The Alchemists

A Strand of Purple Hair

A Strand of Purple Hair

0Back in the Schneider Mansion, Nicolae was studying the outcome of Aleksis' latest test results and pondered. In fact, he was somewhat surprised because the results showed a very drastic progress in a one-week time frame.     

The most recent CT scan showed that the girl's brain wave activity was almost normal. He just had to wait for the injury to recover slowly. If her progress remained this amazing, in a matter of months Aleksis could recover!     

He could not understand how miraculous the body of an Alchemist was. Other humans would never have hope for recovery.     

"How is she doing?" asked Lauriel who just entered the treatment room."You look so serious."     

"I don't know what made her progress so extraordinary. Is it the medicine you gave her?" Nicolae asked. He showed the CT Scan report in his hand. Lauriel nodded.     

"Maybe, I used all the best medicinal herbs for brain that I know of." His voice sounded hopeful.     

Lauriel sat beside her bed and clasped Aleksis' right hand; she was lying on her bed like Sleeping Beauty. Lauriel became nostalgic when he remembered that when Aleksis was a child and lived in San Francisco with him, he prepared a special room for the little girl at his home.     

The room was designed to be the room fit for Princess Aurora, the Sleeping Beauty. And now as an adult, the girl actually fared like Princess Aurora. He touched Aleksis' cheek and shook his head at the peaceful face of his beloved goddaughter.     

For a moment his eyes fell on the leather strap necklace around Aleksis' neck.     

"Aleksis doesn't like to wear jewelry," Lauriel said softly. He touched the metal locket on the necklace and patted it. "This thing must be very important to her."     

Unintentionally, when he touched the locket, the necklace's leather strap broke. Apparently, when Aleksis fell down, the strap was damaged by friction. It was damaged at the back part, and that was why it wasn't obvious before. When Lauriel touched it, the fragile necklace suddenly snapped and broke.     

"Hmm ..." Lauriel hurriedly rescued the locket before it fell to the floor. "We must keep this for Aleksis when she wakes up. Don't lose it."     

Nicolae nodded. He carefully pulled the broken leather strap and placed it in the hand of his father who was holding the locket. "Do you want to keep it or me?"     

"I'll keep it," Lauriel replied. He studied the locket and somehow felt drawn to open it. He wanted to know if Aleksis put a picture of someone in it. Could it be Prince Siegfried's picture?     

He opened the locket slowly, and was stunned when he saw that there was no picture inside. Instead, there was a braided strand of purplish-colored hair tied with a white ribbon.     

Lauriel only knew a few people that had purple-colored hair. Seeing that little strand of hair, his heart felt touched. He now remembered that Luna also had purple hair, just like Portia's. He could only guess where Aleksis had gotten the hair.     

Nicolae who saw his father pensive began to wonder. "What's the matter, Father?"     

Lauriel shook his head. He quickly placed the hair back into the locket and closed it. "I was just remembering something. Hmm ... when everything is settled here, let's go to the garden. Apparently Caspar decided to hold an Oktoberfest before we all leave."     

Nicolae nodded and stared at his father's back as he left Aleksis' room. Nicolae started pondering. He then sat next to Aleksis' bed and looked at the beautiful sleeping beauty.     

He breathed a sigh of relief because to his surprise, Aleksis' recovery was progressing very quickly. In a few months the girl might even be able to wake up.     


When they were almost at the gate, Jean suddenly stopped. He turned and tapped Marion on the shoulder.     

"Hey, pretend that you sprained your ankle," he said. His face looked mischievous. "I'll carry you inside to make Lauriel jealous."     

Marion widened her eyes in surprise. She was a tough girl! Even if she were injured and wasn't able to stand up, she would never act like a weak girl and let herself be carried by a man.     

"But ... I'm not a weak girl," she protested.     

"The fact is, because you're so tough, men are reluctant to approach you because they think that you'll reject them. Men have their egos, and they like it when they are needed." Jean sat and hunched in front of Marion and patted his shoulder, "Come on up. I told you that I would help you make Lauriel fall in love with you so I can get the Monalisa painting. I won't work half-heartedly."     

Marion tsk-ed impatiently. She looked around and then stared at Jean's back which was provided to carry her. She did not know whether this method would work.     

Ouch ... that meant that she had to act like those weak girls who cry like a damsel in distress, waiting for the prince to save them. Marion didn't like that.     

But she knew that Jean was right. It is obvious that her current method wasn't working, so maybe doing the opposite wasn't a bad idea.     

Finally, she grumbled softly and climbed onto Jean's back. The man smiled and clapped his hands gently then got up and walked into the mansion, giving Marion a piggy back ride.     

"I've never been carried by a man before," Marion said in a shy tone. "Is my body heavy?"     

"It is not heavy. Don't underestimate my physical strength. To me you are as light as a feather," Jean said with a laugh.     

They entered the large mansion's courtyard that was now decorated with various flowers and sparkling lights. Several garden tables and various types of drinks and beers were available for all guests present.     

The arrival of Jean carrying Marion on his back caught everyone's attention and for a few seconds they stopped talking. The silence made Marion somewhat uncomfortable. She almost ordered Jean to put her down but the young man whispered softly to her.     

"Sshh ... Look, Lauriel is looking this way. Don't embarrass yourself."     

Finally Marion could only pursed her lips and secretly glanced at Lauriel to check his response.     

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