The Alchemists

Meeting Rhionen Assassins

Meeting Rhionen Assassins

0"Care to elaborate? What do you mean?" Terry asked in puzzlement. Astonishingly, he also managed to keep looking as lazy and indifferent as usual.     

"I met a suspicious woman. I don't know why but I feel that she's not an ordinary lady."     

"Who do you think she is?" Terry asked again.     

"If I'm not mistaken, Famke used to be a member of Rhionen Assassins. It means that the organization also has female members. I suspect the girl I met outside is one of them," Marion replied, smiling broadly while showing her book. It was done on purpose, to make it appear like they were discussing something interesting from that book.     

A female Assassin? Terry was a bit shocked by what he just heard. Was there an assassin around them right now?     

He discreetly looked around, trying to comb anyone suspicious in the spacious hall. However, nobody truly stood out.     

"Do you remember her face? We have to report it to Lauriel," Terry spoke quickly.     

"I don't really remember, we just met each other very briefly. Maybe if I saw her again I would remember," Marion said.     

The food they ordered came and both of them had their lunch as if nothing had happened.     

"Do you want to come with us to the concert while waiting for Neo and Endo to arrive? I don't think it's a good idea to leave you alone by yourself" Terry finally said to her.     

Marion shook her head lightly, "I'll be fine, don't worry. I'll be back to the penthouse to report this to Lauriel. You can have fun at Billie's concert later."     

"You really don't want to come?" Terry asked, concerned.     

Marion just rolled her eyes. She then took her bag and moved away. She looked relaxed and indifferent to her surroundings, but in actuality, Marion's eyes were sharply roaming around, trying to find the girl she had bumped into in front of the building.     

It will be very interesting, she thought. Originally, they only knew two assassins, namely Mischa and Takeshi, but with the appearance of this girl, the Wolf Pack would be able to identify three people. They would be closer to finding Alaric.     


Marion sighed in relief when she arrived in front of the campus gate and did not find the girl who had bumped into her. Maybe she's gone, she thought.     

She quickly ordered a taxi which arrived in front of her five minutes later. The driver of the taxi was an Android of the latest release which already looked very similar to humans and for a moment she was fascinated. The last time Marion took a taxi in Switzerland, the taxi company was still used a rigid robot.     

As a small country with advanced technological sophistication, Singapore was indeed superior compared to other countries, even compared to Germany.     

This was because the Singaporean government was very open to innovation and industry advancement so as not to lose to its large neighboring countries, such as Indonesia and Vietnam, who were now starting to dominate the economy in Asia.     

That was also one of the reasons why Rhionen Industries opened a large branch office in the Continental Building - Singapore, at the beginning of this year. Marion had read a lot about the corporate group lately since she had to carry out the mission of capturing Alaric Rhionen, who may be related to Rhionen Assassins and Rhionen Industries.     

Ordinary people were only aware of Rhionen Industries as a leading corporation that invented cancer drugs and was engaged in technology. Very few people know about Rhionen Assassins.     

If the world knew about the truth, that their hero, the leader of the company that invented the cancer drug, was the same person who dominated the underworld and killed to achieve his goals, there might be a commotion or even chaos in the world.     

Marion narrowed her eyes after five minutes as she realized that the car she was riding was not taking her to the Continental Hotel.     

Marion turned on her cellphone to look at the map and contact her friends, but she soon realized that the car was given a signal jammer so that she could not connect to the internet.     

Damn! It must be them, she thought.     

"Why don't we head to the Continental Hotel? Is there an error in the programming?" Marion asked, tapping the window between the passenger and the driver. The android driver did not reply and continued driving west.     

Ugh… this is too quick, I'm not ready, Marion complained silently.     

She only arrived in Singapore yesterday. Her initial plan was to disguise herself as Aleksis for a week to lure out the Rhionen Assassins. She did not expect that she would bump into them in just one day. It was either a coincidence or they had been watching her since yesterday.     

Endo and Neo were still on their way ... She must be able to overcome this herself.     

For a moment Marion thought about what she should do in an unexpected condition like this. Actually she could easily subdue the android who drove this taxi, then change the programming to direct the taxi to the Continental Hotel, or at least broke the door lock and exited the car. But that means she would disclose her own disguise as Aleksis.     

They would be suspicious if Aleksis suddenly became an expert in breaking through like her.     

But if she didn't say anything, she took a huge risk for herself. She was not sure what Aleksis' relationship was with the Rhionen Assassins. She and her team suspected Aleksis had a special relationship with Alaric Rhionen, the leader of the assassins, but they were not 100% sure.     

What if they were wrong?     

What if in fact, Aleksis was a potential victim that they were after?     

Marion will not let them discover her secrets if she got caught. She opened her bag and pulled out a small bomb the size of a marble bead and held it tight in her palm.     

If they were going to torture her and her disguise was to be exposed, Marion would blow herself up so that they would never know that they didn't actually capture Aleksis. She must not let Rhionen Assassins know that there was a group that was after them.     

"Heyy..!!! Heyy.. you! Let me out of here..!!!"     

Marion pretended to be angry and pounded on the glass that divided the driver with the passenger, asking the glass to be taken down. At the same time, she also had to behave like a regular person who was surprised and scared because she was taken to a place other than her destination.     

After some time she seemed to give up and sit in the passenger seat with a sour face.     

She then cautiously watched the route the driver took through the window and immediately memorized it so she could find her way back. By focusing her mind Marion counted every left and right turn that the car took. Even if she couldn't use the map, she would still be able to estimate her location.     

The taxi stopped 15 minutes later in front of a mansion, with a high gate that opened automatically, then went inside. After the car stopped, suddenly the passenger door opened and Marion could rush out.     

The Android taxi driver suddenly closed his eyes and sat quietly in the driver's seat. The circuit had been turned off.     

Marion now truly believed she would soon meet people from Rhionen Assassins in this place. She walked around the car and made sure there was no one. Now her eyes were on the front door.     

The door handle moved slowly and then the door opened from inside. Marion frowned when she saw two staff come out and approached her, then bowed respectfully.     

"Welcome home, Miss."     

Marion quickly turned around when she heard a voice greeting her from her behind her. She saw a man in his 20's who looked like a student wearing a casual-looking outfit and with his hands in his pockets.     

From his appearance, Marion could clearly see he was Japanese. Marion remembered this guy as the man they tracked in Nepal; he had apparently arrived here in Singapore very quickly.     

In accordance with the plan that had been drawn up with the Wolf Pack, Marion had to pretend that she had lost her memory after the coma so that she would not make a mistake in recognizing the people around Aleksis.     

The students on campus did not count because they were not too close to Aleksis and it was very easy for her to ask Terry for help to identify Aleksis' friends at the university. However, they could not take a risk with others.     

"Ah ... who are you? Sorry, I was in a coma for some time due to an accident and I experienced partial memory loss. Do we know each other?" Marion asked him with a face full of questions.      

Takeshi nodded and smiled, and that immediately made Marion rather relieved. It looked like the person in front of her had no malicious intentions toward Aleksis.     

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