The Alchemists

PRINCE SIEGFRIED - The Dragon Slayer

PRINCE SIEGFRIED - The Dragon Slayer

0Lauriel could not remember 'Prince Siegfried's' face, but he remembered that the young man was quite resilient because he managed to hold Lauriel in close-range altercation, and the aura coming out of him at that time did not feel evil at all; even little Aleksis felt comfortable around him and trusted him.     

It felt so unfortunate that 18 years later, 'Prince Siegfried' had become part of the most mysterious assassin organization in the world; he even got involved with Aleksis and resulted in the girl's accident which almost claimed her life.     

Lauriel wondered if Prince Siegfried was already an assassin when they met, or had something happened that led him to plunge into the underworld? If so, what actually happened to him?     

What made a good young man like him fall into the organization of assassins? What did this have to do with Aleksis? Who was he, really?     

Now, he must already be in his 40s, much older than Aleksis. Did he really influence Aleksis and brainwash her? Where was Prince Siegfried when Aleksis had this accident? What were his thoughts knowing that she was reportedly dead?     

So many questions raged in Lauriel's head. Subconsciously, he took his cellphone and wrote an SMS to Petra.     

[Don't kill the target. I want him alive. I have some things to ask him.]     

He then put down his cellphone and walked towards the courtyard, still feeling upset. The sky was cloudy and the air was very cold, that even Lauriel, who had a very strong resistance to cold, today felt the need to wear a sweater.     

"Father, I want to go to Switzerland to visit Aleksis," said Nicolae, who came out of the hall with his bag packed. "Please let me know if there are any developments with the targets, I want to be involved as much as possible. I really hope to learn from you."     

Lauriel nodded. He smiled slightly as he waved at Nicolae who rushed into the car that would drive him to the airstrip in the valley to board their family's private plane to Switzerland.     

Aleksis always talked about 'Prince Siegfried' since she was a child and behaved as if that person was her prince on a white horse. Lauriel had never had a problem with this before, but now that Nicolae had become part of his life, he really hoped that Aleksis could forget her obsession toward that person and start giving his son a chance[1].     

Nicolae was an extraordinary young man and he would be the perfect husband for Aleksis, he thought.     


Nicolae's arrival made Finland very relieved. She knew that there was no one she could trust more to wait on Aleksis than the young man, because not only was Nicolae a doctor, but he had proven himself in the last few weeks to be a very reliable person.     

Finland couldn't leave Aleksis alone only under the supervision of their family doctor and the nurses and her two younger children, while she must also accompany her husband who needed her support in managing such a large company group which he had left for almost 20 years.     

Sometimes, Finland hoped that she could clone herself so that she could accompany all the people she loved to make sure they were okay.     

"Auntie, don't worry, I'll take care of everything here," Nicolae said as he followed Finland to the car. London and Rune stood to his left and right, nodding in unison.     

Finland nodded with a smile of relief. She hugged and kissed her two sons before getting into the car to catch up with Caspar in Berlin.     

London, who looked very similar to Caspar as a teenager, and Rune, who looked like a little Aldebar, then simultaneously sighed after their mother disappeared from view.     

"Ugh ... I don't like our family being separated like this," complained Rune. "I hope Aleksis wakes up quickly."     

London nodded wistfully. He walked into the house with a book in his hand and entered Aleksis' treatment room. With a sad face, he stared at Aleksis for a long time. The girl still looked like a sleeping princess who was having a very sweet dream.     

"I saw her latest CT scan report - Aleksis is heading towards recovery with a very promising level of progress. You don't need to worry," Nicolae said softly. He had followed London and Rune and sat on the edge of the bed. He coughed a little, "Have I told you that I am a doctor?"     

The two teenagers shook their heads. Rune frowned, "I thought you were a hacker. I didn't know you were a doctor too."     

"Well, I am a doctor. That was my first profession because my adoptive father was also a doctor," Nicolae explained. "Now I'm more interested in computer science, but I still like the world of medicine."     

"Hmm ... is there anything we can do to help Aleksis?" asked London then.     

"Aleksis is being treated by some of the best nurses and therapists. They do their utmost best to keep her body fresh and not stiff because she is always lying still in bed. What you can do is talk to her so Aleksis will not feel lonely. You can also read the books that she likes. Things like that ..." said Nicolae to answer London's question.     

London looked at the book in his hand and then nodded. "Well, I can read books to Aleksis. I think she would like the story of this book."     

Nicolae glanced at the title of the book held by London and instantly grumbled inwardly.     


Ugh, why not chose another book? he thought, feeling annoyed. He was already aware of Aleksis' obsession with 'Prince Siegfried'.     

"This is one of Aleksis' favorite stories," Rune said. "She said she met Prince Siegfried in person."     

"Is that true?" Nicolae asked. "What's the person like?"     

"Aleksis said that the person was very delicate and he liked plants. He was also very handsome. Aleksis had always believed that she would one day meet with Prince Siegfried again and they would get married," Rune answered. He looked at Nicolae for a long time and then added, "I don't want Aleksis to marry Prince Siegfried. I like you more."     

Nicolae was astonished to hear Rune's blunt words. He did not expect that the boy would like him that much and that fast. A moment later a big smile spread across his face. "Thank you."     

"But you must promise me that you will never hurt my sister," threatened Rune, trying to look bigger and intimidating. "Otherwise, I don't care if you're Uncle Lauriel's son, I'll kill you."     

"Gosh, you're still a child, don't talk nonsense," Nicolae said. "Don't worry, I won't hurt Aleksis. I really like your sister."     

London stopped the whisperings between the two with a fierce look in his eyes as he raised the book in his hands, "I want to read, can you two be quiet or not?"     

Nicolae and Rune hastily closed their mouths and allowed London to start reading the story from his book.     

Aleksis had been in a coma for over one month and her younger siblings really missed seeing her awake and talking to them. Both of them loved Aleksis very much and this miserable incident had made London and Rune become even closer.     

London's voice trembled as he read his sister's favorite story, while Rune held Aleksis' hands affectionately. They were eager to see the signs that Aleksis was going to wake up. They both looked at Alexis' closed eyes, feeling hopeful. London and Rune's faces were filled with anxiety.     

Nicolae, who felt like he was an outsider, thought that it would be better if he gave the three siblings time to be alone, so he slowly got up and left them.     

He busied himself by observing Takeshi's movements on his computer. He still remembered his meeting with Takeshi and Mischa, when they had a fight in Singapore. At that time he did not know who they were. If he had known, of course Nicolae would be more careful and not be too rash with his actions.     

He was currently busy guessing whether 'Prince Siegfried' was the leader of Rhionen Assassins or not, and what his true relationship was with Aleksis.     

When he was busy with his work while enjoying a cup of tea, Rune's sudden scream from Aleksis' room shocked Nicolae that he spilled his tea all over the floor. Frantically he placed his cup on the table and hurriedly ran towards the sound.     

"What is wrong?" he asked breathlessly as he arrived inside.     

Nicolae was very surprised to see Rune in tears. He raised Aleksis' right hand which was in his grasp.     

"Aleksis just moved her hand," Rune whispered in a hoarse voice. "I really felt it. She moved her two fingers and touched my hand!"     

London nodded with a broad smile on his face, "Aleksis can hear us."     

Nicolae breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried that something bad had happened to Aleksis. He was happy to know that it was good news instead.     

The girl was responding to her younger siblings! Aleksis' progress was extraordinary; Nicolae had not expected that her progress would be this fast. It seemed that the girl was fighting very hard to recover.     

[1] Oh... Uncle Rory... If only you knew...     

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