The Alchemists

Caspar Was Furious

Caspar Was Furious

0Jadeith's usually calm expression couldn't hide the turmoil in his chest when he hung up the phone. If not for this very shocking news, he certainly wouldn't dare to disturb his uncle who was troubled by his daughter's condition.     

He patted Caspar's shoulder slowly and signalled Caspar to follow him to the corner of the room. They had just landed at Bern and were waiting for a medical helicopter to pick Aleksis up. She was to be taken to their home in Grindelwald.     

"Uncle ... something very bad happened to Kurt," Jadeith said in a trembling voice. He had never been this emotional before and it made Caspar wonder.     

"What's the matter? Quick tell me!" Caspar urged.     

"Kurt was targeted by Rhionen Assassins and … they killed him ..."     

Caspar had to hold onto the wall to calm his mind down.     

Kurt died! His mind instantly went dark.     

Kurt was Stanis' only child, his trusted confidant, and had replaced his father as Caspar's right hand for 10 years since Stanis retired. Caspar had known Kurt since he was a baby. Caspar was there when he grew up and started a family. For him, Kurt was like his own family ...     

Kurt's sudden death made Caspar very sad and angry. Subconsciously he clenched his fists and his face turned red with anger.     

"They've gone too far ..." he hissed in an angry tone. "I'm going to fly to Germany to meet with Kurt and Stanis' family. Please take care of my family in Switzerland."     

With long steps he approached Finland and held his wife's hand, "Honey ... I have to take care of something very important. Please go home to accompany Aleksis. Kara will help arrange everything for Aleksis' treatment at home. You can also count on Nicolae; the boy is a doctor."     

"What ... what happened? Is it very serious?" Finland asked, worried. She turned to Jadeith and concluded that Caspar's nephew had delivered very bad news.     

"I'll tell you later. Just go home first." He kissed his wife's forehead then walked out and talked with the pilot to leave for Berlin immediately.     

Before going to Berlin, Caspar entrusted Aleksis to Nicolae, because he knew the young man was a trusted doctor like himself. It made Nicolae feel very honored. He promised to care for Aleksis as well as possible.     

The space in the medical helicopter was limited because there were various life-supporting equipment and doctors who handled Aleksis, so only Nicolae could accompany the girl. Finland, Terry and Lauriel took part in the next helicopter with Kara who had arrived to pick them up at the airport.     

Lauriel, who was actually just as worried as Finland, tried not to show any traces of anxiety on his face, because he didn't want Finland to be worried. He tried to put on a calm expression.     

He did not know any immortal person who recovered after suffering a severe injury that paralyzed the body, but in theory, with the ability of their perfect genes that would continuously regenerate, their bodies should be able to heal themselves and repair their injuries from within.     

The problem now was how fast Aleksis' body could recover ...     

It may take years, or more ...     

Lauriel reached out and grabbed Finland's hands who was sitting opposite him.     

"Aleksis will be fine," he said quietly, staring at her pair of brown eyes that were swollen from crying. "It takes time, but as immortals, time is in our hands."     

Terry, who sat next to Finland, nodded at Lauriel's words and rubbed his mother's back, soothing her. He knew Finland had lived in misery with Aleksis for two years when they were separated from Caspar, and the relationship between the mother and daughter was very close, far closer than the relationship between Finland and him or his younger brothers.     

Therefore Terry realized how hard this was for Finland. It was not easy to see her beloved child on the verge of death. Terry could not help but give as much support as possible. Moreover, he was also aware that the incident which had befallen Aleksis was partly the result of his actions toward Rosemary at that time ...     

Ugh, he swore to himself that he would never play with any women's feelings even if just for fun. He never had bad intentions towards them. Terry was used to being admired by girls and that bored him. That was all.     

He had never found a woman who truly touched his heart. But now he made a promise to himself, that no matter what happened, and no matter how bored he was with life, he would not play with any woman's feelings. He felt the accident that befell Aleksis was his bad karma.     

The punishment was very harsh, and Terry really understood his mistake. He would change his ways.     


In the medical helicopter, Nicolae observed Aleksis' who was lying still in bed. She was supported by a ventilator and she had an IV in her arm.     

This girl was very beautiful, and her sleep looked very peaceful, he thought. Subconsciously Nicolae thought about the Sleeping Beauty story. He had often seen patients in a coma, but their expressions were all like dead people.     

Aleksis looked like she was enjoying a pleasant nap. Her beautiful lips parted slightly which made Nicolae's chest pound so hard.     

He must refrain from touching those beautiful lips ...     

He had fallen in love with this girl from the first time Aleksis hugged him from behind and called him Prince Siegfried. Because their faces were very close and their eyes were fixed on each other, he could see how beautiful Aleksis was behind her shabby and nerdy appearance.     

When they met again in front of the Continental Hotel elevator and Aleksis looked normal (because she disguised herself as a waiter), the girl looked even more beautiful and he was more enchanted.     

Then when Aleksis entered the class he was teaching and very cleverly she could explain various discovery theories and technology, he became really impressed; then they met again in the cafeteria after Aleksis suddenly changed her appearance to a supermodel and she became the new queen bee .. Nicolae could barely breathe because he was so fascinated.     

But more than just Aleksis' beautiful physical appearance, he was fascinated by Aleksis' carefree attitude, intelligent brain, and her shocking persona.     

He felt like she was his storm. Nicolae liked Aleksis so much that he was willing to do anything for the girl's sake, including protecting her many times without caring about his own safety.     

He was really lucky because Aleksis turned out to be his father's goddaughter, and they had a very close relationship. Lauriel seemed very supportive of Nicolae to win Aleksis' heart, and now it seemed that Caspar also gave him his blessing, judging by his attitude to Nicolae this morning, and how he entrusted Aleksis' care to Nicolae during Caspar's absence.     

Looking back at Aleksis, Nicolae's gaze fell on the leather necklace with a metal pendant around her neck.     

He remembered Terry telling him that Aleksis did not like jewelry, which meant that if the girl wore this necklace, that thing had a significance to her.     

Was ... was this the necklace given by Prince Siegfried?     

What was the relationship between the two?     

Nicolae took out his cellphone and reread the message from Alaric Rhionen who asked him to look for Aleksis.     

From the tone of his message, Alaric did not seem to have any evil intentions towards Aleksis. He truly sounded worried about the girl's safety.     

Nicolae sighed. Maybe Alaric was really in love with Aleksis. Why wouldn't he be? Aleksis was a wonderful girl. It was not impossible that the leader of Rhionen Assassins, who was famous for being cruel, did indeed fall in love with her and would do anything for her.     

He even sent two of his best assassins to protect Aleksis. And when a mafia group bothered Aleksis, he sent his assassins to slaughter the them.     

As a man who was also in love, Nicolae felt sympathy for Alaric, because he understood how the other man must have felt. Maybe he should tell Alaric what had happened ...     

He looked at his watch and stared out the window. Finally, Nicolae decided that he would reply to Alaric Rhionen's message after they landed and he activated his cell phone connection.     

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