The Alchemists



0Twenty minutes later the car arrived at the Raffles Hotel.     

"We've arrived," said 'Prince Siegfried' while wearing a hat and sunglasses. He deliberately wore a thin scarf to cover his neck and a part of his face. At first glance people would not be able to see his face properly. "I'll call your parents and ask them to pick you up here. Are you OK with that?"     

Ah... what a mysterious person, thought Aleksis. She could only nod in agreement.     

Aleksis certainly could not interfere with his preferred way to take her to her family, because she was the one being helped and she had to respect the decision of her savior.     

"Big Brother, will you leave me in the lobby alone?" Aleksis asked as she opened the car door and got out. She then took her puppy and carried him in her arms.     

"Of course not. I will accompany you until your family comes," answered 'Prince Siegfried' firmly.     

"Oh, that's good. I am sure my parents would love to thank you in person for saving me." Aleksis was glad to hear that 'Prince Siegfried' would accompany her at the lobby.     

She looked at him intently and suddenly realized that he had no intention to meet her parents.      

"Will I be able to see you again?" Aleksis asked again. Somehow, she had a bad feeling that this would be their last meeting.     

'Prince Siegfried' stared at Aleksis for a few long seconds. He tried to hide his feeling through a smile and his purplish eyes looked as calm as the ocean, but the look in his eyes could not lie.     

He did not want to meet her again.     

Aleksis frowned sadly after realizing that the answer she was waiting for was not what she wanted. She could only stare at 'Prince Siegfried' who made a move to remove both bags from the trunk. The young man then signaled that Aleksis followed him into the lobby.     

Aleksis listlessly walked behind 'Prince Siegfried' into the hotel. The young man invited her to sit in the lounge in the lobby and ordered drinks for them. While waiting for his drink to arrive, he sent a message to Lauriel's number.     

[Aleksis is waiting in the lobby of the Raffles Hotel. I don't like crowds. Please ask only her mother to come to pick her up.]     

Lauriel, who was almost boarding his flight to Singapore, hurriedly responded.     

[OK. I gave your number to Aleksis' mother. She will arrive in 15 minutes.]     

He then called Caspar and told him to pick Aleksis up at the Raffles Hotel.     

"Caspar, someone found Aleksis and is willing to take her home. They are now in the lobby of the Raffles Hotel. He said that only Finland can enter the lobby to pick Aleksis up."     

"Why?" Caspar asked quickly. "I'll be there soon."     

"DO NOT enter the lobby," Lauriel said firmly. "Let Finland go alone. This person has saved Aleksis twice and I don't like to violate his trust. He never took the opportunity to gain any material benefits or anything else. I think he's a good person. I want to fulfil his request this time."     

Caspar understood Lauriel's intentions and agreed to do as he said. He was very grateful that his daughter was found unharmed and cared for this whole week. He would not trouble Aleksis' savior and act like an ungrateful person.     

He hurriedly called Finland and told her what had happened. They were both very relieved to hear that Aleksis had been found and would soon return. However, their hearts would not be at complete peace until they had Aleksis is their arms and was sure that she was OK.     

In less than 10 minutes, their Maybach arrived in front of the Raffles Hotel and Finland rushed out of the car and entered the lobby. Caspar waited in the car anxiously. He had ordered several of his men to oversee the entire hotel building to ensure that nothing unexpected would happen.     


Aleksis looked at 'Prince Siegfried' for a long time without blinking, which made the young man uncomfortable.     

"What is wrong?" he asked in surprise.     

Aleksis just frowned, "You don't want to see me again... How can I win the Go match if you don't want to meet me again? Why don't you want to see me again? Am I that bad?"     

'Prince Siegfried' slowly nodded, "Yes."     

"Ahhh... Big Brother, you're so mean!" Aleksis smacked his shoulder in annoyance, "Am I really that annoying to you?"     

'Prince Siegfried' just laughed. He then shook his head seriously and spoke in a very gentle voice, "I'm just kidding, Little Girl. You are the most amazing girl I have ever met. You will grow into an extraordinary woman. You are smart, beautiful, and very pleasant to be around. I don't want to promise things I can't keep, I'm not that kind of person.     

I can easily give you reassuring words, but what if I can't keep that promise? That's why, I'd better for me not promise anything. Let us assume that in eight years you will defeat me in a Go game. I will just admit my defeat now."     

"But why can't we have a proper match in eight years? I don't want to win without competing..." said Aleksis stubbornly. "Unless you really don't want to see me again..."     

"It's not like that," The young man shook his head slowly, "I told you, I don't like to make promises. So many things can happen in eight years. What if I am no longer alive by then? Then I won't be able to compete with you and I'd break my promise. That's why, I don't want to promise anything..."     

Aleksis immediately covered her lips with the back of her hand in surprise. Why was this man always so mysterious?     

Why would he die before she could meet him again...? He was young; only in his early 20s. How could he possibly die? Unless…     



Not at Ouch, you're reading a stolen content then!     


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