The Alchemists

You are mine

You are mine

0Aleksis couldn't believe her brother would sell her so easily just to secure his position in a stupid poll!     

Just you wait, she thought while pursing her lips. She will get some poisonous snakes and send them to her brother's house. She would enjoy listening to him screaming and yelling and record it as her bargaining chip for the next time she wanted him to do things her way.     

A smile etched on her lips as she was thinking about it. It was then that Mel realized that the two were indeed siblings, because Aleksis and Terry were too alike, especially when they were angry like this. She finally smiled and didn't ask again.     

"Anjali ... are we going to let the girl act all pretentious like that?" asked one of her cronies, looking at Aleksis in annoyance.     

Anjali shook her head, "Of course not, but we shouldn't openly disturb her in front of Terry, I don't want Terry to hate me."     

"Then what are your plans?"     

"We will wait until Terry takes off. I will make her pay. Just because she is Terry's relative, it doesn't mean that she can act however she wants and not be respectful toward seniors."     

Anjali couldn't accept that there was another queen bee on campus, and she had thought of ways to get rid of Aleksis.     


Alaric woke up at 6am and he immediately remembered that he had not called Aleksis as he had promised before leaving. Too many things had happened last night, when he met Sophia, his cousin.     

Yes, he, Alaric apparently had a cousin ... and now he finally knew about his origins. He knew what his mother's name was, and who his family was ...     

Apparently, he was not alone, as there are hundreds of people like him out there. They also had young and perfect appearances and lived as immortals. Sophia herself was already over 200 years old, older than him, but she still looked like she was 24 years old.     

He later learned that for the Alchemists, time was in their hands, so they were not in a hurry to formalize their their marriage commitment and to have children. That was why they were so few in number.     

It was very different from ordinary people who got married so easily, then got divorced as easily. They had many children but were not capable of taking care of them properly, causing so many children to suffer.     

Indeed, he felt that the ideal Alchemist order was the best order for this planet. Their small numbers, conservative culture and view on commitment made them the most ideal people to roam the earth.     

Ordinary people must learn from the Alchemist clan about this ideal way of life ...     

Ah ... there was still so much he wanted to know about these Alchemists. He couldn't wait to see Sophia again soon and meet the person she was referring to last night.     

But before that, he had to contact Aleksis. Alaric took out his phone and found several messages and missed calls from Aleksis last night that he didn't have time to open.     

Guilt filled his chest. Ah, it's 6 o'clock in the morning, meaning it's 2pm  in Singapore. He should call his wife and ask about her condition. He missed Aleksis' voice.     

Aleksis picked up the phone in just two rings.     

"Hello, Alaric ... are you awake? It's still early in the morning, right?" Aleksis asked in a very happy voice. "How did you sleep last night? Are you still jet lagged?"     

"Good afternoon, Honey," Alaric said. He was very happy to hear Aleksis' voice, "I'm fine. I had no jet lag and I slept well last night, too. How are you?"     

"I'm fine too, I'm on campus, trying to teach these corny girls who bullied me two days ago a lesson. I was hated on campus because they thought I was robbing them of their idols ... hahahaha ... They don't know I am already taken."     

Alaric smiled at Aleksis' words.     

"Right, you are mine," he said softly. "If they make it difficult for you, don't hesitate to ask Takeshi and Mischa to punish them."     

"Ahh .. there's no need for them to get involved at this moment. I already asked my brother to help me earlier ..." Aleksis coughed, remembering that she hugged Terry intimately and pretended to be his girlfriend earlier. She was afraid that Takeshi would take a picture of her hugging Terry and send it to Alaric, so she felt compelled to explain that Terry was her brother. "If you go back to Singapore, I'll introduce you to him."     

"Hmm ... alright ..." Alaric agreed. "Honey, I'll be busy here all day today, so I'll call you every morning after I wake up, so it's not too late in Singapore. I'm afraid that if I call you in the evening, the time will be too late for you."     

"Alright ..." Aleksis smiled broadly, "What are you busy with today?"     

"Hmm ... I will meet several people this day. Many great things are happening ..."     

Aleksis fell silent at Alaric's words about the great things that were happening. At her side too, so many things were happening and she hoped that Alaric would come home soon.     

"Alright ... Hopefully all your business can be done quickly and you can come home. I miss you."     

"Take care of yourself well." Alaric looked at his phone and didn't know how to end the call. Aleksis, on the other end, actually didn't want to hang up.     

Finally, for a minute, no one spoke.     

"Hurry and come home to me ..." Aleksis finally whispered in a choked voice and hung up before Alaric could hear that she was close to tears. "I love you."     

"I ..." Alaric was about to reply to Aleksis' love statement but she had hung up.     

Finally, he could only sigh and place his phone on the table. His gaze was accidentally fixed on his reflection in the mirror. His hair had changed, now it was closer to platinum, with some shades of purple. His looks were so unique he could barely recognize himself.     

He unconsciously touched his head and frowned. He remembered Sophia's words that purple was the characteristic of the Linden family. Why did these characteristics come out lately? What was happening to him?     

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