The Alchemists

Mr. & Mrs. Rhionen **

Mr. & Mrs. Rhionen **

0Alaric and Aleksis clinked their glasses and drank their champagne together, to celebrate their impulsive wedding moments ago.     

"I love you," Aleksis said after putting down her glass and kissing Alaric's lips with so much love. Alaric could still taste the sweet champagne in her mouth. They then kissed for a few moments on the couch, pouring their love for each other.     

When Alaric's hand began to sneak under Aleksis' clothes, the girl immediately stopped him and held his hand, refusing to let the hand explore her body, "I feel sticky because I have done a lot of activities since noon. And you just tangled my hair … AGAIN ..."     

Alaric stared at Aleksis, looking disappointed. "So … what now?"     

"I want to take a shower first, so I can sleep well," answered Aleksis. She stood up and pulled herself together. Alaric just stared at her walking away toward the bedroom.     

His eyes looked so depressed. He was forced to hold back his desires because Aleksis suddenly decided to take a shower. In the middle of the night? Ugh … you Asian, he thought.     

His mind suddenly went blank when Aleksis turned and gave him a signal to follow her. Aleksis' voice sounded disappointed, "Why are you still there? You don't want to come? You just tangled my hair, at least take responsibility by washing my hair ..."     

Alaric was stunned for two seconds, and after he realized what was happening, a smile spread wide on his lips and he hurried after Aleksis into the bedroom and then into their enormous bathroom equipped with a marble bathtub that he very rarely used.     

"I will take responsibility," he said in a cheerful voice, "I will wash your hair and make it as beautiful as usual."     

His words made Aleksis smile. She kissed Alaric warmly, turned on the hot and cold water taps, then took off her clothes and entered the bathtub. Alaric followed suit; he took off all his clothes then joined Aleksis in the bathtub.     

They enjoyed their time in the warm water, and never stopped exploring each other's bodies lovingly.     

Alaric kept his words by shampooing Aleksis' long and beautiful hair. He gently massaged her head and applied some cream on her hair, which made the girl feel very pampered.     

"You are very talented," Aleksis said, closing her eyes to enjoy Alaric's treatment on her hair. "Ah, I almost forgot that you have experience with long hair ..."     

"Hmm ..." Alaric nodded     

Aleksis seemed to be thinking about something. She then turned her around and looked at Alaric, who was still wearing his mask in the bathtub. She touched Alaric's cheeks and then made a decision.     

"Thank you, for always treating me so well. I'm sure that it must be very uncomfortable, wearing your mask at a time like this ... You know I really don't care about your physical appearance, but I understand that you're not ready to show who you are to me," Aleksis smiled very softly while stroking Alaric's chin, "I will close my eyes, so you can take off your mask and take your bath comfortably. I promise I will not take a peek. I will only see your face when you are ready to show it to me ..."     

Then, still smiling, Aleksis closed her eyes and continued to enjoy Alaric's massage on her head.     

Alaric was stunned to hear Aleksis' words.     

Apparently, despite being much younger, the girl was very mature. He felt lucky to have married such an amazing and understanding woman ...     

It was indeed not comfortable to wear his mask when they were taking a bath like this, because the steam made his skin feel hot.     

"All right ..." Alaric finally said, smiling too.     

Actually, at this point, he didn't mind even if Aleksis peeked and saw his real face. He was not ashamed of his appearance; he was not old, not ugly, and his face was not actually disfigured. Of course when Aleksis found out the truth, she would be pleasantly surprised.     

If Aleksis were to ask him why he was not aging, Alaric would tell her the truth.     

At this point, he had nothing to hide.     

Slowly he took off the leather mask that covered half of his face and placed it on the edge of the bathtub. He then cupped some water to wash his face. It felt very comfortable and refreshing.     

His very handsome face, which had perfect symmetry lines, seemed to shine in the light of dozens of romantic candles in their bathroom.     

He kissed the top of Aleksis' head and hugged her tightly from behind.     

"I won't open my eyes ..." whispered Aleksis, "But that means I won't be able to see, so you have to guide me ..."     

"I will guide you ..." Alaric answered in a sultry voice. He couldn't hold back his passion for her. He had never made love to Aleksis without his mask, and this experience shook his heart. Eventually, they would unite completely, without him having to cover his face.     

He turned Aleksis to face him and kissed her half-opened lips. They were very sexy and adorable. The full touch of their facial skin made him feel very happy. There were no more barriers between them.     

He kissed Aleksis greedily and moved down to her neck, then her exposed shoulders and breasts, and finally her whole body. Aleksis could only enjoy all of Alaric's love without being able to return his kisses and his outpouring love, because she had promised not to open her eyes.     

However, Alaric did not feel the need for her to reciprocate his caresses and kisses. He considered Aleksis' willingness to marry him and her acceptance to who he was as a form of unconditional outpouring of love that made him very touched.     

And now, his understanding wife let him hide his face until he was ready to open up. Where else would he find a woman like this?     

After they were satisfied with their activities in the bathroom, Alaric dried their bodies, then carried Aleksis to the bed and continued their lovemaking activity there.     

He wanted to know to what extent Aleksis would keep her word and not peek at his face.     

He led their vigorous love making session that lasted for hours. They repeatedly reached their peaks together, and they only stopped when they were both very satisfied and felt very tired.     

When finally Alaric ended their lovemaking, he realized that until the last moment Aleksis had indeed kept her promise not to open her eyes. The girl moaned, bit her lip and screamed with pleasure without ever opening her eyes.     

"You are truly an extraordinary woman, and I love you very much ..." Alaric whispered intently in Aleksis' ear as he ended their sexual intercourse. "Now, let's sleep."     

Inwardly he felt very touched because Aleksis was truly trustworthy and she kept her word. He didn't need to show his face tonight. Maybe the next time Aleksis asked for it, he would take off his mask and open himself up to her. He had such kind woman as his wife, and he believed that she would be able to accept him and keep his secrets.     

"Thank you, I love you too, Alaric," whispered Aleksis.     

"You can open your eyes now," Alaric said finally.     

Aleksis slowly opened her eyes and saw that the room was very dark because the lights had been turned off. She smiled and nodded, "Good night, Mr. Rhionen."     

Alaric kissed her lips and spooned her, "Good night, Mrs. Rhionen. See you tomorrow morning."     

They fell asleep almost immediately. That night they slept in peace and happiness.     

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