The Alchemists

I Know My Name!

I Know My Name!

0Aleksis offered to wash their plates and utensils then cleaned the cabin. There was only one sleeping cabin in the ship and one kitchen. During her adventures on Uncle Rory's ship, Aleksis never slept in the cabin.     

She really liked sleeping on a cushioned deck, because she was able to stare at billions of stars in the night sky. So, that night, she automatically brought a pillow from the cabin and placed it on the deck. She was ready to sleep while hugging her puppy.     

"Thank you for the pillow," the young man smiled happily and immediately laid his head on the pillow Aleksis had placed on the deck. He closed his eyes and told Aleksis to take a rest, "You should also go to sleep, tomorrow morning we have many things to do."     

"Eh... the pillow was meant for me..." Aleksis said in an awkward voice. She did not expect the young man to immediately use her pillow to sleep on the deck.     

Wasn't he the owner of the ship? Shouldn't he sleep in the cabin?     

"Really? I thought you brought this pillow for me..." The man opened his eyes and scratched his head to look at Aleksis' awkward expression, "There's a bedroom down there. Why do you want to sleep on the deck?"     

"I am used to sleeping under the stars..." exclaimed Aleksis. "Besides, you're the owner of this ship... why would you sleep outside?"     

"Jeez... you're a weird kid. I think it's only natural that I sleep on the deck because I'm a guy. You're a girl. Moreover, you're still on recovery. You should sleep in a comfortable place, so you will get better sooner." The man waved and signaled Aleksis to go down to the cabin. "At least, if it isn't for you, do it for your now injured puppy. He would definitely prefer to sleep on a soft bed."     

"But I am used to sleeping on the deck... I don't mind, really. If you don't want to sleep in the cabin, it's okay, I'm also going to sleep here..." Aleksis remained stubborn.     

The sky looked so bright and the billions of stars in the sky tonight looked so charming. She could not afford to miss this sight and exchange it for a boring cabin's white ceiling.     

"Little girl! If you feel indebted to me, you must obey my words." Finally, the man became exhausted, "You can't sleep on the deck with me. You're a girl. If you're still a toddler, maybe I'll let you sleep here with me, but you're a big girl now, and it's not appropriate for you to sleep here with me. I'm just protecting your honor."     

Aleksis was very confused. Earlier the man said that she was just a child who still had to drink milk to grow up. But now he said that Aleksis was a big girl and shouldn't sleep with him on deck. Which one was true? Why was he not consistent?     

All this time Aleksis always slept side by side with her beloved Uncle Rory when they were venturing everywhere, and there was never the slightest impression that it was inappropriate.     

After all, Uncle Rory was like her own father. Appearance-wise Uncle Rory and this man also looked like they are of the same age... then what was the difference?     

The man was desperate because Aleksis did not seem understand his intentions. She still stood scowling on the deck. Really, this girl was very weird, he thought.     

"Okay... I'll let you sleep on the deck if you can tell me what your name is. That's only fair." The man sat facing Aleksis with a firm look. "What is your name?"     

A smile suddenly appeared on Aleksis' lips, "I know what my name is!"     

The young man seemed interested, he crossed his arms across his chest and waited for Aleksis' answer. "Okay, then say your name."     

"Uhm... my name is Laura." Aleksis said triumphantly. "Now, can I sleep on the deck?"     

The man just laughed and finally nodded. "Alright, then please bring one more pillow for me."     

Aleksis smiled broadly and nodded. She put her puppy on the floor then hurried down to the cabin. As she was going down the stairs, the man suddenly called out to her.     

"Laura, please bring a bottle of wine from the refrigerator."     

Aleksis did not turn her head; she continued walking to the cabin, took a pillow, and returned to the deck.     

"Here's a pillow for you," she said as she handed the pillow to the young man.     

The man shook his head and raised his hand, "You can't. You sleep in the cabin. Bring the pillow back there."     

"You...! You said that if I could say my name, I could sleep on the deck. Don't you keep to your own words???" Aleksis protested.     

"Right. I did say so. But you lied to me, you just said whatever name that came into your head. You don't even know what your own name is, and you just made up the name Laura. Tsk tsk tsk... you are quick to scheme, Little girl..."     

Aleksis scowled, "How did you know that my name is not Laura? Do you know me?"     

"Just as you went down into the cabin I called out to you to bring wine, but you didn't turn your head at all. That means that Laura isn't your real name. You only made up the name so that you can sleep on the deck..." The man was not angry. But of course, he would not let the child sleep on the hard deck. He turned Aleksis' body around and pushed her down to the cabin. "Have a good sleep."     

Aleksis knew she had lost. Finally, frowning, she slept in the cabin. She even forgot to bring her puppy from the deck.     


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