The Alchemists

Rosalien Will Not Talk

Rosalien Will Not Talk

0Rosalien looked at Lauriel with a deadpan look. For a moment she groaned angrily at the thought that Lauriel had poisoned her, but after hearing the name of the liquid she had swallowed, Rosalien became calmer. Whatever happened, she would not give what these two mysterious people wanted, she thought.     

Even though she had been given the truth serum, Rosalien only needed to refuse to talk, and so they would not be able to do anything.     

"How old are you?" Lauriel asked, sitting cross-legged in front of Rosalien. The girl pursed her lips tightly.     

But for some reason, her brain refused to cooperate. Rosalien could not believe her own ears when she heard her voice answer to Lauriel's question.     

"Twenty four years."     

Rosalien's face was filled with horror. She could not control her brain even though actually she refused to let out any word. What did she drink? Who were these people, really?     

"Hmm ... good." Lauriel smiled for the first time. The serum he and Aldebar had made turned out to be quite effective. "Can you guess how old I am?"     

"Twenty five years." Rosalien was surprised again. She voluntarily replied to Lauriel's question. She did not care about these trivial questions and had no intention of responding to his questions, but again she could not control herself. Slowly Lauriel saw a speck of fear in her eyes.     

"You are wrong." Lauriel looked at Rosalien very seriously, making sure the girl understood his words well. "I'm 570 years old."     

Rosalien looked at Lauriel closely, trying to find a sign that he was joking or deliberately insulting her intelligence, but strangely Lauriel's face showed that he was 100% serious with what he said.     

570 years??? Seriously!     

Meanwhile, Marion frowned at Lauriel for telling their prisoner of his actual age. What was this? Did Lauriel intend to kill her immediately? Wouldn't it be better if they were kept alive as hostages?     

If their first plan failed, they could keep these people hostage to get to Alaric Rhionen ... Marion couldn't help thinking.     

"You heard me right," Lauriel said again. "I've lived for almost six centuries. I've met so many people and I have come to know all the tricks in the world. Whatever you think you can do, you are no match for me."     

Rosalien narrowed her eyes and studied Lauriel. She still could not believe this handsome and authoritative young man, who had such a commanding presence, standing in front of her had lived for that long. But why ... why did his face still look young? Just like ...     

Suddenly Rosalien thought about her foster father whom she had known for almost 15 years and ... his face still looked young, just like this man in front of her.     

Were they of the same kind? Who exactly was Alaric?     

She and his friends never questioned him because they respected the leader of Rhionen Assassins and considered his God-like figure a privilege that was to be kept secret and not to be discussed.     

Rosalien never thought that one day she would meet other people like Alaric, who did not age.     

The girl swallowed hard.     

Just one Alaric was already very impressive. How many of them were there in this world?     

She studied Lauriel's face and appearance. For some reason, Lauriel's appearance reminded her of Alaric. Their faces were different, but she felt that they both had the same features. Did all of these people have this appearance?     

Did Alaric know that he was being pursued by people of his kind? Was this her foster father's enemy?     

For the first time since last night, Rosalien regretted her careless actions at the stadium yesterday that resulted in her and Takeshi being caught. She never thought that they would be faced with mysterious people who were so frightening.     

"Hmm ... I see that now you believe me." Lauriel smiled faintly. "I need the names of all Rhionen Assassins' members and their identities."     

With all her might Rosalien hardened her jaw and tried to refuse to answer. There was clearly a struggle in her head and beads of sweat ran down her forehead.     

When her lips opened, she struggled to control her words.     

"Wh ... why are you after us?? Who are you??" she exclaimed with all her might, trying not to answer Lauriel's question.     

Lauriel was rather amazed by Rosalien's stubbornness and her determination to fight.     

"Hmm, alright. To be fair. I'll tell you why." Lauriel raised two fingers of his right hand, "Two reasons. Aleksis and Kurt Van Der Ven."     

Rosalien's eyes widened. She had no idea that the two people who held her captive were related to those two names.     

She still vividly remembered Kurt's death two months ago, because after that, Alaric gathered all of them and disbanded Rhionen Assassins. But Aleksis ... she just saw the girl yesterday.     

"What's wrong with them?" Rosalien asked fiercely. "Kurt killed himself, whereas Aleksis … I don't understand why you have to blame us, she was still fine yesterday!!" Rosalien talked through her gritted teeth.     

She now became convinced that these two people were sent by the Van Der Ven family or the Schneider family who wanted to take revenge on them.     

"Kurt died in the hands of your assassins and Aleksis got into a terrible accident because you cold heartedly eradicated a mafia group in Singapore and so one of their members became vengeful to Aleksis. The Schneider family cannot let you walk free." Lauriel really missed Aleksis and mentioning her name in front of Rosalien made him emotional. "My duty is to punish the perpetrators."     

Rosalien was now aware that these people were not just ordinary people and if she surrendered the information about her fellow assassins, they could definitely capture them all with ease.     

"I want you to give me the data of all members of Rhionen Assassins, starting with the leader."     

Rosalien tried her best to fight her mouth, but it was very difficult. Her lips slowly started releasing the answer to Lauriel's question.     

"Our leader is Alaric Rhionen. He is in charge of the 15 assassins throughout the world."     

Lauriel and Marion looked at each other. They did not expect that there were only 15 members of Rhionen Assassins. At first they thought that an organization with such impressive skills and reputation would have tens or even hundreds of people.     

This meant that this group, although small, was very tough and deadly. No wonder they were considered the best and most mysterious group of assassins in the world. Unfortunately, this time they met an opponent who was no match for them, The Wolf Pack, who had lived and experienced the world for hundreds of years.     

"Who and where is Alaric Rhionen now?" Lauriel asked again. He just wanted to make sure that Alaric Rhionen, the leader of Rhionen Assassins, was the same person as the owner of Rhionen Industries.     

Rosalien tried hard to fight the effects of veritaserum.     

"Alaric is heading to Singapore ..." out came the answer from Rosalien's lips. The girl felt even more depressed. She still struggled against the influence of veritaserum but she knew she would fail.     

Tears flowed from both corners of her eyes as she thought that in a moment she would endanger the lives of her foster father and his friends by revealing their secrets. She could not face herself ever again if she were to do that.     

She couldn't let them obtain the information they wanted.     

Rosalien could only do this last method to protect her family. They may not be caught. She wouldn't let it happen.     

She closed her eyes and imagined the faces of Alaric and one by one her foster brothers and friends in Rhionen Assassins. This was the only way to protect them.     

"Hey .. what are you doing!! ??" Lauriel hurriedly grabbed Rosalien's neck when she saw the girl making a daring attempt to kill herself.     

But he was too late.     

So much blood flowed out of Rosalien's mouth.     

Unexpected by Lauriel and Marion, Rosalien suddenly, with all her might, bit her tongue so hard that it was almost cut off. She was not willing to give them any information, no matter what!     

They could give her veritaserum and manipulate her brain to answer, but without her tongue ... Rosalien wouldn't be able to speak.     

Withstanding the pain, the girl put on a cold smile while looking at Lauriel in a challenging manner.     

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