The Alchemists

I CAN play doctor with my pregnant wife

I CAN play doctor with my pregnant wife

0Caspar was right. Once Finland saw the mansion in Palo Alto Hills, she immediately fell in love, just like when she first saw Rose Mansion in Singapore. In amazement, she walked through the large house from top to bottom.     

"This is so beautiful!" she exclaimed happily.     

"That's why I wanted to bring you here tonight..." Caspar said, smiling broadly. He placed Aleksis on the sofa. The little girl had woken up from her sleep and looked surprised to see that they were back in the mansion.     

Two mansion staff immediately approached the couple carrying a jug of orange juice and two glasses.     

"Sorry, we can't celebrate with wine. You can't drink alcohol for the next 9 months..." Caspar said.     

"It's okay..." Finland replied.     

"I will buy an ultrasound machine and some other equipments so that I can examine you myself..." Caspar said again. His face looked very excited and full of plans. "We also have to think about where to live, to ensure your most comfort during your pregnancy..."     

As usual, Finland almost forgot that Caspar was a doctor.     

Eh, but he was not an obgyn, was he?     

"I will see a real doctor..." Finland said. "I mean, I am not saying that you are a fake doctor... but it would be better for me to be examined by a gynecologist..."     

Caspar scowled for a moment.     

"I actually hold a number of specialties, except obgyn," he complained. "I used to hate seeing pregnant women..."     

Finland rolled her eyes. Of course her husband was not into obstetrics and gynecology; her husband used to be a womanizer who dated many women and dumped them after one month. He could not possibly be interested in becoming an obgyn because he would be constantly reminded of the many women he had hurt.     

"Well, I guess that's karma..." Finland said mischievously. "Now, when you really want to play doctor with your pregnant wife, you cannot because you are not an obgyn."     

"Eh, who said so? I CAN play doctor with my pregnant wife..." Caspar said quickly. His face was engraved with a mischievous grin. He suddenly startled Finland by lifting her body and carrying her into their bedroom. Before closing the door, he managed to call the mansion staff to take care of Aleksis. "Kathy, bring the little miss to play, please!"     

In the bedroom, Caspar intended to 'punish' Finland who teased him for not having the medical specialization needed to become his wife's obstetrician.     

The man was overjoyed with the news he had received tonight. He did not think that his wish would come true so quickly. He was constantly reminded by the fact that he had missed all the moments during Finland's pregnancy and his daughter's first two years of her life. No words could describe how sad he was. This time he did not want to miss anything.     

"The attraction between the two of us must be very strong... that we are so quick to have children..." Caspar said as he kissed Finland's neck. "My people only have children when they are truly ready. There is no unwanted pregnancy among Alchemists. If the husband wants to have a child but the wife does not want to or is not ready, she will not get pregnant... That is why our numbers are very few. It is rare for my people to get married and we rarely have children... The world is already overpopulated. Imagine, if all people were like us, surely human life would be more prosperous, and there would be no unwanted children."     

Finland agreed. She also wanted another child from Caspar because all her life she had felt very lonely as she had no family. She really long to have her own family. Before she met Caspar, Jean was her only best friend and family.     

After she married Caspar, she imagined building a family with the man she loved and living happily with him, forever. That was why, after they were married, she got pregnant very quickly. She also wanted it as much as Caspar did. Despite the problems that kept them apart for quite a long time, Aleksis was a really wanted child.     

After they were reunited, the great love between the two again grew her desire to have a family with Caspar. Her desire to have children was as great as her husband's. Deep inside her heart, Finland also hoped to make up for the past few years.     

She felt really guilty for keeping her pregnancy a secret, leaving Caspar, and causing so much sadness and pain between the two. She also kept a guilty feeling toward Aleksis, because she could not enjoy the love from her biological father during the first two years of her life.     

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