The Alchemists

Going Home (1)

Going Home (1)

0 Aleksis finished cleaning the fish so she called the young man to cook for them.     

"Big Brother! Prince Siegfried!! The fish is ready. You said you will cook it...!!"     

The young man was distracted from his reverie and a smile graced his face when he heard himself being called Prince Siegfried again by Aleksis. He hurried into the kitchen and threw his cellphone to Aleksis. Although shocked, the girl could catch it easily.     

"Thank you for the phone, Aleksis. Now, prepare some wine for me, I will make tartare with... God knows what fish you caught here..." he said casually.     

"Don't you know that these are groupers?" Aleksis asked, as if all humans in this world should know the types of fish in the sea. "This is one of the most common tropical fish."     

'Prince Siegfried' did not reply. He just ruffled Aleksis' hair and started working on the fish.     

"Ouchh... you wiped your hand on my hair, didn't you? Do you think my hair is rag???" Aleksis protested while rubbing her hair into a mess. "You haven't touched the fish yet, have you?"     

She smelled her hair and tried to find any fishy scent there. When she did not find any, she snorted with satisfaction.     

Aleksis then stood beside the young man and watched him work. It turned out that the young man was not very good at cooking. He was really cooking something very simple and the fish tartare he made looked rather pitiful. Fortunately, the smell was not fishy.     

Aleksis just shook her head. Inwardly she felt grateful for her father who was a very good cook and often spoiled his family with fancy dishes whose names were impossible to pronounce.     

Apparently, not all men were good at cooking, she thought.     

"How is the fish tartare?" asked the young man, feeding a spoonful into Aleksis' mouth as he asked for her opinion.     

"Uhmm..." Aleksis devoured the raw fish the young man just shoved in her mouth and rolled her eyes trying to find the right sentence. "Hmmm... at least it's edible."     

Instantly the young man's face frowned with disappointment, "Hmm... that means - not good, huh?"     

"That's not it... my father is very good at cooking, so I'm used to enjoying his great cooking. I have also eaten a lot of dishes made by Michelin restaurant chefs. So, my standards are rather high... No hard feelings... Hehehe..."     

The young man nodded. "All right... thank you for catching fish for our lunch."     

"And thank you for cooking our lunch." Aleksis raised her right palm to invite high five and the young man welcomed it while laughing.     

They then ate quietly. After cleaning up their plates and feeding the puppy they saved, the time came for the two to return to land.     

"Aleksis... I have found your family," the young man said suddenly as he was tidying up the deck and preparing to open the mast. "I will take you home tonight."     

Aleksis gasped. She realized that Aleksis was indeed her name. It felt very familiar.     

"Ah... that's right! My name is indeed Aleksis... How did you find out?" she asked curiously.     

"I have my ways." The young man smiled. "Are you happy to see your family soon?"     

Aleksis nodded. "I'm so happy! I can't wait. Daddy will give you lots of gifts. Whatever you want, he will give to you."     

The young man shook his head slowly and his smile widened. He felt as if the girl in front of him was exaggerating the greatness of her parents, as was usual with any child. "No human being is that powerful to grant whatever others wish."     

"That's because you don't know my father..." Aleksis said with a shrug. "Later I will tell Dad that you helped me and that you were very kind to me. There must be something you want someday. You can ask for it any time."     

"Little girl, you'd better not speak for adults. Your father must have his own thoughts." The young man was exasperated to see Aleksis being so stubborn, so he ruffled her hair again until it was completely tangled.     

Aleksis could not take it anymore and finally pulled his hand and bit him.     

"My hair gets tangled so easily, why do you have to mess it up like that!!? You're just like Uncle Rory..." complained Aleksis after biting the young man's hand. "You are now responsible to tidy it up!"     

The young man burst out laughing. He admitted that with such messy hair, Aleksis did look ridiculous. Finally, he relented.     

"Alright... since you've been such a fun friend this whole week, and since you caught us fish for us to eat, I'll tidy up your hair. Come on, sit nicely, I'll braid it."     

The young man moved behind Aleksis and meticulously began to straighten the girl's hair and braid it into two braids. He then tore a napkin and used it as a ribbon to tie the two braids beautifully.     

"Well, it's done... If you are neat and clean like this, your parents will not worry and think I treated you badly..."     



Not at Ouch, you're reading a stolen content then!     



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