The Alchemists

Prince Siegfried is A Dog?

Prince Siegfried is A Dog?

0"What company booked our Sky Bar for tonight?" Aleksis asked the staff. She knew that the company was huge to be able to pay for their exclusive Sky Bar booking fees.     

"Rhionen Industries, Miss. They are currently renting ten floors of this office building."     

"Rhionen Industries?" Aleksis asked in amazement. "They have an office in Singapore? As far as I know, they operate in China and Eastern Europe."     

"Just a few months ago, they opened a branch in Singapore, Miss, and they somehow managed to get 10 floors in our building. All the floors already had tenants before they came." Claudia shrugged.     

"All tenants were willing to leave their office for Rhionen Industries? Wow... this sounds very suspicious," Aleksis murmured.     

She frowned and tried to remember what her father's comments had been when he had a casual discussion about Rhionen Industries with Kurt Van Der Ven a while back.     

"Rhionen Industries uses a name related to Rhionen Assassins, the most mysterious dark organization. They are known as the deadliest and most elusive assassin group in the world. Perhaps they chose the name to intimidate rival companies. The name Rhionen is enough to make the people, who know who they are, tremble with fear."     

Aleksis used to not pay attention to her father's conversation because it was only related to business. But now, because she would be in direct contact with Rhionen Industries, Aleksis remembered that the Prince Siegfried she was looking for might have a relationship with the Rhionen Assassins.     

If the organization and the company were indeed interrelated... maybe she would be able to get a clue to Prince Siegfried's whereabouts ...     

This thought made Aleksis very excited. She hurriedly downed her wine and looked at the clock. It was already 19.55. In five minutes, the company would arrive.     

"Alright, Claudia... it's almost 8pm. I'll go first." She woke up the not so-small Little Prince Siegfried from his slumber. The dog was now eight years old and was very fat. They then walked out of the Sky Bar and down to the Moonshine Restaurant.     

Aleksis pressed the call button on her watch and called Terry, "Big brother, Sky Bar is booked by a company, so we can't celebrate your birthday there. You must go straight to the penthouse."     

"Uhm... okay," Terry answered, "I'm almost there."     

Aleksis then walked out of the restaurant to the elevator. She had to go up to the penthouse at the 100th floor to return Little Prince Siegfried. She planned to stow back to the Sky Bar through the wall on the penthouse's balcony.     

She was curious to see the people from Rhionen Industries. Who knew, she might get a clue about Prince Siegfried.     

The elevator door opened and Aleksis called her dog to come inside.     

"Prince Siegfried, come on..."     

"Hey... you again?!" Suddenly there was a sound of astonishment from inside the elevator. When Aleksis turned her head, she saw a young man with long blonde hair coming out of the elevator who looked at her in surprise.     

"Eh...?" Aleksis was astonished. For the third time today, she met Nicolae again. "You?"     

"This is the third time we met, Weird girl," Nicolae said, shaking his head, "We must be fated..."     

Aleksis was stunned to hear Nicolae's words. It was very similar to what Prince Siegfried said eight years ago... was he really the same person? If so, why wasn't he aging?     

Was... he…     

Was he an Alchemist too?     

Aleksis could not help but stare intently at the young man. Nicolae, who felt like he was stripped naked with her boring eyes, unconsciously covered his chests with both hands.     

"Hey... why are you staring at me so hungrily? I'm not food, okay..." the young man shouted in protest.     

"Are you an Alchemist?" asked Aleksis bluntly.     

Nicolae frowned. "I do not understand what you mean..."     

Aleksis narrowed her eyes and looked at Nicolae carefully. She felt that this young man was hiding something, but she did not know what it was.     

"Where are you going?" Aleksis asked him.     

"To the Sky Bar..." Nicolae answered. "I have an appointment with my friend there."     

"But the place is closed to the public," Aleksis said.     

"I know."     

"Hmm..." Aleksis knew that she would not get any information from Nicolae if she asked bluntly like this.     

What was  clear was that Prince Siegfried had a connection to Rhionen Assassins, and tonight Rhionen Industries would hold an event at Sky Bar... and Nicolae was heading there.     

This couldn't be a coincidence...     

Was Nicolae actually Prince Siegfried...? But why didn't he recognize me?     

Aleksis felt depressed. She looked at her shabby clothes and her nerd-looking appearance...     

Was this the reason why Prince Siegfried found her unattractive?     

Aleksis bit her lip and sighed.     

"What are you doing here?" Nicolae asked in return.     

"Hmm... I made an appointment with my brother to celebrate his birthday, but apparently the Sky Bar is closed, so I will meet him somewhere else," Aleksis answered.     

"Oh, okay. Then who is this Prince Siegfried you called earlier? Where is he?"     

"Oh... that's my dog..." Aleksis raised Little Prince Siegfried and brought him into the elevator. "See you later."     

"Wait... what? Prince Siegfried is a dog ??" Nicolae's face suddenly turned red.     

The elevator door closed and Aleksis did not hear the man grumbling.     

"This afternoon she hugged me and called me Prince Siegfried... Now I see that Prince Siegfried is actually a dog. Does she think that I'm a dog??"     



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