The Alchemists



0Billie arrived at the Moonshine restaurant precisely at 7 pm. Jean, who had been there for five minutes, welcomed the girl with a happy face and planted a kiss on her cheek. He then opened a chair for her and sat beside her. The iconic singer chuckled noticing Jean had not changed.     

"You still like to sit next to people." The gorgeous girl with beautiful hair glistening in bluish highlights took her seat. She then continued, "You still don't want to sit across."     

"Two people sitting across the table will make it look like a business meeting," Jean said, shrugging. "Friends or lovers should sit side by side. Don't you think so?"     

"I agree," Billie said, opening her napkin and laying it neatly on her lap.     

She still looked like a girl in her 20s since that was when she first drank her immortality potion. Many people who saw her walking towards their table looked amazed at how beautiful this 45-year-old megastar singer was.     

She and Jean used to be considered a perfect couple not only because they were both very good looking, but because they both looked equally young. Unfortunately, the romantic relationship they had for more than 15 years ended due to each other's busy schedule - at least that was the excuse they gave to the public.     

"So far, what does it feel to take some time off from work?" Billie asked after ordering her food. She slowly took a sip of her wine as she studied Jean's face which looked brighter than usual. "Did something good happen? You look happy."     

"Oh? I am? Well, yeah. I'm really happy. It's been a long time since I took a leave. Frankly, I'm now bored of always being recognized by people. Maybe after all my businesses are taken care of, I will fly to Switzerland, go into seclusion and live like an ordinary person, or even be a farmer," Jean casually replied. "People will slowly forget my face, and I will be able to become an ordinary man again."     

Billie chuckled after hearing that, "Farming? I want to see you wearing overalls of a farmer and riding a tractor. I'm sure it will be cool."     

"Eh, I once acted as a farmer in a movie titled 'The Fateful Year'. You didn't like it because it has a sad ending," Jean said. "I played the role of quite a sexy farmer there. Many female fans forced their husbands to wear hats similar to the one I wore in the movie. That hat sold so well ... With that said, you can safely assume that if I really become a farmer, I will still be cool. "     

This time, Billie could not help but laugh heartily. Jean laughed with her.     

"You're still as confident as ever, and full of yourself," The female singer commented. For her, it was always entertaining to hear Jean telling stories about his fans.     

How grateful she was that the two of them started out as friends before establishing a romantic relationship. Now that they were no longer lovers, they could still be friends, similar to Jean and Finland who were still friends even though Finland married Caspar and had her own family with him.     

They chatted warmly while eating dinner. After they finished their meal, they began to talk over a cup of coffee. Jean thanked Billie for giving so many tickets to Terry to give out to his crew.     

"Small matter. Let's just say it's a graduation gift from me," Billie smiled. "You're coming tomorrow too, aren't you?"     

"Of course," he replied.     

"Thank you. This concert means a lot to me, so I don't want any scandal," Billie sported a regretful expression. "If tomorrow, the reporters suddenly started criticizing you about our past relationship, please just ignore it."     

"Don't worry. I'll just make them see that we are still okay with each other," Jean answered firmly. "I'm definitely coming."     

Jean knew that in his ex-girlfriend's current situation, he had to give her his support by coming and showing the world that their relationship was still fine despite their separation.     

At 9 pm, the pleasant dinner finally ended. After escorting Billie to her suite at the Continental Hotel, Jean hurriedly went up to the penthouse to look for Marion. The girl had already returned to her own room and appeared to be busy in a teleconference with several people. Jean recognized Lauriel as one of them.     

"Hey, are you still busy?" Jean asked, sitting next to Marion. The girl just glanced at him from one corner of her eye and continued to focus her attention on Petra who was still speaking. Jean brought his face near Marion's ear and whispered softly to her, "Lauriel is watching, don't you want to make him jealous?"     

Marion's face turned red. She instinctively pinched Jean's hand so hard that he groaned. She hissed, "Why are you so noisy? Can't you see I'm working?!"     

"So fierce," Jean grumbled. He caught sight of Lauriel's sour face and whispered back to the woman, "He just looked here. I think he is getting jealous. Don't you want to take this opportunity?"     

I don't really like Lauriel anymore, Marion sighed to herself. She glared at Jean and was annoyed to see him looking so happy.     

It must have been a very nice dinner with his ex-girlfriend judging from his beaming face, Marion muttered to herself. What did they talk about? Do they still love each other?     

Meanwhile, Jean sighed at Marion's indifference, "Alright, since I can see that you're still busy, I'll go first, I'll wait for you in the bedroom."     

He kissed Marion on the cheek and then left the room. The teleconference immediately descended into silence. Everyone clearly heard what Jean said and thus Marion's friends were now giving her a questioning look.     

Marion, who was just as surprised as they were, quickly covered her blushing face and waved her hand at them, "Hahahaha ... he's just joking, really. Don't bother about that crazy actor."     

She hurried out of the room and hit the man's head as soon as he was within her reach.     

"Hey! What did you mean by that ?!" Marion exclaimed. "You'll wait for me IN THE BEDROOM????"     

"Ouch ... why did you hit my head? If I have a brain hemorrhage and become paralyzed, you will have to take responsibility and take care of me for life," Jean complained.     

"Iiish ... did you think I'm stupid? I'm very good at controlling my strength. Even flies won't die from that hit," Marion snarled. "So why did you deliberately embarrass me in front of my friends?"     

"I was just trying to help you by saying that. Don't you want to make Lauriel jealous, to see if he cares for you or not?" Jean asked.     

Marion was silent for a moment.      

"Really? So that is the only reason? You just wanted to help me make Lauriel jealous? That is all?"     

Jean looked at her for a long time. He did not like to see Marion being treated like that by Lauriel. In his eyes, the woman was extraordinary and she shouldn't be chasing after a man who seemed to have no plan to love her back. So yes, it was true that he really wanted to help Marion make Lauriel jealous so that that man would start paying attention to the girl.     

But that was last month. Come to think of it, Jean only used that as an excuse to be able to tease Marion. However, just now, he was very happy to be able to kiss her cheek and pretend to be her boyfriend.     

"So what?" Jean asked, staring deeply into Marion's eyes.     

"You said you were willing to be my fake boyfriend to make Lauriel jealous with the condition that I must not fall in love with you," Marion met his gaze. "But what if you fall in love with me instead??"     

Jean was stunned. He did not think Marion would say this so bluntly.     

"Do you think I'm now  in love with you?" Jean then asked back. "Don't you think it's too fast? Just a month ago we...-"     

Before he could finish his sentence, Marion had already pulled him close by the neck and kissed his lips.     

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