The Alchemists

The Medici Castle

The Medici Castle

0After the pre-production meeting, Terry and Jean discussed about Terry's film project at the penthouse. Jean gave some inputs that were based on his 20 years of experience in the movie industry.     

Both of them seemed very well suited in discussing the film together. After they finished, Jean invited Terry to have a drink together at Sky Bar. When they were walking together, both of them really look like brothers because of the similarities in their appearance and age.     

The waiters at Sky Bar who recognized Jean were very happy to see him. They repeatedly tried to find opportunities to pass and observe the beautiful man.     

The guests who saw them walk towards the Jade table, which was located at the most exclusive corner at the end of the premise as it faced the glass wall that presented the magnificent view of the city lights from the 100th floor, also almost held their breath as the two men passed.     

"After graduation, will you go to Germany and help Caspar?" Jean asked, sipping his wine. "You don't mind?"     

Terry shook his head. "I also love business. For me, film is art and it makes me happy, and I pursue it because in the past I always wanted to be closer to your world, Dad."     

"You don't like me retiring?"     

"Ahahaha ... if that makes you happy, of course I will support it. I believe people have professions and interests that change over decades. Uncle Caspar had also been a theater actor in ancient times before he became a doctor, then a painter, then a war strategist, etc. With the life we ​​have now, the possibilities are endless."     

Jean nodded. "I am glad to hear that."     

Terry had seen changes in Jean's attitude in the past few days and he had wanted to ask about it, but only tonight he had the chance.     

"Dad, did something happen?" he asked Jean after a long pause.     

Jean looked at Terry for a long time and then shook his head. "I'm glad you have two fathers, uhm ... three. Your father who raised you since you were a baby,  me - your biological father, and a good 'stepfather' like Caspar. I think he is an extraordinary man and I hope you can make him your role model.     

He used to be an irresponsible womanizer, but when he met Finland, he changed for the better. I think his current version is what a man, husband, and father should be, and he should be used as an example. When you live your life and when you fall in love, I hope you won't hesitate and can clearly know what you want. "     

Terry understood what his father meant. Surely Jean still felt guilty about breaking up with Billie.     

"You don't have to worry," Terry said with a soothing smile, "I have good role models, Daddy Kendrick loved my mom and they survived decades of marriage even without children, until finally I was born through the IVF procedure. Uncle Caspar and you, my own father, also gave me a good example. I won't turn into a jerk. I will learn from your experience."     

He then lowered his head, thinking about Rosemary who was responsible for Aleksis' accident. Rosemary would be the last girl he hurt. Until now, no one knew what had happened between them, except Aleksis, and Terry still felt very guilty.     

He felt that after the recent events, he would not play with fire anymore with any woman.     

"In two weeks Billie will have her concert in Singapore. She will give some tickets for us, so you can ask your friends to come along."     

"Wow ... seriously? How many tickets do you have?" Terry asked enthusiastically. "I can give it as an incentive for the most dedicated crew members."     

"Just ask Billie."     

"Wow, cool!" Terry exclaimed excitedly. "You will come too, right?"     

"Of course."     

They continued to talk until late into the night, and they did not notice a man who was enjoying brandy in the corner of the Sky Bar, watching them in a very subtle way.     


Lauriel was carried away by memories of the Medici family's past glory every time he returned to his home in Grosseto. They were once very famous and controlled all the Italian part of Europe, but after the 16th century, the Medici family's glory gradually faded and they began to disappear.     

This was partly due to Lauriel's mistake, because he spent more time exploring the world and did not care about his family's legacy.     

Lauriel always assumed that having the responsibility to be the successor to the family was a burden. To avoid that burden, he deliberately disappeared and let his younger siblings become the successors to the Medici family. For him, even his family name was not at all important.     

Lauriel became the first Alchemist known only by his first name. His fame made Lauriel's name associated only with only him alone. Because of him, hundreds of years later, most Alchemists prefer to be called by first names without the family names.     

Unfortunately, his younger brother passed away due to a horse riding accident which made his parents experience prolonged sadness and finally decided to take Death. His remaining brother later died with his entire family in World War 2. Thereafter, Lauriel was the only person to carry the Medici name in this world.     

He always thought he was alone, until he met Nicolae, his biological child, who was apparently born from the womb of his girlfriend, Luna, the love of his life, before she died.     

The Medici family castle was still well preserved by his family's trusted staff for generations and Lauriel made time to stop by from time to time. This time, he returned home after 3 years. His emotions were a mess when the car that picked them up passed through the castle gate located on the top of the hill.     

Nicolae, who stood next to Lauriel, looked around in awe. So, this was his father's house. His adopted father was a trusted physician of King Michael of Romania and he was no stranger to grandeur, but now, seeing his own family's legacy, he felt the same emotion that Lauriel felt.     

"Welcome back home, Mr. Lauriel." greeted Antonio in polite Italian. The 70-year-old man was Lauriel's trusted chief of staff who was very happy to welcome Lauriel at the door. He immediately embraced his master with warmth, a typical nature of the people from Tuscany. After releasing Lauriel, he was stunned for a brief moment when his eyes caught sight of Nicolae. The young man looked very similar to Lauriel. Antonio frowned, "Uhm ... who is this young gentleman, Master?"     

Lauriel, who rarely smiled, showed a broad smile like a proud father. He tapped Nicolae's shoulder and pushed him forward, "Antonio, this is my son, Nicolae Medici, the new successor to the Medici family."     

Antonio looked surprised but happiness was clearly visible on his face. He hurriedly embraced Nicolae warmly and didn't ask anymore questions. Only greeted Nicolae in English, "Welcome home, Mr. Nicolae!"     

"Thank you, Antonio." Nicolae immediately felt at home in the Medici family's ancestral castle.     

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