The Alchemists

Sweet Surprise (2)

Sweet Surprise (2)

0"All right... we still have an hour before we need to go down. Anybody want to drink champagne?" Caspar asked. He took one of his most expensive bottles of champagne and three glasses. The glasses were given to Jean, Billie, and Lauriel. He then poured juice for himself and Finland.     

"You don't drink?" Billie asked in surprise.     

Caspar and Finland looked at each other. Before Finland could answer, Jean explained to Billie what had happened.     

"Finland is pregnant, so she cannot drink alcohol right now. And, her husband decided to accompany her and not drink alcohol until their child is born..."     

Billie seemed very impressed.     

"Wow... amazing..." She nodded in admiration. She then took out her cellphone and wrote something. "I just got an idea for a new song. Later when it's done, I'll send you the demo."     

Finland was agape... Billie was inspired to compose a song about her?     

Oh my God... this was the best Christmas present I've ever received in a lifetime, she thought happily.     

She turned to Caspar with tears almost dripping down her cheeks, "Thank you... thank you for inviting Jean and Billie for me... I love you."     

"Of course," Caspar rubbed her wet eyes gently with his fingers, "I'm glad you like my gifts..."     

Other people in the room could only look elsewhere when the couple showed their affection.     

Unwittingly and simultaneously Jean, Billie, and Lauriel sipped their champagne.     

"Gosh... sorry, I was so touched..." Finland hurriedly sipped her juice and changed her expression to be more cheerful. She realized that the other people in the room did not have a romantic partner and certainly felt uncomfortable with the PDA* Caspar and herself had shown earlier. "Jean, you didn't bring Franka to this party?"     

Jean shook his head.     

"No, I actually have a hidden agenda for coming here with Billie." He seemed to smile awkwardly, "I want to stay away from Franka because she's too aggressive. So now I'm creating gossip that I have a special relationship with Billie. There are already a number of paparazzi waiting outside the hotel."     

"Gosh..." Finland turned to Billie, "You don't mind?"     

Billie just shrugged, "Why not? Jean helped me a lot, so I want to return the favor. I'm also tired of being rumored a lesbian just because I've never dated a man..."     

Billie was the same age as Jean and they looked very good together. She was very beautiful, and she had an extraordinary musical talent. She was unlike most other singers without adequate talent who merely relied on appearance and sexiness to reach the top.     

Since her debut at the age of 16, Billie Yves had released a variety of extraordinary works that touched the hearts of so many music fans, including Finland.     

In her heart, Finland actually hoped that Jean and Billie, her two favorite people in the world, besides her family, could become real lovers.     

"Your life as celebrities is strange... you have to endure gossip and various intrigues from the entertainment world..." Finland turned to Caspar, "We both love privacy. We won't be able to live under the spotlight like you."     

Caspar nodded in agreement. Finland only had less than four more months to live like an ordinary person. After that, they would retreat to Germany until their child was born, and possibly start the preparations for taking on a new identity.     

"It's part of the job," Billie said quietly, "You win some, you lose some."     

They chatted while enjoying drinks before finally, at 8 pm, they decided to go down to the ballroom. Billie Yves would be performing soon, and Caspar had to give a speech from the corporation.     

Finland changed into a different dress so her departmental colleagues didn't recognize her. Then, the four of them went down to the ballroom. They were all wearing Victorian clothes and simple masks that covered a part of their faces.     

The party reached its peak when the four people reached the venue. Billie and Jean immediately stepped backstage, while Caspar took Finland's hand and guided her to the directors table.     

Their presence immediately attracted the attention of those present. Although they were wearing a mask like all the other guests, one could surmise from his appearance that the person who had just arrived was Mr. Schneider himself.     

They immediately suspected that the girl with him was the girl who had been the subject of gossip for curious employees for a week.     

Apparently, the gossip was true! Heinrich Schneider finally attended the corporate party with a date!     

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