The Alchemists

My mother did what??

My mother did what??

0For three days, the extended family spent time together and slowly started to take action. The Wolf Pack finally arrived and Lauriel immediately updated them on what was happening.     

Together with Aldebar, he sat in the living room to discuss their plans. Knowing how dangerous Rhionen Assassins was, Aldebar was willing to lend some of his men to help with their mission.     

Nicolae and Terry, who attended the meeting in silence, could only keep their admiration to themselves, seeing first hand how these skilled adventurers were forming a plan. Nicolae was even more impressed by his father for having such a reliable team.     

Rhionen Assassins, however great they were, were still only regular humans and their experience and expertise couldn't be compared to the experiences and expertise of these immortals who had walked the earth for centuries.     

Among the members of The Wolf Pack, Peach was the youngest; he was only 140 years old. The others had followed Lauriel since he was still Black Bart and was venturing the sea. They had tasted the life as adventurers for centuries and accummulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in handling different dangerous situations.     

"Boss Lauriel, are you still unwilling to accept Marion? She now lives in Basel. It's very close from here ... I can give her a call. She could be very useful," said Endo in a very careful tone. He did not want to be scolded by Lauriel for defending Marion, yet he wanted her to be accepted back into their group. "I mean ... with her ability to disguise, we can lure Rhionen Assassins out. Until now no one knows the faces of these assassins. It would be difficult for us to find them."     

"Uhm ... I've seen two of them," Nicolae replied. He turned to his father. "I can sketch their faces so we can check on various surveillance cameras around the world. Wherever they are, we will be able to find them."     

Finding someone in China using the facial recognition software would only take five minutes, for example, because they had millions of CCTV cameras installed in the whole country. Nicolae could hack into the control center of all surveillance cameras in every country in the world to find Takeshi and Mischa.     

All the new Wolf Pack members now focused their attention on Nicolae, who had been sitting quietly in the corner. They just realized that the young man looked very similar to Lauriel and wondered what his relationship with their leader was.     

Lauriel, who for the last few hours had only been focusing on finding solutions to the problems that had befallen Aleksis, realized that he had not yet introduced his son. He smiled and nodded at Nicolae.     

"Everyone, please forgive me, I forgot to introduce my son. This is Nicolae, my son."     

Petra, Esso, Endo, and Neo widened their eyes. They did not know that Lauriel had a son. Indeed Nicolae looked very similar to Lauriel, but to their knowledge their boss did not have a girlfriend nor a wife. For nearly 100 years he had lived alone after his girlfriend died during the war.     

"Your son? We did not know that Boss have married ... this is great ..." said Petra, amazed. "You never told us."     

"Hmm ..." Lauriel took a deep breath. "Luna gave birth to Nicolae before she died in Romania. I just found out that I had a son last week when we accidentally did a DNA test."     

Muffled sighs immediately heard in the room and simultaneously the five remaining Wolf Pack members rose and embraced Lauriel with joy.     

"I'm very happy for you, Boss Lauriel." Petra's eyes were almost glazed when he congratulated Lauriel. He then turned to Nicolae and hugged him too. "I am delighted to meet Princess Luna's son. Your mother was an extraordinary woman."     

Nicolae was touched by how his father's friends treated him. He then realized that apparently all the pack members knew his mother. A warm feeling crept up to his chest as one by one they started congratulating him.     

During this time, he had not had time to ask Lauriel about his mother. Lauriel's face was always filled with grief when Luna's name was mentioned. Nicolae did not want to bring back the pain to his father by asking him to talk about his mother because he realized how deeply Lauriel loved her.     

"I don't know anything about mother," Nicolae said with a slightly embarrassed face, "I didn't even know that you guys actually knew her in person."     

"Princess Luna was the most beautiful woman in the whole clan. We could never understand what she saw in your father. She chased after Lauriel so hard. She even disguised herself as a man for decades just to be near him on the ship," Neo said while glancing at Lauriel; a mischievous smile arched on his lips.     

The atmosphere in the room turned lighter. Luna always brought happiness to the people she was with, and now was no exception. The Wolf Pack remembered the girl with a heartwarming feeling in their chests.     

"Wait ... what? My mother did what?? She chased after my father? Is that true??" Nicolae asked in amazement. "And she disguised herself as a man? Why?"     

"Princess Luna was an adventurer. She was good at fighting with swords and her archery skills were extraordinary, and for that reason Boss Lauriel decided to accept her as a member of The Wolf Pack. After meeting your father at her birthday party, Princess Luna was determined to conquer Lauriel's heart. He was so strict about not accepting women onboard of his ship, so your mother had to disguise herself as a man to apply to work for him so she could be near him. It took decades for Boss Lauriel to realize his feelings for your mother, and when he finally realized that he loved Princess Luna, he finally chased after your mother." Endo added.     

Nicolae was touched. Slowly he began to imagine the extraordinary woman who had given birth to him to  this world. He really hoped to get to know her more. A bittersweet feeling filled his chest.     

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