The Alchemists

To Deceive Alaric Rhionen (1)

To Deceive Alaric Rhionen (1)

0"What do you think?" Endo asked Lauriel.     

The man could only pinch his forehead. All this was giving him a headache. He was now convinced that Aleksis did have a special relationship with the leader of Rhionen Assassins.     

Thinking about the fact made him very sad. Why did Aleksis, whom he helped raise and educate as a smart and independent girl, allow herself to be involved with that underworld organization?     

Now, seeing the attitude of Takeshi, who easily gave in because Endo used Aleksis' name, he realized that Aleksis' relationship with Rhionen Assassins and their leader might be far deeper than what her family had expected.     

What if Aleksis had fallen in love with him? Did the young girl know what love really was? She had only turned 20!     

Lest Alaric Rhionen brainwash her ... so Aleksis became like that.     

Lauriel sat in his chair and pondered, trying to recall the only time he had met Prince Siegfried. It was a long time ago, almost 18 years back. He did not remember the young man's face at all, because their meeting was very brief and filled with fights until Aleksis broke them up.     

The night train was also very dim and lacked good lighting. However, Lauriel still remembered the impression the man made. He did not give out any evil vibe.     

Everything seemed normal, he even had to admit that at that time he was a little impressed by the young man because he could keep up with Lauriel in close range physical altercations for several minutes, which was very rare for regular humans. At that moment Lauriel decided to like the young man and almost asked for his name.     

Did he establish Rhionen Assassins after that incident or before that? If so, what made him change and fall into the underworld? If he was already the leader of Rhionen Assassins at that time ... it meant that his appearance and attitude were subtle and not as terrible as many people suspected of a leader from the assassin organization.     

Could that be what made Aleksis interested and fall in love with him? Lauriel was aware that since 8 years ago, after meeting Prince Siegfried for the second time, Aleksis had been obsessed with that man. He and the girl's parents thought her obsession would subside over time.     

But alas, it seemed like they were wrong. Eventually things turned out to become this compicated. Everything that had happened to Aleksis and Kurt's death was the fault of Rhionen Assassins.     

If they did not massacre the Black River mafia group, Aleksis would not have befallen such a severe accident, and Kurt would not have lost his life to protect Aleksis' identity.     

If that had not happened, maybe ... maybe Caspar and Lauriel would not be so eager in punishing Alaric Rhionen.     

As a grown man, who must now be in his 40s, he shouldn't be in contact with an innocent young girl like Aleksis.     

This should not be allowed to continue, especially after later Aleksis woke up and recovered.     

Lauriel thought about his own son who was currently in Switzerland and was helping to care for Aleksis. Maybe if Alaric Rhionen didn't exist, Aleksis would be able to open her heart to Nicolae.     

"What exactly are we going to do to Rhionen Assassins if we have captured the leader?" Endo asked Lauriel. He did not know exactly what had happened between Aleksis and Alaric, but he was aware of Lauriel's bad mood and he could guess that it had something to do with Aleksis.     

What exactly would they do to Rhionen Assassins and Alaric Rhionen after they catch him? Lauriel took a deep breath.     

Surely they would dissolve the organization and make agreements with all its members. Once their identities were known, it would be very easy to control them in the future.     

As for Alaric Rhionen, well he deserved severe punishment. This concerned the lives of two people who were very important to Caspar and Lauriel. But to know the exact punishment they would give him, he had to discuss it with Caspar.     

One thing was certain, both Caspar and Lauriel had agreed to make sure that Alaric stayed away from Aleksis. He was not the right person for their beloved daughter.     

Endo went back into the room and let go of the chains that bound Takeshi. The Japanese man was amazed by Endo's unexpected actions.     

"What do you want?" He repeated the question Endo had not answered.     

Endo opened his palm and showed a small communication device and shoved it to Takeshi's face.     

"Give this to Alaric, we will contact him about our demands." He placed the device in Takeshi's hand and took out Aleksis' necklace he had in his pocket. "Give this to him as proof that we are not playing games."     

Takeshi received both items and his mind could only guess what his captors wanted.     

"Why are you releasing me?"     

"Because we want you to tell him yourself what happened."     

Ah, of course, Takeshi thought. For the past two months, no one had been able to obtain any information about Alaric. Even if they arrested and tortured the leaders of Rhionen Industries, no one would be able to tell the Wolf Pack about their boss' whereabouts.     

They need a liaison that could directly take them to Alaric. That person was Takeshi Rhionen himself.     

"What about Rosalien?" Takeshi asked. "I won't leave if you don't release her."     

"You're not in any position to negotiate, boy!" Endo grunted annoyed. "Your girlfriend is dead!"     

Takeshi was shocked to hear that. He was prepared for the worst situation, but hearing that Rosalien was dead, he could not help but feel very angry and sad at the same time. Rosalien was his foster sister ... They grew up together and they had a close relationship.     

"Son of a bitch!" With all his might Takeshi struck his fist into Endo's neck. The man who had suspected that Takeshi would try to hit him casually avoided the blow. After bowing his head, Endo grabbed Takeshi's stomach and made a circular motion as if squeezing all the young man's internal organs, causing him extreme pain, and then slammed him to the floor.     


The sound of Takeshi's body slam to the ground was loud enough for Lauriel to hear, though he was outside. Takeshi could only hug his stomach while trying not to make a sound. He was still weak because of the torture by Max's men, and now he was easily attacked by Endo.     

Really ... the people who detained him were not ordinary people, he thought. He must take advantage of this opportunity and look for Alaric. He could take care of revenge later.     


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