The Alchemists

Lauriel's Sons

Lauriel's Sons

0Dr. Lin quickly took Nicolae's blood and placed a drop carefully on the test kit. Then, he took some blood from Lauriel's fingertip and also tested it. The results came out a minute later and it made everyone look at each other in surprise.     

The test that was performed was used not only to show someone's blood type, but also to have a simple genetic report of the person. With this genetic report, the doctor could immediately find out the general health condition of the people he tested to avoid drug allergies or prevent improper treatments.     

Dr Lin was holding the DNA information of both men and he was confused to see that the Y chromosomes from the two reports had so much in common. Dr. Lin scratched his head that wasn't itchy.     

He remembered Lauriel's negative reaction when Dr. Lin mistook the injured young man for his younger brother. It seemed as if these two people didn't even know each other, so why did their Y chromosomes have so much in common ...? It was almost like they were father and son ...     

But, was that possible? These two people seemed to be of the same age ...     

He couldn't stop thinking, but he couldn't come up with a good explanation.     

Meanwhile, Aleksis and Lauriel looked at each other in shock. Aleksis even covered her mouth as she tried to hold back her cry of surprise. She was very intelligent and so she knew the meaning of the two DNA reports earlier. Lauriel did too.     

He glanced at the handsome young man who was lying in bed. His face was very pale because he had lost a lot of blood ...     

DNA results never lie. This young man was his son ...     

But from whom? He was not a man who slept with random women, so there was no way that he could have a son he did not know about.     

He could think of a few women who had shared his bed in the past, but none of them meant anything to him. The only woman he loved wholeheartedly had died, and she took their child who was still in the womb with her ...     

As he looked at Nicolae, subconsciously tears began to gather in the corners of his eyes. A sense of peace and warmth filled his chest.     

If Nicolae were truly his son ... he would be very happy, because that meant that Lauriel was not alone in this world.     

"Please take my blood quickly so he could be operated on immediately," Lauriel said in a stern voice.     

His mind immediately went back to work and he knew right now that the most important thing was to save Nicolae. Indeed, his gunshot wounds did not endanger his life, but if he continued to lose so much blood, he could die.     

Doctor Lin nodded. He quickly took out a blood transfusion set from his bag and directly connected Lauriel's end to Nicolae's arm so as not to waste time. When the blood was flowing smoothly, he then deftly took out the bullet that was still lodged in the young man's shoulder.     

Aleksis held Lauriel's hand during the whole procedure. The two looked at each other and then looked at Nicolae together. Without the need to talk, they already knew what was in each other's minds.     

Aleksis was very happy to know that her dear Uncle Rory had a child ... There must be so much mystery behind Nicolae's life, and they couldn't wait to know as soon as possible what had happened.     


The atmosphere in the library was very moving. Alaric was not ashamed to shed tears in front of Portia because, for the first time in his life, he felt that he had found the family that he thought was gone.     

His mother had indeed died, but apparently he still had a cousin, and an aunt who loved him very much. Ned, Portia's husband, also treated him so well.     

After they cried and released their longing for each other, Portia still could not let go of Alaric from her embrace. She invited them to lunch at the beautiful back garden to exchange stories, especially about what had happened to Alaric for the past 100 years.     

"I'm very proud of you," Portia said, smiling heartily, "You managed to live well alone and you have  achieved so many things in your life ... Luna must be so proud."     

Alaric nodded. "Mother is my motivation in life... I only have one goal in my mind right now, which is to make sure that humans no longer do the same foolishness as they did before. I will not allow humans to destroy the earth further as they seem to enjoy war and environmental destruction ... their war caused us to lose so many of our loved ones ..."     

Portia nodded, "Ned and I agree with you. That is why, when Sophia first told us about the automation project from Rhionen Industries, we agreed to provide support. With the leadership of the United Kingdom, of course other EU countries will follow. We have the same wishes as you. You don't know how proud and happy I am, because as of today, I know that the pioneer of this project, the owner of Rhionen Industries, is my own nephew ..."     

Sophia coughed and told Alaric a bit about who Ned and Portia really were. Alaric was stunned to learn that the two people sitting in front of him were actually the real rulers of the British Empire, which stretched across the commonwealth since hundreds of years ago. They had been ruling the British Empire from behind the scenes for centuries.     

No wonder he easily obtained the European Union automation project. As for China, he had a very close relation with the leaders there, especially because Rhionen Assassins had done a lot of work for them in the past.     

However, for the cooperation with the European Union, he thought he was just lucky when the Meier Group supported his project and moments later the contract was approved.     

Apparently it was because the rulers of Great Britain had the same view as him, and so they gave their blessing so that he would get the big project contract.     

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