The Alchemists

The Fake Aleksis

The Fake Aleksis

0Not only Terry was surprised, but all the crew members were staring wide-eyed at Aleksis who suddenly appeared. She looked in good health and was even holding Jean's hand lovingly. There were so many things that made them bewildered.     

They did not expect Aleksis to be okay. She had disappeared for almost two months from the campus and now, there were various rumors circulating around regarding her wellbeing.     

The stories ranged from normal ones such as she simply died or in comatose somewhere, up to absurd ones like she had been abducted by aliens.     

Another thing that surprised them was Aleksis' closeness to Jean, the super famous actor whom they only knew today as Terry's biological father.     

Was Aleksis related to Terry by blood and thus had a kinship with Jean? If that was the case, the girl was indeed very impressive. She deserved to be the new queen bee of their campus!     

For some time Terry was unable to say anything. He looked at Jean and Aleksis with eyes full of questions. Jean signaled him with his eyes so that Terry would stop attracting attention. The young man could only scratch his head and nod.     

"I'm shooting my movie with Father. What are you doing looking for me?" He asked in annoyance. He glared at the girl who was wearing a broad smile on her face.     

Aleksis shook her head, "I am bored at home, I want to go out. You must accompany me."     

Jean nodded toward Terry, "You heard your sister."     

Terry finally looked at his friends and shrugged, "Uhm, have you met my sister? This is Aleksis. She's a transfer student on our campus. You might have heard that two months ago she had had an accident."     

Terry's friends nodded. Of course, everyone heard a thing or two about that incident, even though no one was really sure about what actually happened. Nicolae and Aleksis disappeared and Terry left for a while. It turned out that Aleksis was indeed Terry's sister and at the moment she was in good condition.     

"Have you recovered? We almost thought you died," Max said in amazement.     

The girl just chuckled, "I did get treated after the accident, but my injury was not actually that severe. I have no idea why the gossips spread like that, even escalating into me being dead. But as you can see, I am alive and well. I'm just like weed, it will be hard to kill me."     

Terry was still shocked in his heart, seeing how similar the girl in front of him was to his sister Aleksis. If he did not know for certain that Aleksis was still being treated in Switzerland, he would have surely been fooled. He was completely impressed. This woman was indeed an amazing actress.     

"Uhm, you guys go home first. You, editors, must work hard, okay? I'll check your work tomorrow before we go to Billy Yves' concert." Terry cleared his camera and bag then grabbed 'Aleksis' hand before pulling her outside the auditorium, following after Jean who had gone out first.     

They did not talk to each other as they headed towards Terry's sports car that was parked in the courtyard. When the three of them were finally seated in the car and Terry had started driving towards the Continental Hotel, the young man turned to 'Aleksis' and scolded her.     

"Who are you????"     

With one of her eyebrows raised, 'Aleksis' turned to Jean. "Is this really your son? His face looks similar to yours. But he is not as cool as you."     

Jean just chuckled and nodded slowly, "He takes after his mother a lot."     

Terry frowned at the two who were acting extremely familiar to each other. After observing the girl disguised as his younger sister for some time, he finally realized who she was.     

"Are you Marion? Have you been commissioned to disguise as Aleksis?" He asked in astonishment. "Are they having difficulties finding the traces of the members of the Rhionen Assassins so they ask you to go undercover?"     

Marion shook her head, "They managed to track one person. But he disappeared somewhere in Nepal. While looking for him, they told me to get ready to lure Alaric Rhionen in Singapore."     

"Alaric Rhionen?" Terry remembered Nicolae telling him that the person was the leader of Rhionen Assassins who also wanted to hire the hacker to look for Aldebar and Aleksis. He was the person they suspected as Prince Siegfried. His interest was piqued. "What is your plan?"     

Marion played with her nails as she looked out the window, "Well ... as usual. I will be Aleksis for a week and show myself everywhere. I will go to college, act as Aleksis, and wait until Alaric comes to me. I will pretend to have lost my memory because of the coma so he will not be suspicious of me. I will gather as much information as I can about him and his group. After that, I'll guide Lauriel and his team to arrest them. I haven't been in college for quite a long time, so I will need a little help from you to adapt."     

"Did you bring Little Prince Siegfried with you?" Terry inquired. "Aleksis has never been separated from that dog."     

Marion shook her head, "I can't bear to bring him here and keep him away from Aleksis. We can only improvise with what we have."     

"Alright," Terry nodded. He looked at his father through the rearview mirror, catching Jean frequently stealing glances at Marion who was disguised as Aleksis. The older man was even smiling to himself.     

Gosh, Terry had never seen his father look this happy. Was his father in a special relationship with Marion?     

The moment they arrived at the Continental Hotel, they immediately made plans. Terry opened a large computer in the study and turned on the hologram feature to display all the photos and videos he needed to share with Marion.     

"Here are three of Aleksis's classmates in the Information Management department. She has several enemies, mostly popular girls who hate her. This is Cindy from the Communication department, and this one is Anjali from the Broadcasting Department. Anjali has a gang of girls always following her around. Aleksis often got on their nerves." Terry was explaining while showing the woman various photos and videos of those people from his campus Splitz social media group. "There is also Ian and several other students who often trailed Aleksis. She is quite famous on the campus."     

"I know," Marion replied quickly. She spread her hands and flashed a wide smile, "Aleksis is very beautiful and sexy. Of course, she has to be very popular."     

Terry rolled his eyes. He knew that his sister was very, very beautiful. So beautiful that her father made Aleksis disguised as an old-fashioned shabby girl whenever she went outside so as to not attract too much attention from various men. However, Aleksis had never acted as if she was aware of how beautiful she was, unlike the current Marion.     

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