The Alchemists

The Handsome Teacher Assisstant (1)

The Handsome Teacher Assisstant (1)

0"Aleksis is a transfer student. It's only natural that Terry helped her get information about the campus. Why can't you think clearly?" Rosemary scolded the girls. "If you bother her again, I will report you to the professor".     

Aleksis turned to Rosemary with a grateful look. She did not need help because she could defend herself, but she appreciated Rosemary's good intentions.     

This made her feel even worse for the girl.     

Grumbling, Cindy and her friends returned to their respective seats. Aleksis then followed Rosemary to her seat.     

"Thank you," she whispered.     

Rosemary only shrugged and did not answer. Her usually warm attitude suddenly became very cold, which made Aleksis wonder.     

"Are you mad at me?" Aleksis asked, "What did I do wrong?"     

Rosemary took a deep breath and looked at Aleksis in annoyance, "You didn't tell me that you already know Terry and you even had lunch with him. You let me pour my heart out about him ..."     

"Oh ..." Aleksis understood Rosemary's feelings. She then looked at the girl carefully and tried to figure out what she had to do. Rosemary seemed to be a good girl, she was also beautiful and she treated Aleksis kindly. There would probably be no harm if Aleksis were to open up to her. "Uhmm ... okay ... I'll tell you a secret ..."     

Rosemary looked at her in surprise. "What secret?"     

"Terry isn't as good as you think. He didn't really confess his love to you last Friday; he doesn't even know your name ..." Aleksis finally decided that telling Rosemary the truth would save the girl from a prolonged heartbreak in the future, "He kissed you just for fun ... "     

Rosemary covered her lips in surprise. She never told anyone that Terry kissed her... but how could Aleksis know about it?     

"Wh ... what do you mean?" she asked in disbelief.     

Now it was Aleksis' turn to sigh.     

"Terry is my brother ... That's why I know all his quirkiness... He was just playing with you when he confessed his love ... I will make him apologize to you ..."     


Rosemary almost screamed in anger. She thought Aleksis was playing with her.     

"All right ... if he's really your boyfriend, do you have his phone number?" Aleksis asked patiently.     

Rosemary was immediately stunned. Indeed, since that day, she had never met Terry again and she did not even know his private phone number. She looked at Aleksis and her round eyes were almost in tears. Now she started to believe her.     

"Wh ... what is the proof that your words are true ...?" Rosemary asked finally in a soft voice.     

Aleksis nodded. She pressed the call button on her phone-watch and called Terry.     

"Hey, Big brother... where are you?"     

"Still at home. I have no class today," Terry answered on the other end of the phone.     

"I want to talk to my dog, please ... put my dog ​​on the phone," Aleksis said in a cute tone. Terry could be heard grumbling and a moment later from her phone Aleksis could hear Little Prince Siegfried's grunt. "Ahhh ... are you alright, Honey? Does Uncle Terry take good care of you? Ahh ... I really miss you. Tonight I'll stop by Joo Chiat to see you, okay ..."     

Rosemary stared at Aleksis, who was conversing with her dog over the phone. She had heard Terry's voice earlier, and that made her believe that Aleksis' words were not lies.     

"What class are you attending this morning?" Terry asked later.     

"I don't know ... ahaha ... What is clear is that the class is held in the auditorium and is very crowded. This is a general mandatory class," Aleksis answered.     

"Strange, usually the general class is always quiet. You know that nowadays students no longer have to go to class to study, because we can study on our own through an interactive module." Terry sounded surprised. "Usually the general class is only crowded if ..."     

"If what?" asked Aleksis.     

"Hmmm ... if it was taught by a teaching assistant who is the obsession of many women," Terry answered in a reproachful voice. "Only Nicolae's class is always full of students, especially girls, because they want to see his face ... not really to study."     

Oh ... Aleksis understood now. No wonder the auditorium was almost full and most people fight over the seats in the front.     

"Oh... no wonder," said Aleksis. "I didn't know he is a teaching assistant."     

"Just as a teaching assistant for that one class. He's scary Parker's  favorite student, so since last year he is often asked to help in Parker's class. Please don't get obsessed over him like most other female students ... I will lose face if you chase after him too! " grumbles Terry.     

"Yes, yes ... I know, that he is your rival on the IDEAL HUSBAND CANDIDATE LIST... hahahaha ..." said Aleksis while laughing. She glanced at Rosemary who was still staring at her. "Uhm ... guess who I'm sitting next to?"     

"Who?" Terry asked.     

"Rosemary, your girlfriend. Do you want to talk to her?"     

Instantly Terry's voice on the other end of the phone was gone. The call was disconnected.     

Rosemary looked shocked. She was following Aleksis' conversation with Terry all this time and realized that the girl was indeed telling the truth.     

Her tears started falling down slowly to her cheeks. She understood now that Terry was just playing with her ...     

There was no way that Terry would secretly like her from the beginning. The young man might not even know who she was. She was wrong because she was too easily fooled ...     

"I'm sorry ..." said Aleksis quietly, after hanging up the phone from Terry.     

Rosemary shook her head and sat in her chair with a stiff face. Aleksis had no choice, she sat down next to the girl and took out her notebook.     

Ugh ... the first day of college wasn't going well.     

"Good morning!" Suddenly, a handsome, cool-looking young man entered the auditorium. He greeted the class and enthusiastically all the students present greeted him back.     

"Good morning, Nicolae..." everyone shouted loudly and happily.     

Today Nicolae looked even more handsome than usual because he was wearing a formal shirt. His long-sleeved gray shirt was rolled up to his elbows and he was wearing black pants and expensive leather shoes.     

His blue eyes looked brilliantly bright and glittered on his handsome face that was adorned with perfect lines of symmetry. A lot of muffled shrieks could be heard from different corners of the room.     

Aleksis could only shake her head at the fan girls. She was used to being surrounded by good-looking people with perfect faces, therefore, for her, good looks and physical beauty had no meaning.     

She agreed that Nicolae was indeed very handsome, but because she already had Alaric in her heart, Aleksis could not even glance at another man.     

"Alright. This is our fifth meeting this semester. In two weeks we will have a midterm exam. This year I will make the test different from last year, so there's no use in asking your seniors for last year questions." Nicolae scanned the attendance list and looked up at the entire auditorium, "If I'm not mistaken, we have a new transfer students in the middle of the semester? Who is the person?"     

Aleksis was aware that she was that transfer student Nicolae just mentioned. She raised her hand while rolling her eyes. Nicolae immediately looked at her and frowned.     

"Hey ... are you the new student?" He looked at the sheet of paper in his hand and nodded in satisfaction, "So your name is Aleksis Makela, huh?"     

Now the eyes of everyone in class were fixed on Aleksis. Most of the female students seemed to stare at her in astonishment and hate. They heard some excitement in Nicolae's voice when he called Aleksis, and they did not like that.     

For some reason Aleksis could now draw the conclusion that she did not need a bodyguard to save her from annoying men, but from corny girls who were fans of Terry and Nicolae. She felt very uncomfortable with the way they looked at her with hatred.     

Ugh ... she must let the girls know that she was not interested in taking their two idols because she actually already had a boyfriend. She would ask Alaric to come to see her on campus so that the girls would no longer bother her.     

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