The Alchemists

I do.

I do.

0Aleksis could not remember what they talked about, because her mind wandered over with euphoria. The man of her dreams, whom she had found, had become her boyfriend, and would soon become her husband.     

She would then face her family. Her father, mother, and Uncle Rory would not be able to refuse and oppose her relationship with Alaric if they were already married.     

Aleksis knew her family well and she knew that they would not be able to accept Alaric with his background. Their perspectives and principles were too different. She must protect Alaric from her family's refusal and give the man time to change.     

He had said before that there was hope for humanity ... so in Aleksis' eyes, there was hope for Alaric to change. Her family would not understand this ...     

Once deemed ready, Aleksis signaled the waiter and asked for the bill. She pretended to pay, so Alaric would not be suspicious.     

"I'll pay," Alaric said, taking out his card.     

Aleksis shook her head quickly. "I was the one who invited you to eat here, let me pay. You can pay for the wedding costs ... hahaha ..."     

Alaric smiled and nodded. Aleksis received the bill from the waiter, pretended to read its contents and then rushed to the cashier. There she winked at the manager of the Sky Bar and signaled that they should not talk about it. She just scribbled on the receipt, pretending to sign a payment, and then said thank you.     

"Allright. Shall we go now?" She asked as she approached Alaric.     

"Let's go."     

They left the Sky Bar arm in arm, looking very intimate. The waiters and managers of Sky Bar could only stare and look at each other. They knew the girl was an important person in the Schneider Group, even though they did not know her exact identity, but they had orders to follow whatever she asked them to do.     

After seeing her eat with a mysterious man, who covered his face with a mask, and walking out of the restaurant holding hands, they couldn't help but wonder who the two were.     


For the past ten years, Singapore had positioned itself as the most advanced modern tourist destination in Southeast Asia by opening an area in Sentosa that was inspired by the concept of Las Vegas in the United States.     

There, the nightlife was very lively with the rise of hotels, casinos, restaurants, and even wedding chapels, just like in Las Vegas.     

Cirque du Soleil had opened a permanent venue and performed world-class performances every night before the impressed crowds. Hotels had also begun contracting top artists to hold permanent shows.     

Even Billie Yves was reportedly willing to accept a contract for 6 months to perform at the Caesar Residence Hotel, which excited many fans because this exclusive artist would be reachable by fans in the Asian region.     

In addition to various entertainment centers and casinos, wedding chapels were also built to provide quick and easy wedding services for many people who suddenly wanted to get married or were looking for a practical wedding procession.     

They only needed to come with their passports and pay the cost for the procession and the marriage celebrant, and within 10 minutes they were legally married.     

That was where Alaric and Aleksis were heading tonight.     

Aleksis excused herself for a short time to go to her 'room' at the Continental Hotel to get her documents, while Alaric had his assistant make a reservation in the chapel.     

Five minutes later, the two of them walked into the Alaric's armored vehicle in the parking lot and he immediately ordered the driver to head for Sentosa.     

"It's not raining tonight ..." Aleksis said. "Usually you only take the car when it rains."     

"We need witnesses," Alaric replied. "If we took the bike, there's only us. Do you want to find a stranger to be our witness?"     

Aleksis nodded in understanding. The driver and Alaric's bodyguard would be the witnesses to their wedding ceremony.     

Inwardly she was rather sad because she could not bring witnesses from her side. Actually, it would have been great if Terry could come and be her witness ...     

But Terry would definitely tell her family ... Aleksis couldn't take that risk.     

The car arrived at the Sentosa area and parked in front of a small chapel painted in blue. Alaric helped Aleksis get out of the car and held her hand along the way.     

"Are you sure?" He asked once more before they entered the chapel.     

Aleksis nodded with certainty.     

With firm steps, the two walked in and met the chapel clerk who was busy taking notes on his desk.     

"Good evening, my assistant had made an appointment for us," Alaric said. He took out his passport and handed it to the chapel clerk. Aleksis did the same thing.     

The clerk immediately stood up to greet the two with respect. He examined the two passports and gave a signal for them to enter the next room and wait there while he prepared their documents. He also received the driver and bodyguard's identity cards before they entered the required data.     

"All right, thank you for waiting. We can start now." He asked the bride and groom to stand facing the podium and their witnesses to sit behind them. A man in his 40's came from the backroom. He was dressed in a dark blue robe and he carried a book in his hand. He gave a signal that the ceremony could start.     

"Good evening. My name is Louis Lam, and I am the wedding officiant who has obtained the authority from the Department of Civil Registry to carry out my duties. We are gathered together here to unite this man, Alaric Rhionen and this woman, Aleksis Makela, in a bond of matrimony.      

Do you, Alaric Rhionen take Aleksis Makela to be your lawfully wedded wife, for whom you care for, respect, support, and cherish for life, and with whom you share your joy and sorrow, till death do you part?"     

Alaric nodded, "I do."     

"Do you, Aleksis Makela, take Alaric Rhionen to be your lawfully wedded husband, for whom you care for, respect, support, and cherish for life, and with whom you share your joy and sorrow, till death do you part?" This time Louis Lam directed his question to Aleksis who was struggling to hold back her tears from flowing.     

"I.. I do.." Aleksis finally managed to utter the words.     

Alaric clasped her hands tighter and stared softly at Aleksis to calm her down. The girl could only nod.     

After this, she must think of a way to deal with her family ...     

She knew that her family would be very disappointed. But she did not want to let go of Alaric. If they found out that she was in a relationship with the leader of Rhionen Assassins and knew of his plans to take revenge on mankind, Aleksis knew that her father and foster father would very strongly oppose their relationship.     

"By the authority vested in me by the government of Singapore, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations! You may now kiss the bride."     

Alaric wiped the tears from Aleksis' eyes softly, then looked down and kissed her lips for a long time.     

He assumed the tears were because Aleksis was moved. He had no idea that Aleksis was crying because she thought that at that moment, she had chosen Alaric Rhionen over her own family, and she knew that her action would hurt her family.     

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