The Alchemists

Aren't we supposed to have breakfast? **

Aren't we supposed to have breakfast? **

0They both woke up when the sun was high. The sound of sea gulls and the sound of waves was the music that welcomed the two people from their slumber.     

"Good morning, my Princess." Alaric kissed Aleksis' forehead and then sat on the bed, "Do you want breakfast now?"     

Aleksis opened her eyes lazily and nodded. She stared at Alaric for a long time and then frowned, while her hand traced the man's broad and chiseled chest. "Hmm... You used to have a lot of scars around your dragon tattoo on your chest here... now most of the scars are gone..."     

"The scars gradually disappear after years," Alaric said. "The scars that you saw were from decades ago, now they are gone..."     

"Oh... in that case, will your face also recover in decades?" Aleksis asked curiously.     

"Hmm... why? Do you regret having a boyfriend whose face is disfigured?" Alaric asked in a disappointed tone.     

Aleksis hurriedly shook her head. "That's not what I meant... I might be able to help it recover faster..."     

Inwardly Aleksis had already made an assessment. If she married Alaric, she would be able to ask for the immortality potion for Alaric from Uncle Aldebar. The man would then have the body of an Alchemist that could generate perfect cells so he would certainly be able to quickly heal the scars on his body and on his face.     

"How? The only ways I know are face transplants or skin grafts... and I don't want to take the risk... I don't mind my appearance right now. If that is a problem for you... then I can't help you," said Alaric firmly.     

"Uhm... I wasn't reffering to facial transplant or skin graft... Never mind, we don't have to talk about this now. You know that I like you just the way you are from the start, I don't care about your looks nor the age difference between us..." Aleksis didn't want the first day after they made love last night marred by a fight over Alaric's face which actually did not matter to her.     

She hurriedly kissed Alaric's lips to stop the man from talking.     

"Uhff..." Alaric was indeed unable to continue talking about his disfigured face, because Aleksis claimed his mouth with her tiny wet lips.     

Didn't Aleksis just experience her first kiss two nights ago? How could she be this aggressive in kissing me? Alaric thought in amazement.     

He finally could not help smiling because Aleksis was so blunt and open. Apparently, because she was very smart, the girl quickly learned how to take the initiative to kiss him...     

Any normal guy would be flattered when showered with such abundant kisses and affection by an extraordinarily beautiful woman who stole his heart…     

Alaric was still a normal man who couldn't resist temptation. He welcomed Aleksis' kiss lovingly and responded with passion and excitement that arose after a good night sleep in a very comfortable bed.     

He positioned his body above Aleksis and showered her with kisses, caresses and affection. He was giving his entire being to her.     

Under the blanket, the two of them were still naked and this made it easier for Alaric to lead them to another love-making session. He fondled her twin peaks and kissed her navel, and went down to her lower lips and showered her with one pleasure after another.     

"Aren't we... ahh... supposed to… aahh... have... ... breakfast... Aaaahhh…" Aleksis whispered between her panting as Alaric guided her to make love once more that morning.     

She didn't get an answer because the man just shook his head and smiled mysteriously. He then moved up and bit her neck gently, leaving a small love mark, before he positioned himself on top of her and entered her.     

Uhmm... okay, breakfast could wait ... thought Aleksis as she closed her eyes and enjoyed Alaric's lips and tongue roaming and sucking her breasts as he pumped her senseless.     


They ended up having spaghetti and hot tea for breakfast at the deck. The scenery around them brought so much peace in their hearts.     

As far as the eye could see, there was only the ocean and the blue sky. The border between the sea and the sky seemed to disappear at the horizon, and they felt as if they were in a beautiful emptiness.     

"Thank you for bringing me here... This is beautiful," said Aleksis, sipping her tea.     

Alaric nodded. "I'm really glad we came here... I feel like I always want to be with you..."     

"Me too..." Aleksis confessed. "If you tell me your address, I can come by often..."     

"Oh... that," Alaric looked thoughtful, "Maybe later, not now. What is clear is that you know my office. You can come there anytime."     

