The Alchemists

This Was All A Big Mistake

This Was All A Big Mistake

0"My name is Alaric Rhionen. We met for the first time on a night train in Thailand, and at that time you were on an adventure with your godfather, Uncle Rory. When we first met, you called me Prince Siegfried; you were very funny ... 10 years later you were almost kidnapped by a human trafficking plot in Singapore and we met again.     

At that time you also lost your memory temporarily and I couldn't find your family - again you called me Prince Siegfried, that's why I was able to contact your Uncle Rory. We spent a week together until you regained your memory, and I never expected that for the 8 years after that incident, you kept thinking about me and even looked for me to Singapore."     

Alaric looked at the fake Aleksis with a loving look. While the girl just listened to his story with an increasingly stirred heart. This was really Alaric Rhionen, and whom they saw earlier was a fake Alaric!     

"I closed my heart from anyone for decades, but you broke through. You were the first woman who loved me so deeply and made me experience feelings I had never known before. In short, I fell in love with you, and so did you. The feelings that we have for each other is so strong and mind-blowing that you asked me to marry you after only four days together ..."     

Marion pressed her mouth together, muffled. She did not expect Aleksis and Alaric's relationship to be that close. They were even married!     

"Th ... then, what happened. What haven't you told me?" Marion asked in a trembling voice. All this information made her heart shake.     

This was all a mistake.     

All this while the Wolf Pack had been trying to free Aleksis from the influence of Alaric Rhionen ...     

While maybe Alaric Rhionen thought he had to save Aleksis from the hands of bad people.     

"I started wearing this mask 7 years ago, with the excuse that my face was badly disfigured in an accident, and you believed me. But the truth is ..." Alaric sighed and slowly opened his mask, "Actually I want to cover up the fact that I don't age. You think that I'm an ugly man in my 40s. But actually, I'm much older than that ... I was born in 1945."     

Marion screamed in surprise when she saw Alaric's face without his mask. This was neither an old man nor a disfigured face. What she saw sitting next to her was a handsome young man with a slightly pale face and skin as smooth as snow; he even looked a little bit like a woman because of the smooth lines of his face.     

His pair of purple-colored eyes looked very mysterious, adding to the unique impression of his purple-platinum-colored hair.     

This was not an ordinary human appearance. This man must be an Alchemist, Marion thought.     

Was this the secret that Alaric had kept all this time?     

Of course, now everything made sense.     

No wonder he knew the secrets of the Alchemists ... He himself was part of the immortal clan.     

"I would usually disappear and change my identity every few decades, but my last project was too important for me to leave, so I chose to cover up my identity and hid my face behind a mask. All my subordinates at the company thought that I was disfigured, and so did everyone else. On the bright side, it made it easier for me to move around because no one knows my real face. " He smiled soothingly and rubbed the fake Aleksis's cheeks that looked pale and in surprise, "You ... no matter how badly disfigured my face is to everyone's imagination, you love me unconditionally. I shouldn't have let you go without telling you who I really am. You have no idea how I almost went crazy when I was told that you died and this was without ever knowing the truth."     

"Oh, Alaric ..." Marion bit her lip frantically.     

This was all a mistake.     

Both parties were apparently attacking each other for the same reason: their love for Aleksis ...     

"One more thing you need to know about me is that I don't age, not because of medical errors or unnatural gene mutations which I have always thought as the reasons, but because, apparently, I'm part of the Alchemists' clan - you probably never heard of them. They are a hidden group of people, they are all around us, and they rule the world within the shadows ... I was finally able to trace my family; I finally know who my mother is. My face ... they say it's very similar to hers, so I no longer hate my face."     

Marion looked at Alaric in shock, her mouth fell open. She wanted to say something but no words came out of her trembling lips.     

"Wh ... who ... is your mother?" After some time, she finally managed to ask with difficulty.     

"Her name is Luna, she was a princess from England. She died while giving birth to me in Romania, but before she passed away, she forced the midwife to cut a small part of her hair for me." Alaric touched the locket that hung around Aleksis' neck. He put it on her when she was still asleep. He opened it slowly, "This is my mother's hair. See, it's the same color as mine, don't you think so?"     

Marion looked at the braided hair with a shaken heart. All the surprises made her cover her mouth using her hands. Her eyes alternately looked at Luna's hair and Alaric's face. No doubt. Alaric was Lauriel's son.     

"You ... do you know who your father is?" she asked with bated breaths.     

"Hmmm ... yes, but I don't really care about him. His name is Lauriel. He is an adventurer who doesn't care about worldly affairs. You don't need to know much about him. He doesn't want me, so I don't want him either." Alaric stared at Marion's face, which was now covered in tears. "Hey, why are you crying? Are you afraid of me? I may be different from you because I'm actually not an ordinary human, but I'm still the same Alaric. I'm still your husband ... please don't be scared of me."     

Marion realized that Alaric still didn't know that Aleksis was an Alchemist too. He was not even aware that Uncle Rory and Lauriel were the same man, and that he had actually met this father of his in person.     

Oh, poor Alaric ...     

This was all a big mistake.     

All along, the one Lauriel planned to attack was actually his own biological child ...     

Marion hurriedly got up, intending to go out of the room where she was resting. Her mind worked furiously - she had to find a way to tell Lauriel what had happened here. She mustn't be late.     

"Aleksis ...! Where are you going? You're still not well!" Alaric chased after her. He was confused by the weird attitude of the girl he thought as Aleksis.     

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