The Alchemists

So this is how it feels...

So this is how it feels...

0Ah, this girl is so naughty, he thought in amusement.     

"Maybe," Alaric answered in a nonchalant tone.     

"What? You have the heart to let me die when I'm in danger just because I know your name?" Aleksis looked very disappointed. "Am I that annoying to you? Am I so meaningless...?"     

This time the tears that flowed on Aleksis' cheeks were not crocodile tears. She was seriously offended because Alaric did not seem to have the same feelings as herself.     

She remembered that Alaric also said he didn't want to see her again 8 years ago...     

Maybe that was the reason why the man deliberately avoided her and hid his identity.     

Slowly a sense of shame entered Aleksis' heart. This time they accidentally met again... for the third time. If destiny hadn't brought them together this way, maybe Alaric would try his best to avoid her.     

The thought made Aleksis feel sad and offended. She knew that she was very beautiful and if she hadn't deliberately made her appearance look shabby and nerdy, countless men would approach her... But Alaric did not seem to admire her like most other men.     

Even though he was old... and his face was ugly too...     

Why is it that he never liked me, thought Aleksis.     

She then frowned.     

"Well... I have my pride..." she said bitterly, trying to look strong. "Now that we have met, and I already know your name, and you clearly stated that you do not wish to see me again... I feel like there is no more business between us... you want me dead, anyway…"     

She lifted her nose high and turned to leave.     

Alaric was amused by her behavior. He knew that Aleksis was really offended, even though he was only joking with his words.     

Never mind saving her three times... even a thousand times he would not mind. The girl was very cute.     

When Aleksis left with long steps, Alaric suddenly called out to her.     

"Little girl, what is the fate of your puppy? Is he still alive?"     

Aleksis' steps stopped at once and she turned her head, "Of course Little Prince Siegfried is still alive! He is very happy and fat... I took him to Singapore to meet you..."     

Alaric facepalmed himself.     

Gosh... apparently, Aleksis really named her dog 'Little Prince Siegfried'. He thought back then the girl was just joking.     

He stood amazed by this girl in front of him.     

Aleksis was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and she also had the most fun and bright personality. From their few interactions, he also came to know that the girl was very brave and smart...     

He couldn't hold back his admiration...     

No... he couldn't stop himself from falling for her...     

This girl sincerely adored him; she didn't even care about his disfigured face...     

"Aleksis..." his lips subconsciously called her name in a hoarse voice.     

"Yes?" Aleksis turned and looked at Alaric in surprise. It was the first time Alaric had called her name like this. Her eyes then rounded when she saw Alaric slowly approach her. "What... what's up?"     

Her mouth was open, but she was unable to utter any word. When Alaric reached her, he suddenly hugged her very tightly.     

That familiar feeling of peace again enveloped Aleksis' entire body. She remembered this feeling very well. From the beginning, Prince Siegfried had always given her a sense of peace and zen. He always made her feel safe and protected...     

Alaric then loosened his arms and touched Aleksis' chin. Slowly but surely, he brought her face closer to his, and his lips softly kissed Aleksis' open lips. The girl was unable to utter a single word.     

The strange, yet familiar feeling of euphoria made Aleksis high as Alaric's lips claimed hers lovingly.     

This was her first kiss.     

So this is how it feels...     

The kiss was even more beautiful than what Aleksis had always imagined it would be...     

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the union of their lips. A soft moan escaped Aleksis' lips as Alaric's tongue began to roam into her mouth. She really liked Alaric's moist and soft lips... and she instinctively responded to his kiss.     

No wonder Mom and Dad made out very often, she thought...     

She would often do this too because now she knew that kissing Prince Siegfried was very, very pleasant...     

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