"Uhm... okay." Aleksis was annoyed because until now Alaric was still keeping his residence a secret. She could also not get any information from Carl and Sasha when she went with Alaric to his house on a motorcycle because they lost her track.     

She now brought a tracking device, which she had requested from Carl. Actually, if necessary, Aleksis could always place a tracker in Alaric's car so she could know where he went.     

But then the girl reconsidered the idea. Alaric who guarded his privacy so tightly certainly would not allow himself to be tracked so easily. His men must be cleaning his vehicles from bugs and trackers all the time.     

If they found a tracker installed by Aleksis, it could jeopardize their fresh relationship and Alaric would not trust Aleksis in the future.     

She couldn't take that risk...     

Finally, Aleksis could only sigh.     

"Then... can I have your cellphone number? Can I not contact my own boyfriend?" Aleksis' middle name was 'persistence', so of course she had to keep trying.     

Alaric finally relented. He handed Aleksis a small box from his shirt pocket.     

"This is a new phone chip. I saved the number just for you..." He smiled. "Only you can contact me there."     

"Oh okay." Aleksis finally smiled. She pulled the small chip out of the box and placed it inside her phone-watch. This would be an enhancement on her phone-watch, so she could finally contact Alaric. She then kissed the man and stroked his hair, "Thank you!"     

They spent the rest of their time on the sea lazily. Aleksis sat on Alaric's lap and took out one of her books to read, while Alaric just meditated and calmed his mind.     

It was difficult at first, with Aleksis' seductive presence and her citrus-like scent, but after ten minutes he managed to empty his mind and enjoy some quiet time in peaceful meditation.     

In the afternoon they returned to the mainland and the armored Mercedes that had taken them to Harbourfront yesterday was already waiting at the parking lot. Alaric drove Aleksis back to the Continental Hotel because she had to pack her belongings to enter the dorm and take Little Prince Siegfried to Terry's house.     

"When will you go for your business trip to England?" Aleksis asked before getting out of the car.     

"In two days..." Alaric answered.     

"For how long?"     

"The fastest is a week, but it could be a month, depending on the cooperation agreement we discuss later."     

Aleksis' heart sank. She didn't want to let Alaric meet with the people from the Meier family, but she had no excuse to prevent the man from leaving.     

"Please call me every day..." she whispered in a sad tone. "If you don't, I will go after you to England. You will be embarrassed if I appear there because I miss you..."     

"Why should I be embarrassed?" Alaric looked very amused seeing Aleksis' behavior, "I would be happy if you come. Everyone can see how beautiful my woman is..."     

"Really? You don't mind if I come?" Aleksis asked in an excited tone. "Then I'll come."     

"I'll call you every day, but you don't need to come, unless I'm going to be there for a month. I'll let you know."     

"Hm... you promise?"     

"I promise to keep you updated. All right... good night. Send my regards to Little Prince Siegfried." Alaric kissed Aleksis and then released the girl into the Continental Building.     

Not long after the car left the Continental Building, Alaric's cellphone suddenly rang.     

"Gosh..." Alaric picked up the call that was apparently from Aleksis, "What's wrong? Why are you calling me now? Did you forget something?"     

"I just want to remind you to call me every day. I miss you already." said Aleksis on the other end of the phone.     

The feeling in Alaric's chest could not be expressed in words. Aleksis was so innocent and open with her feelings.     

Alaric had never felt so loved.     

His eyes were a little wet as he took off his mask and rubbed his eyes with emotion.     

"I miss you too, Sweetheart. Take care of your health, okay. Tomorrow Takeshi and Mischa will contact you, so that you no longer have to bother disguising yourself to avoid annoying men. I'll call you every day," Alaric said in a soft voice; softer than usual. "I love you."     

He confessed his love to Aleksis for the first time last night. Now, the words slipped so easily from his lips, without him feeling awkward at all.     

It seemed that he had become accustomed to being Aleksis' boyfriend.     

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