The Alchemists

The Jealous Wife (1)

The Jealous Wife (1)

0In the open space office, a lot of staff looked at her with amazed expressions. Ben was not around, and a staff member immediately stood in front of Finland who was seen heading to their big boss' room.     

"Hey, excuse me. What do you want? The boss shouldn't be disturbed. If you need to see him, you have to make an appointment."     

Finland stopped and blinked in confusion for a moment. Two seconds later she realized that no one dared to enter Caspar's room without his approval, and of course her careless actions left many people baffled.     

Within seconds she had to decide whether she should tell them who she was or be forced to wait outside until Ben arrived. Or, she could call Caspar and inform him of her arrival.     


"Is he with a guest?" she asked quickly.     

The staff nodded. "Master is with a guest and he is not to be disturbed."     

It was then that Finland decided to enter Caspar's office without caring about what people thought. She could not leave Caspar alone with Sophia.     

All the sufferings that she and Aleksis endured for a whole year was a result of that woman's scheme. And, of course, after Sophia knew that Aleksis was Caspar's daughter, she must have told her brother about Aleksis. This information made him and Katia poison her child.     

Now Caspar was having a meeting with Sophia without even telling her. Finland really couldn't accept it.     

"Please move aside, this is an important matter," she said firmly. "My husband won't blame you for letting me in."     

Regardless of the staff's astonished face, Finland knocked on the door twice and immediately entered Caspar's office without waiting to be invited.     

In the large and magnificent living room, she saw Caspar and Sophia sitting on the couch, talking. Sophia looked prettier than she remembered, and today it looked like she deliberately dressed herself to look sexy and professional at the same time. No wonder Priyanka, a woman, even praised her beauty. Men would just drool all over her.     

Caspar, who heard the knock on the door and saw the door open, looked up to see who came in. His expression seemed disturbed in the beginning, but as soon as his eyes caught Finland's figure approaching, his face immediately beamed.     

"Hey... what do you need, Honey?" He stood up to greet her. "Why didn't you tell you want to come here?"     

Sophia looked surprised to see Finland and it was obvious that she tried her best to refrain from showing hostility. She smiled, but for Finland her smile looked very cynical.     

"Why didn't you tell me you are meeting this snake?" Finland asked with an accusing tone. "You know what she did to me, to Aleksis... to you…"     

Sophia immediately stood up and looked at Finland with a complicated look, "I have already apologized to Caspar. He deliberately did not inform you of my arrival because he wanted to avoid drama – just like this. Ugh... he's right. Pregnant women are so sensitive and troublesome."     

Finland looked at Caspar sharply, "You said that? Am I sensitive and troublesome to you?!?"     

"Gosh... not at all. I never said that," Caspar turned to Sophia with a curt face, "You haven't changed either. Still scheming. My patience has its limits, Sophia!"     

Sophia shrugged.     

"I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I said. I'm not trying to do anything. I'm just saying it the way it is. You want to protect her feelings, so you didn't tell her about our meeting. I'm also sure that you didn't tell her about your promise to protect me... in return for helping you the last time." She then looked away nonchalantly, "I understand if now you no longer want to keep your promise."     

Finland widened her eyes at Sophia's words. She did remember Caspar telling her about his promise to protect Sophia, but she didn't take it to heart.     

Now, seeing the beautiful girl in front of her and the fact that Caspar chose not to tell her about this meeting, Finland was furious. Especially now she was feeling rather depressed because she was called fat by her colleague, and sitting next to her husband was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen, who openly demanded Caspar's promise to protect her.     

"Oh, is that so?" she asked in a cold tone that made Caspar's chest tremble. "All right. Who do you choose, me or her?"     

"Why should I choose between you and her?" Caspar asked, not understanding.     

"Because she's more beautiful and not fat," snorted Finland, "and you already promised to protect her."     

"More beautiful and not fat? Compared to who? Who is fat?" Caspar asked again, feeling really confused, "I really don't understand."     

Finland stomped her feet and tried to hold back her tears from falling from her eyes. She was actually very upset with herself. She should be able to act more elegantly and not behave so childish.     

Her intention was just to confront Sophia for the bad deeds she did to herself and Aleksis in the past. However, when she saw that the girl looked very beautiful today, and was sitting together with Caspar in his room, her heart felt very jealous and annoyed.     

Ugh... the longer she was in this room, the more ridiculous she would look. Finally, frowning and holding back, Finland opened the door violently and stormed outside.     

"Hey... wait, where are you going...?" Caspar turned to Sophia before running after the grumpy pregnant woman who, in his eyes, was very adorable, "Sophia, please leave. I don't want Finland to become even more angry. The matters between us are resolved, I will return all your shares. Thus, the debts between us have been paid off. "     

He then ran out and chased Finland to the elevator.     

He did not find the girl because she had gone down with an elevator that happened to open immediately. Caspar had to wait for another elevator to arrive on his floor before he could go down.     

[Where are you?] He asked via text.     

Finland did not answer. Caspar tried to call but even after a dozen rings his wife still refused to pick up his call.     

"How strange... what was with this sudden outburst...?" Caspar thought in amazement. When he looked at his reflection in the elevator door, suddenly a thought came in his mind. The thought made his lips curve up in a faint smile, which then became wider, and wider, and then turned into a very carefree laughter.     

The staff and several directors who passed could only watch in amazement.     

"Anything funny, Sir?" asked John, the CFO's personal staff who was waiting for the elevator with him.     

Caspar turned to face him, "Hmm... not actually funny, but I'm very happy." He coughed a little and smiled happily, "Apparently my wife is jealous."     

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