The Alchemists

First day at work (1)

First day at work (1)

0That evening Finland insisted on helping in the kitchen. She was also good at cooking. The only difference was that she had been cooking without using any recipe. As a poor student, her living expenses were cheaper if she cooked her own food.     

Even after she was employed, she would often save money by bringing her own lunch box from home so that she didn't have to buy lunch from outside.     

"It doesn't feel fair if you always cook..." Finland said as she rolled up her sleeve and took the apron. "I can cook too..."     

Caspar just laughed, "I really don't mind, Honey. I like cooking anyway..."     

"Yes, I know... your cooking is delicious, because you have been cooking for hundreds of years... But as a woman I also want to show my skills.." Finland insisted, "You've never eaten my cooking before, right? I want to show my love through food too..."     

Caspar listened to her intently, and knowing that he wouldn't win this time, a smile etched on his face. He nodded happily, "I want to feel your love through cooking... all right... what are you going to cook?"     

"It's a simple recipe, though... it won't be as elaborate as your sophisticated dishes..." Finland said as she blushed, "I would like to cook fried noodle and fried rice..."     

"Hahahaha... okay. I'll eat that. Cook your fried noodles or fried rice, and let me take care of the rest."     

Finland tiptoed and kissed Caspar then hurriedly took the ingredients she needed from the refrigerator while humming a cheerful song. Caspar just watched her in amazement and then nodded while smiling to himself.     

The two were busy in the kitchen while Aleksis played in the backyard with Ben. The little girl had found a rabbit hole and happily chased several rabbits out of their nests.     

Lauriel arrived for dinner and the atmosphere at the dinner table was very warm as they enjoyed Caspar and Finland's dishes that were made with love. During dinner, Aleksis couldn't stop talking about her adventures with the rabbit horde this afternoon.     

It looked like their life in New York would be very pleasant.     

On Monday, Finland would start working in her new office for several months. Caspar couldn't wait to spend time every day seeing Finland in his office, and Lauriel couldn't wait to spend time with Aleksis when her parents went to work.     


Finland began her first day of work with enthusiasm. Caspar insisted on taking her to the office, but so as not to arouse the suspicions of other employees, Finland asked to be dropped off at a coffee shop one block from the Schneider Group building. From there, she continued on foot, while Caspar bought coffee and followed her in the car.     

The receptionist in the lobby welcomed Finland cordially and escorted her to the 20th floor. The tall building consisted of 35 floors and some of the floors were rented out to various companies. The Schneider Group itself occupied floors 20 to 35. Each floor had a large meeting room, hall and pantry.     

The 30th floor was devoted to recreation rooms and lounges for resting. On that floor, there was also a restaurant for employees which served healthy food made by the company's chefs. All employees could eat and drink and rest at will as long as their work was done properly. There was also a gym, sauna and massage parlor for employees who needed them.     

Reading through information about Caspar's corporation left Finland very impressed. This was a group of companies that oversaw hundreds of businesses, and its headquarters both in New York and Berlin were the ideal workplace.     

The company highly appreciated employees at the head offices and provided many facilities to make their lives easy, healthy, and productive.     

You could say they were pioneering a trend where companies provided all benefits to employees, which included free meals in company restaurants, break rooms to rest, and gyms to let go of some steam. As of this month, they also provided daycare for employees who had small children, so that the parents could concentrate on working knowing that their children were in a safe environment in their vicinity.     

Finland felt proud because Caspar treated his employees so well. She remembered that Caspar was also very generous, and he would easily give an extra bonus to his staff when he was happy.     

"Good morning, Miss Makela," said a woman in her mid-30s with a very serious face. "I'm glad you arrived on time. My name is Ruth Green."     

"Uhm... just call me Finland, Miss Green..." Finland said with a smile.     

"Okay, Finland, you can call me Ruth. For the next two days I will train you on the work you are going to do. I heard you were transferred from an office in San Francisco. Are you from the technology division in Silicon Valley?"     

"Uhm... I worked in the market research department at the previous company..." Finland said, trying not to lie. "I was told that there is a new division in the head office that matched my qualifications..."     

"That's right. Today you can come with me and learn about how we operate, so that later you can work on your own. I have a few meetings to attend, and you can help make meeting notes and reports..."     

"Okay, Ruth..."     

"Now I will take you on a tour to show you the company and introduce you to people from the relevant departments. On each floor there is a pantry, and the restaurants, spas, gyms, and lounges are located on the 30th floor. You can even make your report while relaxing in the lounge."     

"Wow... how fun," Finland nodded happily.     

"Do you have children?"     

"A... yes, I do, why?" Finland asked in surprise. Her old company has never cared for whether she had any children or not.     

"Yes, from this month onwards the company also provides additional facilities for working mothers. Aside from the nursing rooms, we now also have a free daycare facility so that employees can leave their children there while they work..."     

Ruth looked beaming and proud when she told Finland about the new facility, "Our boss is very generous and understanding. This is a policy that greatly benefits female employees who have young children."     

Finland could not help smiling at that. She was touched. Of course, Caspar had been more attentive to female employees who had small children since he learned that Aleksis was his child. Now he understood how parents felt when they were forced to leave their children to go to work.     

"I have a child, but fortunately I have someone who is willing to look after her... So, I wouldn't be needing the daycare facility. But this is a very good initiative... our boss sounds incredible..." Finland commented with a big smile.     

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