiting for something to happen.     

"There are two people missing. They must be heading to the hospital," Lauriel quickly stated his observation. "But the security there is okay. We will just focus here."     

Just when he was about to give another set of orders, Endo's panicking voice echoed out from their communication device.     

"They came! We didn't have time to hold them back!!"     

"Wait ... what's happening ?!" Lauriel asked quickly.     

"They used a helicopter! They are moving very fast ..."     

"But the helipad can't be used ..."     

"They didn't land..."     



Alaric who saw that the Hospital's helipad could not be landed upon immediately ordered Mischa to maneuver his helicopter to the side, specifically toward the part of the building where 'Aleksis' was hidden.     

Through the infrared radar reading, he managed to discover her exact location. It was because the number of people securing the 15th floor was just unusually many. The way those people acted, as if they were a professional security team, ratted them out.     

The helicopter Mischa was driving was a stealth helicopter. It made no noise at all so they easily managed to appear near the building without attracting attention. At least, when the enemy realized that something was wrong, it was already too late.     

Alaric went down the rope ladder from his helicopter and when he found an opportunity to enter, he did not hesitate to jump in through the large glass window.     

The sound of glass breaking naturally alerted the guards. At the entry of a mysterious person to the 15th floor, they immediately chased after him, but Alaric quickly shot them down with a gun. In less than 5 seconds he finished all the guards on the 15th floor.     

Without wasting any more time, he entered 'Aleksis' room and quickly checked her condition. Hm ... the girl has fainted, but she did not seem to have experienced any bad treatment. This made Alaric a little relieved.     

He hugged 'Aleksis' and kissed her on the forehead. After that, he tied her waist to his own body using a special strap. He moved very quickly and efficiently, and thus in an instant, he was already carrying 'Aleksis' back to the open window and giving Mischa a signal to approach so he could grab the rope ladder.     

After adjusting the helicopter's maneuver so that the hanging rope ladder could be as close as possible to the window, Mischa held the helicopter's in place until Alaric could escape.     

Hmm ... still a bit far, he thought. If he jumped, there would be a risk of not being able to grab the rope ladder as he had to carry an unconscious Aleksis ...     

However, there was no other choice.     

"I'll try to get closer," Mischa spoke through his headset.     

Alaric signaled Mischa not to do anything as he had already resolved himself to jump and try his best to reach for the rope ladder.     

"You can jump and I'll go down. We meet below," said Mischa quickly.     

Alaric had already leaped down when he heard Mischa's words. With one hand, he hugged 'Aleksis' by the waist, the other extended forward, trying to catch the rope ladder of the helicopter.     

This is bad ... his body descended too fast and his hand missed the ladder for just a few centimeters.     

A couple more seconds and they would soon slam into the ground!     

Suddenly, the rope ladder that had just been missed once again showed up in front of him. Alaric swiftly grabbed it with all his strength.     

Mischa really managed to bring down the helicopter so fast that the ladder could now be reached by Alaric. Once his hand gripped the rope ladder, he immediately twisted the extra rope that extended onto his body and 'Aleksis'.     

As the helicopter flew up at high speed, he felt their bodies curbed up and slowly they neared at the helicopter's entrance.     

"Thank you, Mischa. Let's get out of here."     

Alaric climbed into the helicopter with 'Aleksis' in his arm. He then freed their bodies from the rope. Carefully, he placed the girl in the back seat and then observed the situation below them.     

He only smiled slightly when he saw dozens of people coming out and running into the courtyard of the building. They were staring at the helicopter with surprised faces and clenched fists.     


Lauriel could not believe that he had just lost Marion. He glared at 'Alaric' who was standing quietly with his men in front of the Mandalay Building and saw that the man's face was now with a faint smile.     

Alaric Rhionen must be very confident that only two of his men were needed to snatch 'Aleksis' away. This must be why he came here so casually, Lauriel mused.     

Lauriel crossed his arms across his chest, looking very serious.     

Well ... we do want you to bring 'Aleksis' with you so we can get into the Rhionen Assassins and uproot you from the ground. I just didn't expect you to work like this.     

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