The Alchemists

Aleksis and Her Savior (1)

Aleksis and Her Savior (1)

0The large motorbike stopped in front of the gate of a big mansion, and a moment later the gate opened automatically giving way to the motorbike to enter into the courtyard before the gate closed behind them.     

 After the motorbike was properly parked, the driver removed the helmet covering his head and threw it to the ground. He then descended cautiously, still carrying the wounded girl on his lap.     

 "Welcome, Master. Who is this?" asked a servant who came hurriedly to approach him.     

 "I don't know, but her condition is very bad. I will treat her wounds." The motorbike driver was apparently a young man in his 20's. He had a long blond hair which framed his very handsome face that had perfect lines of symmetry. His pair of eyes were purplish-blue and looked very serious.     

With long strides he entered the mansion while carrying Aleksis and headed for a large bedroom in the front part of the house.     

He laid Aleksis on the bed and hurriedly went into another room to take a small bottle from the cabinet which contained the first aid kit. He painstakingly cleaned all the wounds on Aleksis' body with alcohol, then took the small bottle and studied its contents.     

"Hmmm... you're really lucky, little girl. I still have this little miracle medicine... If not, maybe you won't survive from your injuries." He muttered to himself as he squinted at how much was left of the bottle. He then opened the bottle and poured the contents onto his palm.     

He then rubbed the clear, distinct-smelling oil from the bottle on the various wounds on Aleksis' head, hands, feet, and shoulders until the content of the bottle was gone.     

He then waited for five minutes and examined the girl's condition. His lips let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Aleksis' wounds had immediately stopped bleeding.     

The man placed the empty bottle on the bedside table, then covered Aleksis with a blanket and let her rest. He then called a maid and gave several orders while handing over some money.     

"Please buy clothes and all other stuff a girl needs. Later when this child is awake, take care of her and let me know her progress."     

"Yes, Sir," the maid accepted the money and hurried out.     


Jean arrived at the Continental Hotel and found his best friend's family sitting in the living room of their penthouse with anxious faces.     

"I came straight here from the airport... What happened?" he asked, astonished. He suddenly had a bad feeling. Finland shook her head, unable to speak. Finally, Caspar explained what happened.     

"Aleksis disappeared... We are still looking for her."     

"Jeez... what happened? Why did she disappear?" Jean immediately became anxious. Rune that just came out of the room immediately hugged him.     

"Uncle Jean... I miss you. Why did it take so long for you to come? Terry and Aleksis had an argument, then they ran away and haven't come home yet..." he said in a rather sleepy voice, "Mummy has been crying for hours..."     

Jean lifted Rune up in the air and kissed his hair, "There was a hurricane in New York, so my flight was delayed. Why haven't you gone to sleep? It's 9 o'clock now."     

Finland got up and took Rune from Jean, "Rune, you have to sleep. Listen to Uncle Jean's words. Little children shouldn't stay up too late..."     

Finland carried Rune back to his room to sleep.     

"I can walk by myself..." protested the boy, but Finland did not listen. At the present, she just wanted to be with her children and make sure they are safe in her arms.     

Caspar poured some brandy into a glass and handed it to Jean, then told him what had happened.     

"Jeez... I don't know why Terry would do something like that..." Jean gulped down his brandy with a frantic feeling. He did not expect that when he arrived in Singapore, he would have to face such a terrible situation. "Maybe Terry is still depressed because of the death of his parents... What are your plans now?"     

"My people are still looking for Aleksis, and as for Terry, we have searched all the places he might go to, but we haven't found him. He will likely come to the crematorium tomorrow for his parents' cremation. We will meet him there. Right now, I will leave him alone," answered Caspar.     

Jean sighed and nodded in understanding.     


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