The Alchemists

You Will Give Me Diabetes

You Will Give Me Diabetes

0Aleksis did not know how long she spent time with Alaric in his office today. She just knew one thing: that it was never enough. After making love passionately, they sat down and chatted about trivial matters. It was then that Aleksis narrated her very bad first day in college to him.     

"Even though I deliberately made myself appear ugly... problems still came to me. I don't know what else to do..." she complained. "Thank God, Takeshi taught Anjali a lesson so I didn't need to intervene."     

"Still, he was not fast enough," Alaric commented with a frown. "He said you were saved by another man in the cafeteria. I heard that he is very handsome."     

"Oh... he's one of the reasons why the girls are making things difficult for me. I've only met him a few times by accident. But even though we don't really know each other, he's treating me like a friend..." Aleksis snorted. "The crazy students on that campus made a list of IDEAL HUSBAND CANDIDATES and he is one of the favorites. Because he acted friendly to me, all the girls have gone crazy ..."     

"Does he like you?" Alaric asked attentively.     

"I don't know. But I don't think so. To me, he just seems to be a really friendly person. You know for yourself how I look like on the outside, right?" said Aleksis in an annoyed tone. "Someone as handsome and popular like him can't possibly like a nerd like me."     

"My Sweetheart... no matter how you try to look ugly on the outside, you are still very beautiful. Only a blind man won't be able to see it..." Alaric looked fixedly at Aleksis. "I am very worried about what would happen if those men saw your true appearance... Even now that you have disguised yourself to look unattractive, I still have so much competition ..."     

"Will you be jealous?" Aleksis asked hopefully.     

Alaric did not answer,     

Aleksis was exasperated to see her boyfriend showing no signs of jealousy. She couldn't help pinching Alaric's hand very hard.     

The man only smiled faintly, looking as if he did not feel pain from her pinches even after she poured all her strength on it. The girl could only purse her lips in indignation.     

 "Your tolerance for pain is amazing," she grumbled.     

 "It doesn't hurt," Alaric said with a smile. "You have to practice a lot to be able to hurt me."     

 Aleksis pursed her lips again. "I don't want to hurt you... but I'm annoyed because you're not jealous at all. Nicolae is very handsome, and he is very friendly to me, but you just said you're only worried, not jealous. People said jealousy is a sign of love… but you..."     

"You're having the wrong definition of love, Honey. Love is not judged by whether a person is jealous or not. That's just selfish love. Selfish love is only about taking and owning. True love is liberating. It is when you want to see the person you love happy. If you are happy with ... What's his name again? Nicolae... Because I love you, I will do my best to make sure you are happy with him. My love is not selfish."     

Aleksis was stunned. She was a hard time believing that she just heard the concept of love from Alaric who was completely unfamiliar with what was in her mind all this time. She only wanted Alaric to be selfish and jealous of the other men trying to approach her.     

"How strange?" she muttered. "If you love me, don't you want to be with me?"     

"I want to be with you," Alaric nodded. "But if you want to be with someone else, then I will let you go and support you, even if it means you being happy with somebody not me."     

Aleksis gasped. Hearing the last sentence from the man, she suddenly remembered something.     

Wasn't Uncle Jean also in love with her mother but he fully supported her in finding her happiness with Caspar because he was who she truly wanted as her beloved and husband?     

Uncle Jean's love was not selfish. Hmm ... it felt very refreshing to hear the same concept coming out of Alaric's lips.     

"Geez ... you're going to give me diabetes," Aleksis murmured with a frown.     

"Why?" Alaric asked in a worried voice.     

"You will give me diabetes because you are too sweet," Aleksis replied, looking away.     

Alaric looked at the girl for a long time, then burst out laughing. "Jeez ... Little girl, you're so funny. Look who's dropping pickup lines right now?"     

After laughing, he pulled Aleksis' scowling face into his arms. and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry, as long as you want to be with me, I will always be with you."     

At that moment, Aleksis's chest felt overflowing with emotions. She felt very loved. Apparently, it wasn't only her who was obsessed with this man and fell in love with him over and over again. Alaric was now showing that he had the same feeling for her. He also loved her.     

For the past four days, they had spent so much time together. Aleksis' love story had experienced an anticlimax twice because Alaric rejected her, but when he got convinced that he should be with her, he decided to return her love and acted as a perfect lover. Aleksis felt very lucky.     

While enjoying Alaric's hug she then remembered that her boyfriend would be going and staying in England for a long time, and this depressed her. What if he really met the Meier family? She did not want Alaric to collaborate with them, because Alexei Meier had almost killed her with poison...     

"Honey ... can't you cancel your trip to London?" Aleksis abruptly asked. She deliberately tightened her arms around Alaric's waist, so that he would not refuse her request. "I don't want you to go ..."     

"I can, if that's what you want," Alaric replied. "I promised to grant one wish for you. Whatever it is, as long as it's not to see my face."     

"Are you really going to grant it?" Aleksis asked happily, she raised her face and enthusiastically looked into Alaric's eyes.     

"If I promise something, of course, I'll keep it." Alaric returned Aleksis' gaze more seriously, "But you must seriously consider whether you will use such a valuable request just to cancel my departure this time."     

Ugh, right, Aleksis realized.     

The request was too valuable to be exchanged now. She must think carefully about what she wanted.     

In the end, she could only bite her lower lip and shake her head. "I withdraw my request then…"     

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