The Alchemists

Peaceful Morning

Peaceful Morning

0Marion couldn't believe her own eyes when the five dogs that she had cared for since they were puppies, and had always been loyal to her, now can switch their loyalties that easily. They must be brainwashed!     

"Well, if that is what you want, ask your new owner for your food tomorrow! I'm seriously offended!" hissed Marion with a frown. She then walked with long steps to her room on the second floor.     

Jean just laughed at her behavior. He continued stroking the five 'traitor' dogs and talked to them as if they understood what he was saying. Jean really liked dogs and they always loved him.     

Wherever he went, if he met a four-legged animals, he would find the time to play with them.     

He only had a dog once when he was little, but because of his parents' divorce, he was forced to leave his best friend in Singapore when he moved with his mother to Paris.     

He could only see his dog a few times a year until one day the dog died in a car accident. Since then, he never wanted to keep another animal. The loss was just too painful for him.     

When he was a teenager, he started taking modelling very seriously and it took a large portion of his time, and so he realized that he did not have enough time and attention for girlfriends let alone pets, so he decided not to adopt even one dog.     

Eight years ago, after Aleksis went missing, she returned home with a very cute french bulldog which she named Little Prince Siegfried. Jean was very happy because it meant that every time he visited the Schneider family's house, he could meet and play with their cute dog.     

Satisfied 'talking' with Marion's five dogs, Jean then went into the guest room and prepared to wash up and go to sleep. He was very happy because the dogs happily followed him around and, as soon as soon as he lay in bed, the small dogs jumped into his bed while the large ones lay on the carpet and decided to sleep with him in his room.     

Hmm ... unfortunately, after several hours, he still could not sleep. He was still experiencing jet lag because he was accustomed to living in the United States which was 8 hours behind Europe. Added to the fact that he was feeling stressed after recent events. He kept tossing and turning throughout the night.     


The next morning, Marion woke up early, as usual. The autumn sun usually rose late and the cold air made her too lazy to rise. However, because she had a guest at home, Marion felt uneasy if her guest were to wake up earlier than her and became confused at her home.     

Last night she had not had time to give a tour around her house so Jean certainly did not know how to take care of himself at Marion's house. What if he was hungry? What if he needed anything?     

Marion felt bad for being petty the night before and didn't show Jean around her house just because the man 'took away' her dogs.     

As she descended the stairs, Marion's nose smelled the air in the living room in confusion. It was still very early, but why was there the smell of cooking from the kitchen?     

Her assistant usually arrived in the afternoon, and she would only come because today was the weekend. On a normal day, Marion was always alone with her dogs.     

She quickly walked into the kitchen to find out why her assistant had come so early. Did the assistant know that Jean was here? Jeez ... Marion could only imagine how shocked Alicia would be if she saw Jean in person ... hahaha.     

When she finally reached the kitchen, no one was more surprised than Marion. She was astonished to see Jean wearing an apron, busied himself in the kitchen grilling bacon slices and preparing boiled eggs. Oh and there were pancakes sizzling in the pan too! ... Gosh. Whoaaa ...!!     

"Why did you wake up so early?" Marion asked. "And why are you cooking breakfast in my kitchen?"     

Jean turned to Marion, who had just entered the kitchen. He did not answer but instead gestured for Marion to bring him a plate to place the slices of grilled bacon. Marion took two plates from the cupboard and placed them on the kitchen counter.     

After arranging the toast, slices of bacon, a few slices of cheese, vegetables, and boiled eggs, Jean brought their two plates to the table at the beautiful veranda overlooking the valley.     

"Bring the teapot and the milk, please," he said to Marion as he went out.     

"Eh ...?" Marion had no choice but to obey. The smell of breakfast made her hungry and she obediently brought the teapot and milk outside. Jean went inside and took the cutlery and tea cups and put them on the same table.     

After everything was ready, he invited Marion to eat. "I can't sleep because I'm still jet lagged. I didn't want to make a fuss in the kitchen but I was so hungry, so I decided to cook breakfast. I hope you're not angry."     

Hearing Jean's explanation, Marion became uncomfortable. "I should have given you a tour around the house last night, so you could get food to eat if you were hungry. There's no need for you to cook your own food. Also, if you had told me that you couldn't sleep, I would have accompanied you to watch a movie or something."     

"Ah, don't bother, we'll both be sleepy if you also don't rest," Jean answered lightly. He started to eat his breakfast. "Besides, your dogs accompanied me the whole night. They are all very sweet."     

"Thank goodness for them," Marion said as she enjoyed her breakfast, "Thank you for the breakfast."     

"You are welcome,"     

The two then ate quietly, while enjoying the beautiful view from the terrace that overlooked the valley. It was a peaceful morning.     

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