The Alchemists

Almost died

Almost died

0The man raised his hand and was about to hit Aleksis but the girl quickly held his hand in the air.     

"Eh... you? Don't be impudent... We are guests here!" the man exclaimed.     

"It's common courtesy that all guests should respect the hosts!" Aleksis retorted. "If you want to hit me, I will report you to my boss and..."     

"Laura! Why are you creating such a fuss!"     

Suddenly, an angry voice broke the crowd's attention. It was Terry, who came at the right time and was quick-minded by pretending to be a waiter supervisor. He immediately pulled Aleksis and pushed her behind his back. He then bowed many times.     

"Forgive my subordinates, she is still new... I will give her a harsh warning. Please, continue your event... excuse us."     

He quickly pulled Aleksis' hand toward the bathroom, leaving the group of guests who quickly forgot about the incident.     

"Jeez... why are you always looking for trouble..." Terry grumbled when they were in the bathroom. He hurriedly took off his upper uniform. Now he only wore a t-shirt and no longer looked like a waiter. "We should go home. I already got a little information from the female visitors who surrounded me. I also need to prepare my video presentation..."     

Ah, no wonder Terry couldn't be contacted. He was surrounded by female guests.     

"Ouch... I was just about to get information," complained Aleksis. "If that jerk hadn't provoked me, I would not have been so upset..."     

"Ugh... now what? You've drawn too much attention..." Terry said worriedly.     

"That's right. You go home first, I'll go back to the penthouse over the wall," said Aleksis finally, relenting.     

"All right. Don't linger here for too long. We will meet tomorrow after I finish my presentation to exchange information, all right?"     


After Terry left, Aleksis tiptoed toward the dark spot where the wall was located. She did not want to go straight back to the penthouse. She wanted to find an excuse to sit and chat with the masked man who had helped her earlier.     

I hope he's still there, she thought.     

After arriving at the dark place where she last left the man, Aleksis became disappointed. The masked man was not there anymore. All there was was empty bottles of wine and the used glass on the table next to the chair. Ugh, it would probably be nice to talk to him since he was so friendly, thought Aleksis.     

"Ahh... you dumb girl, you should have talked to him first." She scolded herself.     

Aleksis finally gave up. She went to the wall that separated the restaurant and the penthouse and prepared to climb back home. Suddenly, a strong pair of hands pulled her shoulders roughly.     

"Hey... you are indeed a spy!" exclaimed the heavy voice behind her. Aleksis could smell the alcohol in his breath. She tried to pull away, but this man was too strong. She already embarrassed him in front of his co-workers, and he was really pissed off. He tightened his grip on her shoulder. "Heh... where is your courage now? Who sent you?"     

"No one sent me...!" said Aleksis. She tried to struggle, but this man was too strong. Although Aleksis was strong and usually knew how to defend herself, the man who caught her was far stronger than her.     

 Was... was this person also an assassin from Rhionen Assasins? Lest they were indeed related.     

 "You have to answer me honestly, otherwise I will throw you off the balcony..." The man raised Aleksis as if she weighed nothing. She tried to free herself but to no avail.     

He carried her to the glass wall on the edge of the Sky Bar. The glass wall was only 1.5 meters high as it was placed there to block the wind and prevent visitors from jumping to their death from the 100th floor...     

When he raised Aleksis higher than the glass wall, she shuddered in terror...     

Oh no!     

This threat was truly frightening. If she were to fall from this height, her body would be scattered beyond recognition. It would also damage the hotel's reputation.     

 "What's going on, Pavel?" Suddenly, the masked man, who had helped Aleksis before, appeared next to the man who was threatening her. He positioned himself between them and the glass wall.     

 "This is a corporate spy, Master. She was asking a lot of suspicious questions and I caught her about to climb that wall to escape...!" said the scary man.     

 The masked man narrowed his eyes and carefully studied Aleksis. He immediately recognized the girl as the servant who had fallen from the wall earlier this evening.     



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