The Alchemists

You won!

You won!

0The two people intoxicated in love forgot their surroundings and allowed themselves to be swept away by the euphoria that they had experienced for the first time.     

Aleksis had been obsessed with her 'Prince Siegfried' for 8 years while Alaric had never been in love before. But since the first time he met Aleksis as an adult, he had not been able to escape her charms.     

Aleksis was very intelligent, beautiful, and pleasant, and her whole self seemed to radiate the warmth of love so foreign to Alaric.     

During his long life, Alaric had been accustomed to living in solitude. His heart was frozen solid, its entrance closed for decades. He never felt the need to open it for anyone. That was until this girl came like a storm and decimated all the walls he had built up to survive the seemingly endless solitude.     

They kissed on the couch, holding each other's heads and shoulders as their breathing began to get faster and more irregular.     

A few minutes later, Aleksis tried to break away from Alaric's temptations and finally succeeded with great difficulty.     

While gasping for air, she raised her hand and signaled Alaric not to try kissing her again.     

"Why? You don't like it?" Alaric asked in a husky voice. He was very fond of her lips, her small mouth, her thick hair, and her body that smelled like fresh citrus.     

His eyes were full of desperation and longing as he looked at Aleksis who was breaking away from his arms. Aleksis stared at the miserable-looking man, but she managed to pull herself together and slowly shook her head, "I ... I like it ... But I can't do this ..."     

"Why?" Alaric asked, disappointed.     

"You have rejected my love confession... so right now I just want to be your friend ... I should ... over time, be able to get rid of my romantic feelings for you. Once that time comes, then we can be good friends..." Aleksis looked very sad, "However. .. how will I get over you, if you continue kissing me like this ...? Do you know how evil your actions are? How can I forget my feelings for you ... if you are doing this to me...? "     

Alaric was stunned by her words.     

Alaric did not intend to establish a romantic relationship with the girl. Thus, he realized that by being self-contradictory like this, he would only give false hope to Aleksis who was still at her vulnerable stage due to being rejected.     

He suddenly felt like a jerk. He had firmly rejected Aleksis' love confession because he did not want to play with her heart. But why did his body betray him and pursue Aleksis so passionately?     

"I'm sorry ... It's just that… you made my defenses tumble down..." Alaric wet his lips unconsciously. He felt frantic and Aleksis noticed this. The movement of the man's lips fascinated her. "Can I call you my weakness? I've never been like this before ... My logic says I can't allow myself to fall in love with you ... But my heart says otherwise ..."     

After Aleksis watched Alaric moist his lips, she frowned and shook her head,     

"I don't understand your logic … How incompatible am I with you that your logic tells you not to love me? Give me a reason, why can't we be together?" Aleksis asked.     

Alaric looked cornered.     

"You don't know me ... We are from very different worlds," he said quietly.     

Aleksis almost screamed, saying that indeed, their world was very different. But she did not mind even if Alaric was an ordinary human who was not only older, but disfigured... While she was from one of the most powerful families in the world, a very beautiful immortal alchemist who could stay young forever.     

They were, indeed, like heaven and earth, but Aleksis was willing to accept Alaric as he was.      

Unfortunately, Aleksis must hold back and not mention all these … Her mind was clear and hadn't forgotten her father's reminder. They must always keep their identities a secret.     

"That is all?" Aleksis asked in a choking voice. "I don't think those two reasons are enough..."     

Alaric thought bitterly. 'Everyone I know is already dead, Aleksis ... I have been unable to love anyone in this life, because slowly everyone will die and be taken away from me while I remain like this, all alone…'     

Aleksis looked at Alaric who was lost in an internal war against himself. The girl's gaze was filled with determination.     

"If the problem is because we are from different worlds, then tell me what your world is like ... so I can go in there ..." Aleksis said firmly. "You always mention that there is a reason why you can't love me, but you never told me what that is ... We have to determine the problem so we can solve it ... If we tried to overcome it, yet still did not succeed, then I will accept defeat, and resign. But ... please don't be like this ..."     

Alaric looked at Aleksis intensely. His pair of purplish-blue eyes appeared to turn darker when he was being as serious like this. Aleksis seemed very mature ... even though he knew she wasn't even 20 years old.     

Her words sounded reasonable, and Alaric was ashamed that as someone older than her, he didn't even think from that perspective.     

'Is there a way to bridge the gap between our worlds?' he thought sadly.     

"Aleksis ... I want to ask you..." Finally, Alaric took a deep breath. "If you have to choose between  two options, to fall in love and then experience the pain of your heart getting broken ... or to not fall in love at all and not have a broken heart, what will be your choice?"     

"I would choose the first, to fall in love and experience the pain ..." Aleksis answered. "I want to live my life to the fullest."     

"Hmm ..." Alaric nodded, "All right. Then ... if you have to choose between loving someone for a period of time, someone you know that you have to let go, or not love at all so you don't have to feel the pain of separation. ... what will be your choice? "     

"I will choose to love someone and then let him go ..." Aleksis answered. "Then I will remember our time together, with gratitude in my heart for all the moments that we had between us, rather than not to feel love just to avoid the pain of separation."     

"Alright ..." Alaric nodded again. He closed his eyes and made a decision right then and there. For the first time in life, he would defy logic and follow his heart, "You won."     

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