The Alchemists

Happy Birthday, Terry!

Happy Birthday, Terry!

0Five minutes after Aleksis returned to the penthouse, Terry arrived.     

"Hey... happy 23rd birthday to my dear brother!" Aleksis exclaimed happily. "I have a very nice birthday present for you..."     

"What is that?" Terry asked with a worried face. Aleksis pranked him too often to his liking.     

The girl raised Little Prince Siegfried and handed him to Terry to carry, "You may spend a year with Little Prince Siegfried, while I live in the campus dormitory. Yeayyyy!!"     

"Wait... What?" Terry avoided her out of reflex. He loved the dog but keeping it for a year was not a commitment he wanted to agree on at that moment. He was a very busy person.     

"Come on, Big brother... I can't bring a pet to the dormitory. Meanwhile if he stays in the penthouse, he will feel lonely. You have a couple staff at your parents' house who can help take care of Little Prince Siegfried when you are not home..." persuaded Aleksis. "Come on... carry him, uughh… he's very heavy."     

"Who told you to spoil him rotten until your dog becomes this fat," Terry chided. "If he is going to live at my place, I will make your dog exercise and he will have a strict diet."     

"Geez, you shouldn't be so cruel to Prince Siegfried..." Aleksis tried to soften Terry's heart by giving him her glazed puppy eyes, "I don't want him to be stressed... I will not give you the birthday present from Mom if you are going to treat my dog badly. "     

Terry hadn't seen Finland in six months and he missed his biological mother. His lips pursed and finally he nodded in defeat, "Okay... not too strict, but he still has to exercise and diet."     

Aleksis handed Little Prince Siegfried to Terry's arms and hurried into her bedroom to take a large basket which contained several boxes wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper.     

"This is a birthday present from Mom, this one is from Dad, and this is from London, Rune, and myself. Uncle Rory and Uncle Aldebar said that they sent the gift directly to your home address. It would  probably arrive tomorrow."     

Terry seemed very happy to get a basket with various gifts from his family. He placed Little Prince Siegfried on the floor and began to open his gifts one by one. Every gift he got made him very happy.     

Since becoming part of the Schneider family almost 8 years ago, he began to experience how it was to have a big, warm family. Finland and Caspar treated him like their own child. He even called Jean father, and Lauriel and Aldebar were like cool uncles to him.     

Lauriel would take him and Aleksis on an adventure together, while Aldebar liked to make him a guinea pig to test his inventions.     

Jean's gift together with Billie's had arrived yesterday.     

"Thank you for bringing these gifts," Terry said with satisfaction after putting all his presents back in the basket and sorted the wrapping paper. "All right... I'll take Prince Siegfried to my house. When should I take him? You start classes on Monday, right? So, you will start staying in the dorm on Sunday?"     

Aleksis nodded. "Yes, starting Sunday... I will take Prince Siegfried to your house."     

"Alright then..." Finally, Terry relented.     

Aleksis opened a bottle of champagne and took a small cake from the refrigerator. "Please get us glasses. We must celebrate your birthday..."     

Terry took two champagne glasses and poured drinks for them, while Aleksis lit a candle on the cake and brought it to Terry.     

"Make a wish..." she said, smiling broadly, "and blow out the candle."     

Terry looked at Aleksis in amusement, and after a moment, he closed his eyes and then blew out the candle.     

"Done..." He took a cake knife and cut the small cake in half, one piece was given to Aleksis. "Eat... I have all my wishes already, so I made a wish for you earlier..."     

Aleksis was stunned by Terry's words,     

"You made a wish for me? Do you even know what I want?" she asked, frowning.     

Terry devoured the cake and clinked his glass to Aleksis' champagne glass.     

"Well, you know... The thing is that you have been talking it about for years." Terry then put on an ugly expression and imitated Aleksis' voice but in a very high pitch, "Ahhh... I can't wait... I'll be 20 years old soon and I will be able to meet Prince Siegfried... Ahh... I can't wait anymore... I will defeat him in a Go game match... "     

"Terry!!!" Aleksis scowled and hit Terry hard on the shoulder. "I don't sound like that!"     

Terry just laughed out loud. He knew this was the only topic on which he could tease his sister. He really wanted to payback Aleksis for teasing him this afternoon which made him have to proof to her that he could easily get any girl he wanted.     

"But seriously, Aleksis, I admire you because you are very loyal. I want to know how your childhood love story will end... I wished that you can immediately find him and then move on. You are still very young and you have such a long life ahead of you. There are still many men you will meet in life. " Terry's voice then sounded more and more earnest, "Don't be like Uncle Rory... who has only loved one woman all his life, and because of that until now he can't be happy..."     

"Don't say that, Uncle Rory is happy..." Aleksis said. "If he's not happy, he would have taken Death."     

Terry shrugged, "You know what I mean."     



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