The Alchemists

Lauriel Lied

Lauriel Lied

0Alaric was still thinking about Aleksis who had suddenly shown up in Singapore. If she really was Aleksis, surely something serious must have happened to cause the girl to lose her memory. Because he was sure that the real Aleksis would have tried all means to find him ...     

But this Aleksis did not do such things at all.     

What should I do if she has really forgotten about me? What if she really lost her memory and her condition became permanent? Can I live without her after this? If in time her memory recovered ... what would she do if she found out I was the one that caused his father's death?     

Those thoughts made his chest feel heavy.     

Finally, after pondering for a while, Alaric decided to make a decision ONLY after he had made sure who this girl really was. If she really was Aleksis, he would take her home with him, take care of her and help her recover. Then, he would explain his role in her father's death and ask for her forgiveness ... with all in the open, they could start anew.     

If the girl was indeed Aleksis and her memory did not recover, Alaric would fight for her love and make her fall in love with him again.     

The heart couldn't lie, could it? If she once loved Alaric, of course no matter what, that love was still there, in her heart, waiting to be revived.     

Alaric realized, at this point, he could not imagine his life without his wife, Aleksis, beside him.     

My wife ...     

For some reason he was very happy to repeat the words when mentioning Aleksis' name.     

He really missed her.     

All right, I have a way to find out if she is really Aleksis or not, he thought.     

Alaric took his cellphone and looked for the phone number he had kept for 18 years. Uncle Rory had been indebted to him 18 years ago when he had saved Aleksis. In exchange for one million dollars, Alaric had one request he could exchange at any time.     

Now he would use that one request, which was worth one million dollars, to establish once and for all if the girl was really Aleksis or not.     

Considering Uncle Rory was Aleksis's godfather, he was the only person Alaric could trust to give him truthful information about Aleksis' condition. Rory was a person with great integrity and wouldn't lie.     

[It's me, wanting to collect the one million dollars you promised me] Thus is the message from Alaric.     

Lauriel was very surprised to receive an unexpected SMS from an unknown number.     

If Prince Siegfried was indeed Alaric Rhionen ... didn't this mean that the person they were looking for was the person who was now sending him this SMS?     

He hurriedly replied. [Please send the account number where I have to transfer the money to].     

[What I want is information worth one million dollars. Information about Aleksis. After this there will be no more debt between us.]     

Lauriel was stunned. He became increasingly convinced this was indeed Alaric Rhionen. With a deep breath he typed his reply.     

[What information?]     

[Where is Aleksis now?]     

[Why do you want to know?] Lauriel replied.     

[I have no ill intention towards Aleksis. You know that you can trust me. I have met her three times and I have never hurt her.] Alaric refrained from saying that Aleksis was his wife. He remembered the girl's reluctance to reveal the secret to her family.     

If Aleksis was indeed still alive, he would wait until Aleksis herself told her family, he would not do something the girl might not want him to do.     

Meanwhile in Grosseto, Lauriel's mind was conflicted. On the one hand he knew that Alaric meant no threat to Aleksis and he did owe it to Alaric to provide true information, namely that Aleksis was lying in a coma in Switzerland.     

But on the other hand, Alaric and the Rhionen Assassins had killed too many people and even caused the death of Kurt van Der Ven, Caspar's confidant. This had caused the Alchemist clan leader to be very angry and wanted to capture and punish him.     

If he wanted to lure Alaric as they had originally planned, Lauriel had to lie and convey that Aleksis was currently in Singapore.     

And finally, that's what Lauriel did.     

He chose to lie, and for the first time in his life, he broke his promise to someone.     

[Aleksis was in a coma due to an accident and now she has returned to Singapore to recover her memory.]     

[Thank you. Your debt is paid off.]     

Alaric closed his cellphone and tapped the screen with his fingers. Finally he got the confirmation he needed. He knew Uncle Rory would never lie to him because he was bound by his promise to grant Alaric one request.     

He again opened his cellphone and looked at the various photographs of Aleksis scattered on Splitz again.     

Apparently, his wife was still alive. No wonder he hadn't been able to find information of her whereabouts. Her family must have taken her to a hidden place to get treatment, especially after Kurt's death.     

A smile was etched on his lips as he dialed Pavel's number.     

"Prepare the plane. I'm going back to Singapore."     


Marion went to the top of the building to get some fresh air. Indeed, she felt uncomfortable attending Billie's concert because she knew of Billie's relationship with Jean, the man she liked. On the other hand, she felt that she should have been able to understand why Jean had come.     

He still considered Billie a big part of his life and they had a friendly relationship. Of course this was the attitude of a gentleman, compared to some men who acted like jerks after a break up who treated their exes badly after their romantic relationship ended.     

Actually, Marion considered this as one of Jean's good qualities. He was a good man. His friendship with Finland had lasted almost a quarter of a century was proof of his caring character.     

He always supported Finland and was there for her no matter what. He was even her children's favorite uncle.     

During his 15 year relationship with Billie, Jean was famous for being a good boyfriend, and now after the relationship had ended, he had never done anything to hurt Billie. He even came to provide support at Billie's concert.     

If Jean's attitude towards his ex-girlfriend was so good, Marion could only imagine how he would treat the woman who became his girlfriend or his wife. This thought made Marion melt.     

Jean was honestly telling her that he liked Marion and wanted to approach her. This made Marion feel flattered. She also liked the man and was willing to be more relaxed around Billie, but it was proofed to be very difficult.     

Marion finally returned to the VIP waiting room five minutes before the concert began. Terry and his friends, nor Endo and Neo were there. Only Jean was waiting for her.     

"Eh, are you still here?" Marion asked in surprise. Jean nodded.     

"If you really don't want to watch this concert, let's just go home," Jean said firmly.     

Marion was stunned to hear that. Earlier, at the top of the building she had thought for a while and decided to watch the concert and forget all the other things for a moment. All things considered, Billie was an extraordinary artist and it would be a pity not to enjoy her beautiful music.     

"I just needed to get some air." said Marion. "I am alright."     

"Are you serious?" asked Jean in a probing tone. Marion nodded. Jean smiled with relief, "Alright, let's go in."     

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