The Alchemists

Breakfast together

Breakfast together

0For Alchemists, age difference meant nothing. Uncle Rory was actually now nearly 6 centuries old. If Alaric was in his 40's now ... it was still nothing compared to Uncle Rory ... Ha ha.     

"Why are you smiling like that?" Alaric asked in confusion when he saw Aleksis nodding to herself while smiling broadly, "You are not worried that your fathers will oppose our relationship? Remember, they are my age. If I have a beautiful and young daughter like you, I also wouldn't want her to have anything to do with older men."     

Aleksis fed Alaric again, this time with a slice of apple. She then shook her head, "Age is just a number, it's meaningless. If you don't believe me, you can ask Uncle Rory yourself. He will come to visit me in Singapore next week."     

When Alaric received the apple from Aleksis, his mind suddenly became distraught. Gosh ... this girl is moving so fast. In just one night she managed to make him fall in love with her and now they were in a relationship, then next week Alaric will meet her godfather?!?     

"Is this not too fast?" Alaric asked hurriedly. "I mean ... maybe you'll be bored with me next week, or we have a big fight and end the relationship ... isn't it embarrassing to introduce me to your parents this quickly?"     

"Not really. Uncle Rory doesn't know anything. He just happens to come and visit me. I haven't said anything about you. It would be nice if when he comes, you meet him, that is all. I don't want to stress you out by meeting him this quickly," Aleksis could not bear to see Alaric looked troubled, so she hurriedly added, "As I said, if you feel uncomfortable being in a relationship with me because you think my fathers would object due to our significant age difference, you can ask Uncle Rory in person, whether he objects or not. So you can feel content."     

"Oh ..." There was a sigh of relief that escaped out of Alaric's lips.     

Thank God ... Aleksis apparently did not intend to force him to meet her godfather this quickly. He was not ready. Everything was happening too fast and Alaric still felt as if he was recovering from the storm. A storm called Aleksis.     

"I don't feel ready to meet your family. Besides, next week I have a business trip to England, to meet local partners on automation projects in the European Union. Have you heard of the Meier Group?"     

Aleksis remembered that Meier Group was one of the large company groups based in the UK and owned by the Meier family, a member of the Alchemist clan who often showed hostility towards her family.     

Even 18 years ago,  just to take revenge against her father, the Meier family patriarch kidnapped her and gave her poison that almost got her killed.     

"I've heard of them," said Aleksis. She raised an eyebrow, trying to look innocent and not understanding much about business. She wanted to know what plans Meier Group had with Rhionen Industries, "They are quite famous, I read rumors that the owners have a pretty close relationship with the British royal family."     

"I think the gossip is true," Alaric said, nodding. "They are one of the reasons we got a contract for the European Union. The Meier Group expressed their support for my company openly. You know, after United Kingdom rejoined the European Union a few years ago, their role was quite significant."     

"Oh ..." Aleksis frowned. This was something she didn't expect at all. Why did the Meier family express their support for Rhionen Industries? They surely know that the company had a relationship with the world's number one assassin organization, Rhionen Assassins, so why? "This is very interesting. Why are they interested in your company? Do you have a good relationship with them?"     

"I have never met the Meier Group owners, but of course I did not reject their support. I just needed to meet them and find out what they wanted. No help is given for free, I'm sure they have a plan behind it," Alaric answered firmly.     

Aleksis nodded. Gosh, she really wanted to tell Alaric who the Meier family was, and how they had almost killed her ...     

But right now she could only hold back. Alaric must not know her true identity yet.     

"If it turns out they want something bad, what do you think?" Aleksis asked him.     

"We'll see," Alaric shrugged. "Hmm ... by the way you seem to know a lot, don't you? You know all the gossips about Meier Group."     

Aleksis coughed a little and hurriedly drank her tea. "My father works for the Schneider Group. He often talks about the business world, and mentioned the name Meier."     

"Didn't you say your father does not work? Which one is true? He did not work but he was also a doctor, and now he works for the Schneider Group ... I can't follow anymore, which one is real..." Alaric exclaimed in amazement.     

Aleksis shook her head and laughed awkwardly. Gosh, it's really hard to explain what her father's profession really was to outsiders.     

"I mean, my father used to work for the Schneider Group. Now he's retired ..."     

"Oh, I understand." Alaric smiled and nodded. "Now, as you said, if the Meier family has bad intentions, I will reconsider the benefits of working with them."     

Ugh ... I hope you guys don't work together, thought Aleksis. She hated seeing Alaric involved with her father's nemesis.     

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