The Alchemists

Nicolae's Suspicion (2)

Nicolae's Suspicion (2)

0Aleksis widened her eyes again at Nicolae's unexpected question. So what if her bodyguards were from the Rhionen Assassins? She would pretend not to understand.     

"Yes … one of my boyfriends is so worried about my safety that he hired the best people to protect me ..." said Aleksis casually. "You worried so much about me yesterday that you risked your life to face them. What's the difference between you and him? Let's just say I'm lucky to be surrounded by good guys like you all ... hahaha ..."     

Sascha and Carl hiccuped when they heard their young miss' words. But inwardly they were now also curious, who was that boyfriend of hers actually, so that he could hire the world's best assassins to be her bodyguards. They only knew that Aleksis called him Prince Siegfried.     

Nicolae seemed to study Aleksis' face carefully, trying to digest her words just now.     

"Do you know who the Rhionen Assassins are?" He asked in a very serious tone.     

Aleksis shook her head, "I know a little from my father and Uncle Rory's conversation ... But I don't know much. I also can't find information about them anywhere."     

Nicolae shook his head. His expression which was usually relaxed and cheerful was now dark and tense. "They are very dangerous ... unforgiving, and mysterious. If only you knew who their victims were ..."     

Now it was Aleksis' turn to wonder, "I just can't find any info about them, and I have very broad access ... how can you know so much about them?"     

Nicolae did not answer. He thought about his encounter with Mischa and Takeshi yesterday. Actually he should consider himself lucky because Takeshi underestimated Nicolae's capabilities at the beginning of the fight, and so they let their guard down.     

Otherwise he wouldn't stand a chance against them, especially if they had attacked him together. He was lucky that he could knock Takeshi out before Mischa started his attack.     

He could not imagine if Takeshi had helped Misca yesterday. They could definitely kill him on the spot with one blow. If that had happened, he would never meet his father, and his death would be in vain, due to misunderstanding.     

All his research and projects in Singapore so far would also end in vain. Ugh ... all that because of a mere misunderstanding.     

"How do you know so much about Rhionen Assassins?" asked Aleksis once more. She had to extract information from Nicolae and find out how far he knew about Alaric.     

"Hmm ... I've been investigating them for a long time," Nicolae finally answered. "Rhionen Assassins cannot be contracted to become mere bodyguards, unless ..."     

"Unless what?" Aleksis asked, opening her eyes wide.     

"Unless your boyfriend is the leader of Rhionen Assassins himself," Nicolae answered firmly. He looked at Aleksis with a probing look, hoping to get an answer from the girl, "Is that true?"     

Carl and Sascha immediately held their breath when they heard Nicolae's words. The two looked at each other, then looked at Aleksis in the rearview mirror with shocked faces. They could not believe what they had just heard.     

Was it true that their young miss had a relationship with the leader of Rhionen Assassins? This was really shocking!     

Aleksis stared back at Nicolae bravely. Nicolae was very smart and always to the point. He always spoke bluntly whatever was on his mind. In this respect, he was similar to Aleksis, who was very open and outspoken.     

Finally Aleksis nodded. "You're right. I have a good relationship with the leader of Rhionen Assassins. We have a complicated relationship. To tell you the truth, he is not a bad person."     

"How can you say he's not a bad person? Do you know how many people he killed ??" Nicolae asked impatiently. He was devastated when he heard Aleksis' answer. He did not expect his rival to be such a dangerous person. He did not want to directly deal with Rhionen Assassins, but now it seemed like he had no choice.     

"I don't know what he did to other people, but he is kind to me ...!" said Aleksis.     

She knew that Alaric did many things that no ordinary human being could accept, but that was because he grew up alone and on the wrong path since he experienced a lot of bitterness in his life.     

The real Alaric was actually very kind and gentle. The only problem was that he had gone too far down the dark path for all his life. Aleksis still hoped that one day she would be able to reach the true Alaric, and pull him out to see the light and change his view of humans.     

Nicolae looked at Aleksis sadly, "You have been brainwashed by him. He is a killer ... Not only as an assassin from Rhionen Assassins, but he may also be responsible for the psychological crisis seven years ago when a mass suicide occurred. I can't believe you just said he is a nice person ..."     

"I told you, I don't know what he did to others ... what is clear to me is that he is very kind. Then, what should I do? Hate him for various accusations that you can't prove to be the truth? The fact is that he saved me three times ... I am indebted to him and he treats me very well ... " Aleksis insisted.     

"Uhm ... that's right, to our knowledge Prince Siegfried had saved Miss several times. Never once had he hurt her." Carl added.     

He did not want to see his Young Miss constantly attacked by Nicolae. Inwardly, he actually admired the fact that Prince Siegfried, whom his young miss had been looking for, was a very influential person.     

"Prince Siegfried?" Suddenly Nicolae felt the pain in his shoulder again. Hmm ... no ... this was not physical pain due to Mischa's gunshot wound, but his chest hurt knowing that the girl he liked had found the person she was looking for.     

The other day, when Aleksis mistook him for Prince of Siegfried and embraced him, he thought it was just a misunderstanding and the person named Siegfried did not exist. Now, he realized that there really was such a person and that Aleksis had finally met the real one.     

And there was even a possibility that this Prince Siegfried was the leader of Rhionen Assassins.     

"Oh ... you mean the dragon tattoo ..." Nicolae murmured softly.     

He had only just realized the connection between the dragon-slayer prince and the highest level assassin in Rhionen Assassins. Subconsciously, Nicolae held his chest, as if he was holding back the pain from the wound, even though he was actually holding back his sadness due to the information he had just received.     

Aleksis must have liked Prince Siegfried so much that she named her dog Little Prince Siegfried. Then, years later, she returned to Singapore to look for him, and even hid everything from her family, because she knew for certain that Rhionen Assassins' bad reputation would make her family oppose their relationship.     

He did not know the extent of Aleksis and Siegfried's relationship. Aleksis had only returned to Singapore for one week, so there was no way that she was far involved with the man, he thought.     

But it was also possible that they already had a close relationship, because clearly he sent his two best killers to protect Aleksis ...     

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