The Alchemists

What Magic Is This?

What Magic Is This?

0Nicolae was stunned by Terry's explanation. And slowly he had to agree. Without Aleksis, he would never have met his father. Lauriel would have died twenty years ago.     

For this, he would was forever grateful to Aleksis. At this point, he did not mind that Lauriel loved Aleksis more than he loved him, his own son.     

Nicolae and Terry then followed Aleksis and Lauriel into the kitchen. The aura of animosity between the two had now subsided. Nicolae actually felt touched because Terry seemed to understand him quite well. He came to remember that actually, behind Terry's annoying attitude, he had a pleasant personality.     

He remembered having talked with Terry as 'Billie Jean' and they opened up to one another as orphans. Now that he knew Terry as Aleksis' older brother, he realized that the two of them were actually very similar.     

Terry was an orphan as he lost his parents in an accident eight years ago, but he still had biological parents, namely Jean and Finland, who were the donors for the IVF procedure used by his mother and father as an attempt to conceive a child.     

Jean now had a fiancee, a very famous singer who treated Terry like her own child, and Finland also opened her home for Terry to become her son, together with her three other biological children, namely Aleksis, London, and Rune. Her husband, Caspar, was always very kind to Terry.     

In addition, Terry was treated very well by Lauriel who was Aleksis' godfather and he often invited Terry to venture out with Aleksis. That was how the three of them became very close.     

It was complicated indeed; on the one hand Terry was an orphan, but on the other hand he had many families.     

Nicolae had lost his adopted parents decades ago, and as an only child, he had no more relatives, and that was the reason why he considered himself a 'lone wolf'.     

But now, he finally found out that he had a father who physically looked the same age as him. So, you could say he was an orphan, but at the same time, he still had his father … How complicated!     

"How is your wound? Here, let me have a look," Lauriel, who saw the arrival of the two young men, waved at Nicolae to come closer. He sipped his tea then placed his cup on the table. After Nicolae was in front of him, he pushed his son's body on the dining chair. "Take off your clothes."     

Nicolae obeyed and took off his shirt. The bandage on his left shoulder looked neat, but Lauriel removed it anyway. Nicolae, who thought his father wanted to change his gauze bandage, was about to refuse. "The bandage is still good. Really, Dad ..."     

Lauriel ignored the protest. Lauriel still removed the gauze bandage on Nicolae's shoulder nonchalantly, "I am just taking the bandage off, what's wrong with you? Are you shy because Aleksis can see your body?"     

Instantly Nicolae's face turned red. He did feel a bit awkward to appear shirtless in front of Aleksis. If that was another girl in the room, he wouldn't care, but he really liked Aleksis.     

"What ...? You are shy?" Aleksis exclaimed in an amused voice, "Who do you think changed your bloodied clothes yesterday? I've seen EVERYTHING."     

Nicolae's eyes widened so huge. He did not expect that Aleksis was the one who changed his clothes yesterday. He never considered asking. He only remembered waking up in the guest room with clean clothes.     

Oh my God … Oh my God ...     

Nicolae was not an aloof guy who could disguise his true feelings by showing a cold attitude on the surface in front of the girl he liked.     

He really liked Aleksis and everyone in the room could see it clearly. He couldn't move whenever the girl was in front of him. Terry could only shake his head in pity because he knew his sister already had another ideal man.     

"Aleksis, you must not tease Nic all the time," Lauriel said softly. He had seen Nicolae's face turn red.     

Aleksis just laughed heartily and covered her eyes with both hands, pretending to be shy. "All right ... I won't bother you anymore. Uncle Rory, please check your son's injury ..."     

The three men just shook their heads at Aleksis' behavior.     

Terry observed Nicolae a little longer. Slowly he began to see the young man as his best friend, 'Wolf', in Darknet, and not the beautiful boy Nicolae who liked to make girls scream on campus because of his flamboyant behavior.     

Nicolae was very famous; he was almost like a real celebrity, even though he was only a student, not a musician or an actor. Ever since he met Nicolae, Terry always considered that the young man only had a handsome face with a brain of a shrimp. But his allegations were proven wrong when this year Nicolae was assigned to take over a class as teacher's assistant     

Now he realized the possibility that the flamboyant persona Nicolae had been displaying on campus was only his way to hide himself in the crowd.     

Of course no one would have thought that Wolf, who had the reputation of being the best hacker in the world for the past 10 years, was a young student surrounded by student girls.     

This made him smile thinly. He felt that he had treated Nicolae unfairly all this time, because he had opposed him without a justifiable reason.     

Lauriel opened the gauze bandage that wrapped Nicolae's gunshot wound and smiled with satisfaction seeing that the medicinal herbs had healed the wound very well. Even the other parts of Nicolae's body that were injured here and there from fighting with Mischa were almost healed. He now only applied a small patch of bandage on the gunshot wound, a gauze bandage was no longer needed.     

Nicolae himself was very surprised to see the healing progress of his wound. "What magic is this?"     

"It's not magic. Lauriel is an expert in medicine and poison, and yesterday he gave you the best medicine he has. His head contains all the information on medicinal plants from around the world that he had collected for more than 500 years," Terry explained. "Everything comes from nature."     

Nicolae was very impressed to hear about his father's amazing ability. He was already impressed because his father was a great adventurer and successful pirate. And apparently, not only that, Lauriel also had other skills far more valuable than money.     

Nicolae could imagine how many pharmaceutical companies would be willing to pay dearly to get his father's knowledge.     

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