The Alchemists

Making Plans in Sky Bar

Making Plans in Sky Bar

0When Aleksis saw Terry enter through the door of the penthouse, she felt very relieved and immediately dashed towards him, giving her brother a big hug. Even though they were not biological siblings who had lived together since birth and often teased each other, they loved each other very much.     

Since they first met 8 years ago, Terry and Aleksis already had the closeness only present to siblings.     

"I'm so relieved that you're okay ..." said Aleksis many times, "I can't imagine what will happen if they catch you and torture you. I won't be able to face Uncle Jean at all ..."     

"Sshh ... it's not your fault ..." Terry responded as he rubbed Aleksis's back, soothing her. "It is partly my fault too ... Rosemary became vengeful because I played with her at that time. I never thought this would happen ..."     

"Yeah, but you only kissed her because I was teasing you ... If I had just shut my big mouth, this would not have happened ..." Aleksis shook her head, still trying to take the blame.     

"Yeah, but I'm older than you, I should have acted more mature. I should not have been lured into it by your stupid teasing..." Terry replied.     

"But I also shouldn't have acted stupidly by teasing you like that. I know you very well, that you're a competitive person with a high ego. It will be easy to make you do stupid things like that..." replied Aleksis.     

Nicolae rolled his eyes and shook his head at the two siblings trying to take the blame to themselves but at the same time still sounded annoying to his ears.     

"Never mind ... now we have to make sure they don't repeat what they did. What do you think?" Nicolae asked them.     

"I don't want to bother my father..." Aleksis said, pursing her lips. She did not like her father's overprotective attitude. This incident could potentially give her father a reason to confine his only daughter again.     

Lauriel gave Aleksis an understanding look. He was very familiar with Caspar and agreed that the guy was overprotective of his child.     

"You want us to keep this a secret from your father?" Lauriel asked.     

Aleksis did not dare to nod. She was the only daughter in her extended family. Not only her parents, but her foster father - Lauriel, Uncle Jean, Uncle Aldebar and Aunt Flora and Uncle Louis all spoiled her. But for this matter, she did not dare ask Lauriel to be her accomplice and hide the secret from her fierce father.     

Nicolae could only wonder what kind of person Caspar Schneider was, because it seemed that Aleksis was very reluctant to involve her father. During this time he saw the girl was very carefree and always did whatever she liked, but now she did not seem to dare to mess around in front of her father.     

"Uhm .. I can do something to them ..." Nicolae finally said. "This is just a small mafia group. I can expose their group's data and crimes, then send all the evidence to the police. Let the police take care of them."     

Aleksis' eyes instantly lit up. "Can you do it ??? Really? That's perfect! If the police caught them, I don't need to bother my father."     

Nicolae smiled at her who looked very relieved. He nodded and then took out his laptop before beginning to work, "Give me an hour."     

"Whaaa ... thank you! Nicolae, you're the best !!" Aleksis almost hugged Nicolae but dropped the plan because he saw the young man was busy.     

"Hmm ... how about we eat first?" Terry suggested, breaking the ice. "I didn't manage to eat at Mandalay Restaurant, my stomach is grumbling for food!"     

Aleksis nodded in agreement. She also did not manage to eat earlier because of the tension she was feeling.     

"It's too late to call the chef. How about we all go to the Sky Bar to eat?" she proposed after thinking for a moment. "Nico, can you do your work at Sky Bar?"     

"No problem." Nicolae closed his laptop.      

The four of them promptly went down the 99th floor and then took the escalator to the Sky Bar from Moonshine Restaurant. The atmosphere at Sky Bar was lively, as usual. It was filled with guests who were having fun.     

The presence of four very attractive people almost made the atmosphere quiet down. One by one the guests saw Aleksis, who was very beautiful, walking into the place with a carefree attitude while pulling Lauriel's hand. The latter was walking lightly without a sound. They were followed by Terry who strode inside as if he was the owner of the place and Nicolae who nonchalantly marched in carrying a laptop in his hands.     

Three young men, who all looked so handsome and perfect, were following a very beautiful girl with long hair, looking like supermodels as they entered the Sky Bar.  That evening, even though Sky Bar Continental was already the most prestigious restaurant in Singapore, because of their presence, it seemed like the place even became more befitting of being exclusive to the rich and privileged.     

As they walked past the other tables, everyone could not take their eyes off of them.     

"Hey ... what are you two doing here?" All of a sudden, a voice rang from a table in the middle of the room. When they turned around, everyone except Lauriel immediately recognized Anjali who was waving at them. She was having dinner with her ladies in waiting. All of them were looking at the three men beside Aleksis with awe and admiration.     

The three girls then rose and approached Aleksis' small group.     

"Do you want to eat dinner with us? All the tables here are full. But we are willing to accept you at our table. We can eat together," Anjali flashed a smile at Aleksis and said, "To give faces to Big Brother Terry and Big Brother Nicolae, I will accept you eating with us. "     

Lauriel observed the interaction between the two girls and instantly guessed that their relationship was not good.     

"Thank you, Anjali. But we have personal matters to discuss, so we cannot involve outsiders," Aleksis spoke politely. Her mood was good because Terry was not hurt. Moreover, she remembered that hostility with fellow girls on campus was the cause of the conflict today. She did not want to get a new enemy.     

"But I'm not lying ... all the tables here are already full. We even had to wait half an hour before we could get our table," Anjali replied, frowning. She was very upset because this was the first time that she wanted to be friendly to Aleksis yet the girl could not appreciate her good intentions. "I can't believe you're that petty and still suspect me of having ill intentions!"     

Aleksis had no time to answer because the manager on duty who recognized her came over hurrying to them. "Good evening, Young Miss ... How are you? Are you here to have dinner or just to have a drink and relax?"     

"We are very hungry, Manager Li," Aleksis answered, putting on a sad face.     

"Oh, I see ... Please come with me, Jade Table, as usual, is vacant. We are purposely leaving it unoccupied in case you want to come here and eat."     

The manager invited them to sit at the most exclusive table at one end of the Sky Bar which had a panoramic view of Singapore from the 100th floor.     

But of course, to Aleksis, who lived in the penthouse next to the Sky Bar, this view was nothing special. She could see it every day, especially from her infinity pool. Since tonight they have no intention to attract people's attention to them, she refused and asked for a table located in the most isolated place.     

"Uhm ... tonight we have a rather sensitive matter to discuss. Can we just eat in a private room? Is there still an empty room?"     

"Oh… then please give us five minutes. I will ask the guests in one of the private rooms to move out to the Jade Table. They will definitely be very happy to get this upgrade." Manager Li signaled one of the waiters before rushing into one of the private dining rooms and negotiating with the guests there.     

A waiter quickly approached them with a tray of snacks and various drinks in hand. The four VVIP guests hurriedly took a snack and a glass of wine each to temporarily fill their hungry stomach.     

Meanwhile, Anjali and her cronies watched them, stunned and with their mouths agape. They still had not moved on from the shock when Manager Li returned. By then, less than five minutes had already passed.     

"Everything's alright now, Young Miss ... Please come with me ... The place is ready for you." The manager courteously invited them to follow him.     

With long steps, all four followed Manager Li. They were all very hungry.     

"They… they told me there is no more table available ..." Anjali murmured before biting her lower lip in annoyance. "But how come they could get the best table in the Sky Bar ... ??? !! Ughhhhhgggghhhhh!!!!"     

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