The Alchemists

The Talk with Billie

The Talk with Billie

0Terry was the one who conveyed Finland's thoughts to Jean, because he also thought the same thing, "My point is, you seem a bit strange today, because your attitude towards Marion is somewhat different. So mom and I are curious, whether you are in love, or not."     

"Gosh," Jean put down his spoon in surprise. "You think so?"     

The four people at the dinner table nodded in unison. All eyes on him, staring curiously.     

"You're a public figure. News about you kissing Marion last night has spread far and wide." Finland sighed. "I could only think about how Billie would feel if she read all that."     

Jean hadn't checked the entertainment news for a long time and he didn't expect that gossip about him had spread so quickly.     

"Alright, after I finish my dinner, I'll call Billie," Jean answered with a shrug. He resumed eating and tried to divert the conversation about the children's school. "You're working  on your final assignment, right? After that, will you graduate?"     

Terry, who was questioned by his father, looked a little listless, "The only thing I still need to do is to make my short film. Nicolae had signed a contract to play in my project but he suddenly cancelled because of the incident with Aleksis. Now I need to find a new actor."     

"Why did you cast Nic? Can he act?" asked Jean in surprise.     

"No, but he's handsome. I just need his good looks to attract an audience," Terry answered lightly. "If only I weren't the director, I'd play the part." (as I'm as good looking as he is, Terry thought snobbishly.)     

"Hmm, is that so?" Jean frowned as though thinking, "I'm still taking time off work until next year. I can help you, if you need it."     

Terry was astonished to hear Jean offer himself. He had indeed hoped that Jean would play in his movie, but he did not know how to request it, but now it was his father who offered.     

"Really, Dad? Do you want to act in my short film?" Terry asked enthusiastically. "I will be very happy."     

Jean nodded. "Next year I will take on a new identity, so it would be great if my last appearance in acting will be in a film made by my own son. That would be a good way to end my career."     

Terry had heard of Jean's plans to fake his death next year and take on a new identity, but he hadn't expected that Jean would want to act for one last time. He was deeply moved and subconsciously he rose from his chair and hugged Jean.     

"Thank you, Dad." he whispered hoarsely, "I promise to keep our relationship quiet."     

Jean nodded and told Terry to go back to eat. "Just send me the script, I need to study it first."     


Terry was very happy throughout the night because without having to try hard, Jean was willing to help with his film. The handsome Nicolae would surely attract many viewers, but if Jean was willing to replace him, Terry's film would be even more successful because Jean was not only handsome, but he was also a very talented and famous actor.     

Finally they made plans to return to Singapore to finish Terry's assignment so that the young man could graduate, and then go to Berlin to help Caspar, while Jean would return to Switzerland and help supervise Aleksis' care while Finland accompanied her husband.     


After dinner, Jean excused himself to his room so he could contact Billie. He didn't want Billie to hear rumors about him from the gossip websites, so he hurriedly called his ex-girlfriend.     

Finland was right; of course Billie's feelings would be hurt when she saw her ex-boyfriend had moved on to another girl so quickly after they decided to part ways.     

The incident that happened between Caspar and Katia was always a reminder for everyone to be more careful in caring for the feelings of a former lover. Katia held a huge grudge against Caspar because he quickly fell in love and married Finland after Katia, who had been with him for 50 years, left him.     

Jean and Billie had been together for a long time, and their relationship was closer than just friends. So, of course Jean was very concerned about the feelings of his ex-girlfriend. There was no possible way that he would deliberately hurt Billie.     

"Hey, how are you?" Jean asked as Billie picked up his call.     

"Hi, Jean. I'm doing well. You know I'm very busy. This week, the world tour for my latest album has officially kicked off. How are the Schneiders in Switzerland?" Billie's voice sounded tired, but she still found the time to ask about Finland and her family.     

"Everyone is still restless and worried, but at least, according to the latest diagnosis, Aleksis' condition is improving very quickly."     

"Oh, thank God, I'm glad to hear that. Later, when I have my concert in Europe, I'll stop by in Switzerland."     

"Of course, just tell me when, I'll pick you up from wherever you are in Europe." Jean paused. "By the way, have you read the latest gossip?"     

"Which gossip? That you kissed a girl in Switzerland?" Billie asked in a casual tone. "I didn't actually read it, but of course the reporters bombarded me all day with the question: 'are you jealous because your ex-boyfriend has moved on so quickly?'."     

"Oh," Jean knew it would be impossible to stop journalists from chasing news about him and Billie. He felt bad for the girl because she had become their target because of him. "Then, what did you say?"     

"Of course I answered 'no comment' as usual. You know I never care about gossip, no matter what it is," Billie said nonchalantly. "But my response now didn't work. They deliberately say mean words to hurt me so would I react."     

"What did they say? "Jean began to worry.     

"They said that you left me because I was too possessive, then they asked if I deliberately asked you to create such sensational gossip to increase my popularity since I am releasing my new album. In their opinion, I need this sensation because I am already old and can no longer compete with the new and younger singers ... stuff like that."     

"Crazy! How evil! From every angle, you still look so young." Jean grumbled.     

"Well, that's another one, I was also rumored that I had done a series of plastic surgeries because I look too young for a 46-year-old. It's funny, isn't it? They are labeling me too old and too young at the same time!" Billie laughed sarcastically.     

"So, basically, whatever you do will be perceived negatively?" Jean asked, getting emotional. "What can I do to get back at them?"     

Billie laughed softly. She had been in the entertainment industry for almost 30 years and was known to be very reclusive, in contrast to Jean who was outgoing and dealt well with popularity. Billie never cared about journalists and the gossip media, though lately she was getting tired of them.     

"Don't worry about me, it comes with the job," Billie said, shrugging.     

"Don't you want to retire with me?" Jean asked her softly, "It's been too long. We've been with our present identities for decades already. People will start to get suspicious because we're really not aging. There's only so much plastic surgeries can do."     

Billie paused for a long time, before finally confirming Jean's words. "Maybe. Let me think about it. At the present moment, it's important for me to complete this last tour."     

Jean opened the browser on his cellphone and checked Billie's concert schedule, "Next month you will be performing in Singapore, right? I will also go there to help with Terry's film project."     

"Wow, that's so exciting! I'll keep some tickets for you and Terry's friends," Billie said happily. Her voice, which sounded tired a minute ago, turned excited. "I miss you two. See you next month then."     

"Take care of your health," Jean then hung up his call with relief. Billie hadn't changed her attitude at all, she was still as usual, so there was nothing to worry about, he thought.     

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