The Alchemists

Terry's Mission

Terry's Mission

0Marion glanced at her computer and nodded in satisfaction. Everything went according to plan, she thought.     

"As I thought, the car was left in a random place. But now we know where they're going. I've got the address and we can easily observe the house with satellites. Do you want to go there now?" Marion asked, turning her head towards Endo and Lauriel.     

"There's no need. Let's just wait and see whether they will look for Terry as you expect or not," Lauriel said.     

"All right. When will you contact them to ask your demands?" Marion asked again.     

"After they capture Terry."     

Terry, who sat in the corner of the room, only pursed his lips. He really liked acting, but he had never had to act in real life, especially in front of real killers. He did not know whether he would succeed or not.      

Marion, who saw Terry's worried face, immediately patted the young man's shoulder and chuckled, "Don't be afraid, we won't let anything happen to you."     

Her words did nothing to calm Terry down. It was only when Lauriel looked at him deeply and nodded that he breathed a sigh of relief. Terry trusted and believed that Lauriel would keep him safe.     

Terry left the Continental hotel and drove to his campus. He had to write several reports before he could submit his film for the final assessment by the professors.     

That afternoon, St. Mary campus was very lively and all the students who noticed his arrival looked impressed. Terry had been popular before, not only because he was an outstanding student with amazing talent in theater and art, but also because he came from a rich family and he was very good looking.     

He was the ideal husband candidate who dominated various polls. Though he had to compete with Nicolae, he had many girls who were his fans. What made him more special and interesting was the fact that throughout his studies, Terry never had a serious girlfriend.      

Now, after people came to know that he was the son of Jean Pierre Wang and had a fairly close relationship with the legendary singer Billie Yves, his popularity on campus skyrocketed.     

He had difficulties reaching the dean's office that afternoon because many students stopped him on his way, wanting to talk to him or take pictures with him.     

Ugh, is this what it feels like to be cool, he thought to himself. After successfully waving his way through the crowd, he was finally able to submit his reports to his professors. He then quickly returned to his car as he had to go home and continue editing the film. He was almost done.     

"Terry Chan?" Terry heard a voice calling his name from behind his car just after he placed his bag in the back seat.     

He turned around and saw two young men he had never seen before. One was very flamboyant and had beautiful curly blond hair, a wind-catcher necklace on his chest, and a fashionable pink shirt that was decorated with lace.     

Terry was a little surprised to see a man dressed so strangely. The young man reminded him of Little Lord Fauntleroy when he had grown up.     

Ah, right, nothing compared to Uncle Aldebar's fashion sense, though, thought Terry. Nobody had a weirder fashion sense than his Uncle Aldebar, Terry corrected himself.     

The other man seemed to be of Korean descent and he had a serious but handsome face. For an Asian, his height was way above average and Terry, who was considered tall in Singapore, immediately felt short in front of him.     

"Did you call me?" Terry asked in his usual nonchalant manner.     

"We need your help," said the blond man in a friendly voice. "We hope that you can come with us for a minute."     

"Who are you guys?" Terry asked, looking confused. He suspected that these men were associated with Rhionen Assassins, but of course he had to pretend that he didn't know them.     

"Miss Aleksis knows me, I am one of her bodyguards," Mischa said with a smile.     

His smile made Terry even more confused. He always thought that assassins had rough or sadistic appearances, but the two people in front of him looked normal; in a glance people would even think that they were students.     

"Aleksis' bodyguards ??!" Terry immediately pointed at them with anger. "How dare you consider yourself my sister's bodyguards if you can't keep her safe! Aleksis is now gone and I can't reach her! Yesterday she was still fine !!"     

Mischa and Kai looked at each other.     

"Our master really wants to hear what happened to Miss Aleksis, because Miss went missing when we were not around. Would you mind coming with us?" Mischa asked again, his voice still sounded friendly.     

They had been warned not to hurt Terry because, after all, he was Aleksis' brother. Alaric did not want to pressure Terry and repeat what happened with Kurt.     

"Who is your master?" Terry asked, frowning. "Is he Prince Siegfried?"     

The two men in front of him nodded. They had been told by Alaric that he was originally known as Prince Siegfried by Aleksis, so that was the name they should give when Terry asked.     

Although very surprised, both Kai and Mischa did not ask any questions.     

Terry seemed to weigh out his options and finally sighed. "Alright, I'll come with you. I'd love to meet Prince Siegfried and see what kind of man had made my sister lose her mind."     

Kai seemed a little upset hearing Terry's words, but held back and took a deep breath. He raised his hand and signaled Terry to follow him to their car but the young man refused.     

"No, sorry. I don't know who you are, and I don't want to ride in a stranger's car. If your boss wants to meet me, he must respect me for coming on my own accord."     

Finally Mischa made the decision and nodded, "Alright, please follow us."     

Mischa and Kai entered their car and drove away from campus with Terry following them from behind.     

He felt a little tense because he felt like he was throwing himself into the tiger's den. On the one hand he felt relieved because the Wolf Pack would be monitoring him at all times, and on the other hand he experienced first hand the attitude of the assassins who were in contact with him.     

They both treated him with respect. It seemed that Aleksis did have a good relationship with them and, out of respect for Aleksis, they treated Terry well.     

Gosh ... he couldn't wait, he would finally meet Prince Siegfried.     

What was the person like? Terry was really curious. Although Aleksis could be weird sometimes, his sister was a smart girl and had a kind heart. He actually doubted someone could brainwash Aleksis to fall in love with them.     

There must be something else ...     


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