The Alchemists

Drinking in Sky Bar

Drinking in Sky Bar

0The elevator in the building was designed to go up to the 100th floor, but only certain staff and the building owners had the access to this floor.     

All guests who wish to go to the Sky Bar must exit on the 99th floor, enter the Moonshine Restaurant, and take the escalator on the left side of the building to the 100th floor.     

The intention was so that penthouse residents would not feel disturbed by the hotel guests who may enter the area near the penthouse.     

As a person who was very into privacy, Caspar designed this system so that his family would not be disturbed by hotel guests.     

However, but for his more carefree and ignorant children, this arrangement was really annoying, because in order to get into the Sky Bar, they had to go down one floor first and enter through the restaurant, even though the penthouse and Sky Bar were actually located on the same floor and only separated by a tall wall.     

Sometimes Aleksis would casually climb over the wall from the garden outside her room, so she could reach the Sky Bar faster, but tonight, she couldn't do that because she brought Little Prince Siegfried with her. She could imagine what would happen if her dog were to fall from the 100th floor...     

She could not even think about it.     

"Sorry, Miss... you can't bring any pets to the Sky Bar..." exclaimed a female staff, who didn't seem to know who Aleksis was. She tried to stop the girl and block her way.     

"My dog ​​is well trained. He is very polite..." Aleksis said quickly. "He is even more polite than most of the people I know."     

"Yes, we understand... but we can't allow him to enter..." The waiter looked at her watch, "After all, this place is booked for a company event, starting at 8 pm."     

Aleksis looked at her watch, "It's still 7:30. I just want a quick drink..."     

She hurriedly took out a few one-hundred-dollar bills from her pocket and slipped them into the staff's hand. Aleksis did not mind that this staff did not recognize her as the daughter of the building owner.     

She did not like to brag about herself to others. In her opinion, as long as money could settle the matter, why should she look for a commotion.     

"Ouch... Miss, I can't accept this..." said the waiter, trying to refuse her money. However, Aleksis had nonchalantly entered with Prince Siegfried and took a seat on one of the sofas. She then casually flipped through the menu.     

Little Siegfried Prince, a very fat mini bulldog, sat lazily beside her.     

"Hmm... I want your best glass of red wine, please," Aleksis said, waving to the waiter.     

"But Miss..."     

Aleksis finally lost her patience. She touched her watch and dialed a telephone number. The Hotel Continental GM's voice swiftly responded to her call.     

"What's wrong, Young Miss?"     

"Mr. Lin, please tell your staff at Sky Bar that I want to have a drink here..." Aleksis turned to the waiter and raised her arm. "You can ask GM Lin directly, okay..."     

Instantly the staff's face turned pale. "Good evening, Sir... There is a young Miss in here... who wants to drink at the Sky Bar with her dog..."     

"Oh... is Little Prince Siegfried there too? Such a sweet dog!" exclaimed the GM in an enthusiastic voice. "So, what's the problem?"     

"Eh?" The Skybar staff seemed a little shocked at the enthusiasm in the GM's voice. "Aren't pets not allowed in here?"     

"Oh... but of course Young Miss' dog can enter the Sky Bar at any time," GM Lin answered in a confused voice, as if all the staff should have known who the Young Miss and her dog were.     

"Oh, is that so? All right, Sir. But it is already 7:30 pm and in half an hour there will be an event for the Rhionen Industries. They have booked the entire Sky Bar for their company party... What should I do?"     

"If Young Miss wants to use Sky Bar, just tell the client that there is an emergency and they are welcome to use the Moonshine Restaurant on the 99th floor, for free, because the Sky Bar will be closed down," GM Lin replied casually.     

"Wait... what ?!" The staff did not believe in her own hearing. She stared at Aleksis with wide eyes. Who was this girl, that GM Lin so casually said that the whole Sky Bar could be closed only for her?     

Aleksis hurriedly pulled her hand and spoke into her phone-watch to GM Lin, "Ahahaha... there's no need to overdo things, Mr. Lin. I just need to relax for a while. Later, at 8pm, I will go back, so the clients can use this Sky Bar for their office party..."     

"Is that so? All right, Miss Aleksis. Have fun. Tomorrow I will provide training to the staff at the Hotel so as not to complicate you in future," said GM Lin finally.     

"Thank you."     

The Sky Bar staff, who just noticed how important the girl in front of her was, hurriedly bowed and took her order. Two minutes later, she was back with a bottle of the best red wine and a glass. She efficiently poured wine into the glass and presented it to Aleksis.     

"Please, Young Miss."     

Aleksis nodded. "Please bring one more glass."     

"Alright... will do."     

When the staff returned with the next glass, Aleksis poured the wine into the glass and gave it to the her. "Sit down. I'm in the mood to talk."     

"Eh...? I can't drink while working, Miss..."     

"Let's just say it's an order. GM Lin won't mind," Aleksis said nonchalantly. "I'm waiting for my brother, and it looks like he'll be late. I want to talk to someone."     

Awkwardly the servant obeyed Aleksis' request and accepted the glass of wine. She then sat down on the chair next to Aleksis.     

"My name is Aleksis, what is your name?" asked Aleksis while sipping her wine.     

"Uhmm... my name is Claudia, Young Miss."     

"Ouch... Just call me Aleksis..." Aleksis said, shaking her head. "How long have you worked here?"     

"Uhm... it's been two years, Miss. I really like working here because the pay is good and nowadays, finding work in the industry has become very difficult because most properties prefer the cheaper robot staff."     

Aleksis understood that. Since the last industrial revolution, many jobs that were previously operated by humans were replaced with robots because they were cheaper and more efficient.     

Seven years ago, there was even a massive psychological crisis in which many people committed suicide because they could not compete in the job crisis.     

The Schneider Group was one of the economic giants that still used a lot of human labor. They continued to innovate ways to improve the quality of human lives when other technology companies rose and prospered by strengthening their digital systems and reducing the use of human labor.     

As the eldest child, Aleksis knew that one day she had to take over the Schneider Group from the hands of Kurt Van Der Ven. That was why she was interested in slowly learning the family business. She did not want to go into their business empty handed.     

When she took over the industry, her father would be able to relax and enjoy his retirement at home with her mother.     

Later, twenty years after Aleksis took over, they would switch positions because Aleksis would disappear from the public and take on a new identity, while her father would replace her in charge of the family business, and so on.     



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